Civil Disobedience


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Thanks to the censorship of Google, U-tube, Twitter, and the rest of the self-appointed woke authorities, the following link is remarkably difficult to find. Rand Paul is a Senator from Kentucky as well as a medical doctor and eye surgeon.

Please listen to his short comments because I could not say it any better:

Rand Paul << listen on Rumble

I’m writing today to remind you that our society is in a war against a pseudo religion called liberal ideology. It’s not the JFK liberal thought. It’s not even LBJ’s vision of the great society. This is the radical progressives wrapped in a green blanket. Today’s liberal ideology is an authoritative, one size fits all, cancel culture dictatorship promising a socialistic utopia. They are using climate change and covid as a pretext to control you with fear, and force you to surrender your god given rights. You don’t get free speech, you reiterate the party line. You don’t get choices, you do as you are told. You don’t traverse the free world because it’s no longer free. You have to have a passport, a mask, and belong to the right group. I call it communism. There is a Marxist revolution under way.

Michele R. Weslander Quaid has been in the intelligence arena since 911. Her breakdown of how this works is perfect:


Ideological subversion has four stages and follows the Hegelian dialectic, a tactic long exploited by Marxists and Fascists to control people.

  • Stage 1: Demoralization. This is the destruction of faith in the government and society. Believing that society is broken, systems are failing, and patriotism is evil are three key beliefs that are promoted to create guilt. This leads to the acceptance of radical new ideas because the current structure is believed to be harmful. Traditional Judeo-Christian morality, classical education, and American patriotism are discarded.
  • Stage 2: Destabilization. With the decision-making ability of Americans negatively affected through demoralization, the next step takes a foothold—destabilization of the nation’s foundations. Destabilization causes citizens to believe the worst of what they hear about their nation and form of government. Supporters of traditional values and foundational structures in the nation are ostracized and even demonized.
  • Stage 3: Crisis. The altered values of Americans cut to the root of the current systems. Upheaval presents opportunities for change. Once a society is destabilized, it begins to collapse into chaos. At this point, citizens want the government to provide stability. We saw this recently as a demoralized and destabilized society responded with fear and panic when a “pandemic” faced our nation. Americans are willingly trading civil rights and freedoms for authoritarianism and overreach that they believe will keep them safe. Messaging in all of this is key. The mainstream media and their tell-a-vision programming play a key role in framing the prescribed narrative as truth.
  • Stage 4: Normalization. The “new normal” is a term we have heard constantly lately, and it’s an accurate description of what the normalization stage is all about. When the government and societal structures have changed to restrict liberty, citizens are told the radical transformation is “the way it has to be.” Ironically, it’s described as normal when it’s not normal at all. Normalization creates a new baseline for what a nation will accept, value, and promote. The cycle is complete.

These steps are repeated over and over, bringing a greater result with each cycle until there’s a controlled collapse. America could be on the verge of collapse right now unless we collectively wake up to reality and take a stand to stop tyranny. “ end quote


I call this a religion because blind faith drives it. Facts don’t matter unless they belong to the propaganda. Truth is determined by narrative. Silence the infidels! Get ready for the great reset, comrads. By 2030 you won’t own anything and you’ll be happy about it… or else. Already there is legislation being prepared that will authorize the feds to monitor your bank accounts.

They want you to forget about Afghanistan and the unholy terror playing out in the streets. They want you to ignore the southern border. Focus on the flu! Focus on the storms! Jesus H Christ, there has been disease and weather since before mankind. Pay no attention as we increase taxes, print money, and bribe our way around the world.

My main man, Martin Luther King Jr., won the war within the civil rights movement and forced needed change into the society because he understood how civil disobedience should work. Looting a drug store during a demonstration is not the way. Burning a court house or a police car does not engender respect. Taking down statues only makes you look like a thug. King did none of these.

What Martin Luther King did was to promote brotherhood, love of country, and honesty all the while demanding that we live up to the words written in our constitution. His integrity made the disobedience effective. Civil disobedience only works when the act is accompanied by civic responsibility, truth telling, and being – for lack of a better term – a good neighbor.

All across the country, smaller governmental bodies and smaller assemblies of people are pushing back against the tyranny of covid policy and tax payer abuse. Sheriff departments refuse to enforce mask mandates, counties wish to secede from their states, Buckhead Georgia is trying to leave the city of Atlanta to become their own entity. Nurses are resigning instead of bowing to the vaccine mandate. Bravo.

This is federalism as it was meant to be practiced. Smaller, localized entities within the USA revolting against centralized tyranny. I say let civil disobedience be our guide and let this civil war come to its ultimate conclusion. I would rather die than bow to the lords and ladies of our elite oligarchy. The attempt to control a population and drive it to ruins must be met head on from this point forward.

Be a counter revolutionary. Fight for your freedom. Practice civil disobedience.

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