In God We Trust


I hate talking about religion, but history is history no matter what the left wing radicals tell you. They can only make up so much. They can even burn books and destroy artworks and statues. But they cannot change our original founding documents. They might amend them. They certainly will ignore them as they have the past 12 years or so.

This country of ours was founded by Christians whose background was largely European. Its population was largely the decedents of folk who left Europe, fleeing religious persecution. It was also composed of the descendants of criminals and misfits shipped here to rid Europe of the scoundrels. Most were enslaved or indentured servants. Fmd:> ( The colonies were also populated by African peoples, most of whom were traded by their own people to be slaves.

So there existed an upper merchant class and a working class, almost all of whom, European or African, white or black, were slaves. Above the merchant class were all the king’s men and all the king’s horses, collecting taxes and enforcing the king’s will.

Because the ruling class and the merchant class were Europeans, they were almost always Protestant Christians who believed in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament of the King James Bible. Since the Old Testament is Jewish in origin and Jesus Christ was himself a Jew, we use the term “Judaeo-Christian” when describing the philosophy our founding fathers shared. It is a general term and anyone may debate the details as long as they like, but the Ten Commandments were agreed upon as well as the idea of fighting for an earthly kingdom of justice. That’s why Moses left Egypt and Joshua waged war. Religious liberty and a place to maintain it.

Judeo Christian Philosophy:

According to Dennis Prager: Fmd:> (

” But what does “Judeo-Christian” mean? We need to know. Along with the belief in liberty — as opposed to, for example, the European belief in equality, the Muslim belief in theocracy, and the Eastern belief in social conformity — Judeo-Christian values are what distinguish America from all other countries. That is why American coins feature these two messages: “In God we trust” and “Liberty.” “

We were established “One Nation Under God” because unlike all other nations, we viewed God to be our final authority, not man. Individuals are sovereign. We would rule ourselves using Biblical morality as our basis, not arbitrary decrees made by a governor, prefect, or king. This was the thrust and these the principles underlying our Constitution.

Now if you don’t like those ideas you are free to take the next flight to Cuba or Sweden. But so long as you reside in the USA, anything you do to subvert the constitution is technically sedition.

Unfortunately, there have always been, and will always be, people who are morally incapable of defining the boundaries between self and society. That is, at what point is your individual sovereignty subject to the discretion of society? For 240 years we have been having this discussion, piling law upon law into the books in an effort to reach an equilibrium. It began as a noble ambition, but devolved into a smorgasbord for special interests and judges who rule by fiat.

Up until the civil unrest of the 1960s, the majority of our population was still adhering to Judeo-Christian principles, going to church, and respecting what we thought of as “God’s Law”. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There is still a sizable Christian community, but they have been under fire by the growing number of secular people for decades. They are marginalized and dismissed by the elite media, the elite universities, and the elite ruling class as an archaic echo of times gone by. There is a new morality now, a relative morality.

So long as there is a belief in god, or at least the admission that right and wrong are immutable values, – not subtle, indistinguishable observations of behavior – then justice remains possible. But when right and wrong are simply relativistic measurements made from personal perspectives, there can be no justice. The winners and losers as such are by popular demand. That is what we are witnessing today. Moral bankruptcy, abject self serving cowardice, and lawlessness.

The separation of state and religion was designed to protect the churches, not the state. We do not want a religion to dominate our politics but neither do we we want a government to dictate to churches. Both are wrong headed. What we need are moral people to work in government instead of the pathological narcissists we have now.

I am not advocating that everyone should return to church. (but it sure wouldn’t hurt) Hell, I’m a pagan! I am advocating the need to see reality objectively, and not contriving the world to be something called “my truth”. Surely there is something lurking out there that is greater than ourselves, something that keeps the universe from imploding. Entropy, that force that destabilizes and disorganizes everything (matter and energy), is constantly being held off by something our scientists can’t quite put their finger on. A wise man once said, “Don’t worry if you don’t believe in God. God believes in you!”

Nietzsche famously cited,”God is dead … and we have killed him.” to express what the scientific revolution had done to our view of the universe. Today we see the same substitution, where technology is worshiped as if a new religion. Yet mankind did not change with the advent of the steam engine, and we did not fundamentally change with the invention of the internet either. We are still the same animal with a sense of time, an understanding of sacrifice ( a bargain with time for an improved future), and an impulse to a moral duty (a conscience).

In the words of Kant: “the concept of God is the concept of an obligation-imposing subject outside myself.”

If we believe that we can determine right and wrong of our own accord, then we are destined to eternal strife and subjugation to another ‘s will. When we recognize right and wrong as inspired from an external force, universal in nature, we then have the opportunity to organize ourselves into a free society. This is what the founders of our country did, and this is why we have become the greatest nation state ever seen on the planet in all regards.

Yet today, because god is dead, I read that Democratic Socialism is all the rage. I doubt anyone can even define that term, let alone control the consequences forthwith. Socialism is the doorway to communism and we have been socialists for over 10 years already. No, without the recognition of a transcendent authority, we can have no individual freedoms. Without freedom we have no motivation. Without motivation we can have no prosperity.

It is notable that :

Marx considered religion to be “the opiate of the masses,” wanted to abolish all religion, and stated that ”communism begins where atheism begins.”

Long live the party.

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated, “The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property”.

Imagine that.

Soon to come …… Private Property ……

2 replies on “In God We Trust”

Love your blog. One thing I would like to point out though. I believe we have been socialist for much longer than you say here. What was our first socialist policy? I’m not exactly sure but was it social security? Was it income tax? Something else? I’d like your opinion.

Yes. Excellent point.
We have had socialistic policies for over 100 years now. Each new bill, law, or regulation changes the society incrementally. Not all of these ideas have been bad. For instance, social security is our money. It is taken from our paychecks and the employer matches a given percentage. It was a 401K before we needed a 401K. After retirement, we get OUR money back.
People have written books in answer to your fundamental question. To be concise, wise leaders might consider the adage “moderation in all things”. We need a safety net. We should fight against hunger. We should lift up all people wherever possible. But could not the private sector do a much better job in the right environment?

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