

Did you ever know a person who intentionally manipulated others using hearsay, white lies, and rumor? You know the type. They have to get their own way. They have to be in charge. They need to be in control of every situation. Emotional blackmail is usually their last resort.

Well I’m no psychologist, but I have always avoided these control freaks like the plague. And it seems to me that most of our elected leaders and appointed bureaucrats today are just that: control freaks. Social engineering is in fashion folks. And we’re the mice in the cage.

Why do control freaks have such a deep seated need to feel in control? The answer is easy. Neurotic fear. Unreasonable, irrational, obsessive fear. In some cases, the fear is a complete breech from reality. In other cases the person is covering up their own lies or misdeeds, completely terrified of being discovered. Any way you slice it, a control freak is working for themselves alone, disinterested in you or me or anyone else’s well being. They are by definition, narcissists.

Did you know that the Chinese Communist Party spends more money on internal security and social manipulation than they do on their military? How many million men in their army? Does this tell us that they are more afraid of their own people than they are of foreign powers?

Just how much do we spend on domestic intelligence and surveillance ?

My point is two fold. Number one: Regardless of the structure of any institution, regardless of how well it may be designed, how well intention-ed its founders were, when a bunch of control freaks are running the place it becomes corrupted. Self preservation quickly becomes the priority rather than the intended function of the organization. Throw a little greed into the fear equation and what you get is a paranoid institution that lies and covers up and steals from the public funds; all the while performing no practical function.

Sounds like the Department of Education to me. Or WHO. Sounds like so many organizations with a great bye line and an attractive advertising statement. Marketing. The key to success.

This overwhelming self preservation instinct, coupled by the rule of control freaks, is a recipe for a non-functioning system, which is exactly what we have today…. everywhere you look… failing institutions. It makes no difference how much money we pour into it. It continues to fail. And it will continue to fail until we abolish it, or find people of integrity to manage it. This is what the deep state is, a failing conglomerate of control freaks that is more comfortable with a communist ideology than it is with capitalism, liberty, and individualism.

Point 2: Our Constitution was written to empower the states to be sovereign territories with few exceptions. Federal authority is limited by the many statements within the Constitution that begin, “Congress shall pass no law ….” Over the years, however, the states have voluntarily handed their authority over to the feds in exchange for what ? …. for…. federal money. The courts have also preempted states’ rights and authority in questionable decisions that at the time seemed reasonable to some, but in the end, undermined the principles of a republic.

Today, a handful of states are exerting their constitutional rights as sovereign entities. Today, our population is waking up to the threat of tyranny that is making its move in every corner of this country. The only thing standing between we the people and a centralized, all consuming authoritarian government is the Constitution. James Madison just played pawn to rook 4.

The Deep State is in place, has been since 9-11, maybe further back. The Deep State will become a police state if we the people do not gear up and fight back. It’s happening, but this is only the beginning to a long battle for individual liberty. They have taken much of it already; and threaten to continue with the iron fist. We must strengthen local authority and restrict the feds. We must resist. We must return to Federalism.

Those who favor a centralized nanny state may or may not know that they work for the Marxists. Those who support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or any number of political factions may or may not know they support the Marxists. The Marxists are using every weapon, psychological, physical, political, that they have at their disposal. They are small in number, but extremely powerful, with influence in every sphere of government and every major private sector. They have harnessed big tech, big pharma, and the university system. They have intimidated corporations and judges alike. They have manipulated the voting laws and made election fraud about as difficult as finding a place to purchase marijuana. They have brainwashed a generation of our children to believe Critical Race Theory should replace the philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr. They have well placed leaders, well organized followers, and useful idiots abounding. But they cannot make our Constitution disappear. Only we can do that.

So lets go over the rules again.


RULE # 1 :They charge YOU with THEIR crimes! Any con artist or socialist or communist will constantly accuse his enemies of that thing he is engaged in. This works every time. So when you hear the accusation, you should instantly know –that is what they are doing.

RULE #2 : Socialists, communists, progressives will always preach that individuals should be trampled for the betterment of the group. This is their favorite concept, that the whole is more important than the individual. It even sounds good. The problem is that on a practical level IT DOES NOT WORK. The group is composed of individuals. A slight to one is a slight to all. Our country is founded upon the sovereignty of the individual. The constitution protects individuals FROM the STATE.. You cannot treat 1 million people all the same if you expect to have diversity (which they also preach). A society requires many different people with different skills in order to function. Equality must be of opportunity, not of outcome. Otherwise, there is NO FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

RULE #3: The government ALWAYS makes things worse. When you hear the words, “We’re with the government. We’re here to help.” Run! Every time the government steps in, good people step back.

RULE #4 : In order to maintain power, the Communist authority must always have a villain to focus on in order to justify their authoritarian actions.

RULE #5: Whatever you hear them say, most likely, the truth is the opposite.

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