


From sea to shining sea America is smack dab in the middle of a full blown identity crisis. It is not an exaggeration to say that mental illness is ruling the masses, and far too many citizens are bowing to the intimidation of that madness.

When political parties, and people in general no longer respect the differences between them there is no discourse. There is no civility.

A segment of the population believes in rule by a minority mob.

A segment of the population believes history is nothing more than explaining oppression in terms of groups of people.

A segment of the population believes that Martin Luther King Jr was wrong.

A segment of the population believes in the Biblical teachings this country was founded upon.

A segment of the population believes the central government should care for its citizens from cradle to grave. That federal mandates should apply to all 50 states, under all circumstances.

A segment of the population believes that murdering a pregnant woman is a double homicide.

A segment of the population believes in abortion on demand.

A segment of the population believes the biology of sexes does not apply to them.

A segment of the population believes in equal, blind justice for all.

A segment of the population believes in a two tiered system of justice whereby judges may be intimidated, crimes may be ignored, and trespassing for some folks means months, if not years, in prison.

Orange trees beget oranges. Apple trees beget apples. Wisdom does not arise from foolishness and individual liberty cannot conjure itself from the bowels of a dictatorship. Humanity either progresses or digresses from generation to generation – usually based upon its leadership.

What is this society teaching its children? That there are no rules, only power? That there is no god, only the state? That he who screams the loudest must be right? That science is what we tell you it is? These outrageous proclamations are what you get when a single party dominates the landscape with their hysterical dogma. It’s a religious cult taking over your civilization.

I have spoken before about boundaries. We are desperately in need of them. But when morality is merely another relative term, we have no hard lines in the sand to prohibit justifying our actions. In a society where right and wrong no longer exist, the criminal becomes the saint and the saint becomes the criminal.

We’re tired of hearing it, but Rome fell under similar circumstances. The oligarchy became numb to the needs of the empire. The military leadership became fragmented. Common goals no longer existed from city to city,

Simultaneously, in a world we are told is relative, our bureaucratic lawmakers insist that they have the expertise and knowledge to legislate public health and economic equity. They believe a bigger state, with more regulation, more laws, and more taxes is a solution; when in fact they have exacerbated every complex problem that they have touched.

Will gun laws cure insanity?

Will vaccinating an entire population strengthen our immune systems?

Will printing money increase our wealth?

Does buying foreign oil make the planet greener?

And just exactly how does shutting down the economy benefit a population?

In every case we see childish notions being sold as intellectual determinations when in fact they could not be more superficial. These people are NOT intellectuals, have not the required humility to solve problems, and contribute nothing to the concept of sustainable policy. It is rule by expediency. It is hubris.

Their entire campaign is nothing but edicts and unintended consequences! – the excuse they live by. They solve their political problems by using bait and switch, creating more and more crisis as they go, then blame the complexity they claimed they understood for the newer, more serious situation they have created. We go deeper into chaos.

We desperately need the wisdom of “do no harm”. Our world requires the adage, “Let’s not make matters worse.” We need truly sophisticated minds to debate our many issues, not egos and one liners. We need a complete overhaul of leadership, from the top to the bottom, from the president to the dog catcher.

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