Scorched Earth


The communists are here. I told you they were coming.

In only a few short days your one party government has recruited its friends in the Oligarchy to begin squeezing the First Amendment. The Oligarchy, that collection of monopolies in media and social media – high tech – has silenced not only the departing President, but the only real competition they had -Parler. Since they technically are not part of the government, the First Amendment – censorship – does not apply legally. Since the canceling of Parler by Twitter, Amazon, and others all took place within 24 hours, there may be a Rico case or something in the Civil Rights area. I’m no lawyer, but this was collusion to do harm without a doubt. It is tantamount to shutting off the electricity at a Ford plant.

Rest assured our representatives have even more imaginative ways to shield themselves from the constitution. That will be the Oligarchy’s job! As if it matters any more. Threatening judges seems to work just fine. (It is fascinating to watch the monopolies wield power. They are ingenious.)

Next we have the black lists, as promoted by your newly elected representatives who, if they have their way, will see to it that anyone who voted Republican should never work again. Now that’s what I call unity.

Yes, sports fans, you’re about to witness a scorched earth agenda the likes of which has never been seen in civilized America. These people are taking no prisoners. They would jail 70,000,000 people if they could. Instead, they will continue to destroy the economy and starve us to death. Just wait for those food lines….. Democrats first, Republicans in the rear.

I have been bitching about the double standard for years, but this week’s examples top the list.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is accusing the Trump supporters who rioted in the Capitol this week of choosing “their whiteness over democracy.”

Oh my god. Do I have to go through this????

Peaceful demonstrators === OK

Violence, fires, cop cars overturned, striking cops, === NOT OK

Good enough??

What the fuck does race have to do with any of it??????

Our problem is that the more we become an authoritarian state, governed by a clear and present double standard, the fewer and fewer rights and freedoms we will have. This is exactly how communism works. DIVIDE AND CONQUOR. So long as the dictators have something or someone to point to – an enemy – they can hide in the shadows and continue to take from you and give to themselves.

It does not matter who the authority is. A dictator, a political party, an army, a bunch of lords, a conglomerate of monopolies, a mayor, a Governor, authoritarian rule dictates to the masses. They take away our choices. They limit us in every way possible, financially, socially, religiously. Ringing any bells?

They won’t be satisfied until the middle class is gone, along with freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, search and seizure laws, believe me they’re all on the list.

Everything the new administration is proposing to do will result in consolidation of power. It has nothing to do with serving the constituency. Their constituency is themselves. It has to do with vengeance, hatred, and lust. It is not enough to gain office. They must now destroy every voice not spewing their propaganda. Why not just burn 70,000,000 people at the stake? Not enough fossil fuels?

Contrast that to securing the border, which was the last administration’s first order of business. Or confronting North Korea. Or fighting ISIS. How did those things help the Republicans consolidate their victory? Answer: It did not. They were actions intended to help our country. You can disagree with eliminating ISIS or building a wall, but they were not weapons aimed at the opposing party. If anything, those actions promoted controversy and made wedges within the Republican Party. The Democrats are doing nothing except waging war against Republicans. That’s what we voted for.

All of this brings me to rule #4. It is a corollary of rule #1. (I have also re-written rule #2 for clarity.)


RULE # 1 : They charge YOU with THEIR crimes! Any con artist or socialist or communist will constantly accuse his enemies of that thing he is engaged in. This works every time. So when you hear the accusation, you should instantly know – that is what they are doing.

RULE #2 : Socialists, communists, progressives will always preach that individuals should be trampled for the betterment of the group. This is their favorite concept, that the whole is more important than the individual. It even sounds good. The problem is that on a practical level IT DOES NOT WORK. The group is composed of individuals. A slight to one is a slight to all. Our country is founded upon the sovereignty of the individual. The constitution protects individuals FROM the STATE.. You cannot treat 1 million people all the same if you expect to have diversity (which they also preach). A society requires many different people with different skills in order to function. Equality must be of opportunity, not of outcome. Otherwise, there is NO FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

RULE #3: The government ALWAYS makes things worse. When you hear the words, “We’re with the government. We’re here to help.” Run! Every time the government steps in, good people step back.

RULE #4 : In order to maintain power, the Communist authority must always have a villain to focus on in order to justify their authoritarian actions.

Once Trump is gone, who will be next?

Long live the party.

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