RESET 5.02 Free Dowmload !!LINK!!
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RESET 5.02 Free Dowmload
wic reset is easy to use, no documentation needed. use it to quickly switch printer to a new printhead or printhead color, reset printhead ink counter to zero, clear any error on printer, print the first page of a document, and more.
database snapshot is a copy of all wp database tables, standard and custom ones, saved in the currently used database (as set by wp-config.php). files are not saved or included in snapshots in any way.
snapshots are primarily a development tool. although they can be used for backups (and downloaded as gzipped sql dumps), we suggest finding a more suitable tool for doing backups of live sites. use snapshots to find out what changes a plugin made to your database what custom tables were created, modified, deleted or what changes were made to sites settings. or use it to quickly restore the development environment after testing database related changes.
restoring a snapshot does not affect other snapshots, or wp reset settings. snapshots can be compared to current database tables, restored (by overwriting current tables), exported ad gzipped sql dumps, or deleted. creating a snapshot on an average wordpress installation takes 1-2 seconds.
wp reset comes with full wp-cli support. help on our wp-cli commands is available via wp help reset. by default the commands have to be confirmed but you can use the --yes
option to skip confirmation. instead of the active user, the first user with admin privileges found in the database will be restored after reset. please be careful when using wp reset with wp-cli as with using the gui always make a snapshot or backup first.
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