Be a Revolutionary


The greatest revolutionary in the history of the world was Jesus H. Christ. No, my father put the H in….. sorry, it’s just Jesus Christ. “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and render unto God what is God’s,” he said.

You don’t have to be a Christian to see the wisdom in his words. You may be an atheist or agnostic, secularist or a simple deist. You can be Jewish or Islamic or Buddhist. It’s no one’s business what you believe when it comes to eternity; and our constitution backs that up. So let’s focus on the wisdom.

A free people built this nation. They were good and bad, pretty and ugly, black, brown, red, and white. There was prejudice. There was greed. All of the shortcomings in humanity played a part as did the remarkable abilities and insights we are also capable of. That is our history.

Over time we have become more sensible and more generous and more tolerant. On every level this country has improved the course of mankind knowing full well that we will never be a perfect people. It is freedom and liberty which have Slot Gacor allowed this to happen. Popular opinion pressuring leadership, insisting upon – justice for all. It is our citizens choosing – many times poorly – their elected leaders who prescribe our laws and determine our direction. That is a Republic. It includes a democratic element, but puts authority in the elected representatives’ hands to do the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

Unfortunately, for decades now, our representatives have not represented us. They have taken office for their own enrichment and turned one term into ten, loe, a lifetime in government, paid for with your taxes. I for one am loath to send someone money who is not doing his or her job.

We have been sleeping as they steal, complaining about lack of choices, and working our way around an ever growing, now positively massive bureaucracy. Our representatives have created this bureaucracy and it has turned on the very goose that laid the golden egg. We call this arrogant, over grown bureaucracy the deep state. It wishes to own you, not merely tax you into submission. It wishes to forego the constitution and make the rules up as they go along.

Jesus also said that if you plant an apple seed you cannot expect to get an orange grove. Well, something like that. I’m no farmer. But I see the wisdom. It is a most simple yet profound understanding when you let it sink in. You cannot elect crooks and expect honesty. You cannot hire bureaucrats and expect them to act like an elected official. You cannot create entity after entity, department after department, and expect them not to become obsessed

with self survival. These organizations, every one of them, is designed to perpetuate itself into the future — regardless of its stated purpose. Over time the situation becomes more severe until the institution no longer serves a function at all. When was the last time the Department of Education taught a child to read? Or Planned Parenthood taught a teenager how to be a good parent? These titles would be hilarious if they were not so dishonest and tragic.

Today the Democratic Party controls nearly every institution we have created in the past 100 years. They are bloated and failing. Add to that a radical, socialistic majority in the party – and you have a recipe for totalitarianism. But are they truly a majority?

These institutions must become accountable. They must be shrunk or broken into pieces just as the monopolies were in the early 20th century. Speaking of monopolies, the modern ones should be broken up too. Just as AT&T was in the 1990s. Too much power in too few hands has brought us to the brink of destruction, a civil war under way. Only we the people, the reasonable people, Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, only freedom loving people can stop the takeover. Because the bureaucracy wants the power and they are driven by socialists and communists, not to mention a media that is pushing propaganda down your throat as never before.

Strange bedfellows: High tech, media, mega corporations, bloated bureaucracy, radical Democrats. It all adds up to tyranny.

I cannot believe there are not reasonable Democrats who do not want communism to displace the republic. Where is Robert Kennedy? Where is Harry Truman? Even the worthless Kennedy, dear Teddy, would object to a single party government where conflicting edicts are issued day after day.

I listen to left wing broadcasts. I read liberal rants. I hear politicians completely dismissing evidence and events of fact. There is no logical argument in their desire to control us. They shout down dissenters. They intimidate anyone they can. They assassinate the character of their opponents. I hear hate, but I do not hear coherent policy. I for one have no compunction to obey someone who will not so much as listen to my argument. I am brainwashed to believe that my constitutional rights are God given. The government may not revoke them.

This virus, that came from China during an election year, is a horrible thing. Everything we have done to stop it has failed — because it is a virus. You can run, but you cannot hide. You can be careful, but you cannot guarantee you will not be exposed when you least expect it. Why? Because it is a virus. It is everywhere.

So why do our leaders take steps to make matters worse? They close the restaurants, so we gather at COSTCO. They shut down churches, so we meet at Uncle Bob’s. They issue insane curfews. They tell us a mask will save us. All the while a handful of medical experts dispel the policy with real knowledge. So the experts disagree; what else is new? Nobody knows nuthin. So we should destroy ourselves? For a sickness that is less lethal than influenza? There is only one explanation. They are testing the limits of their ability to control us. Why? Because they plan on controlling us! Permanently. There simply is no other reason to destroy the infrastructure of this country.

Once upon a time in Camelot, people weighed risk versus safety, risk versus reward, living versus mere survival. We even rode bicycles without helmets! We lived on the edge and were proud of it.

We dreamed of being our own boss, and some did. We thought up inventions that might be the next “sliced” bread. We improved every device we ever found useful. We worked until we were exhausted, knowing that our investments would pay off.

No one explains this better than Jordan Peterson: I will try. You see, man is the only animal that can bargain with the future. We can make our future. In fact, we know unequivocally that today will dictate to our tomorrows. What we sow, we surely will reap. Sacrifice is what we do to insure that our tomorrow is better than today. But there are worthy sacrifices, and unworthy ones. Are we planting a future of freedom and prosperity, or do we pave the way for servitude and misery?

Be a revolutionary.

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