Words have meanings and it is important to agree on terminology. I am not Webster. But due to the daily evolution of the English language, I am trying extra hard to be clear.
It has been said that fascism and communism are two sides of the same coin. The same has been said of fundamentalism and fascism. ANTIFA uses a fascistic philosophy to discredit fascism. We are so mixed up that no matter what anyone pola slot gacor hari ini says, someone else can refute the statement with canned rhetoric and one liners. No one will concentrate for more than a few minutes. Eventually the leftist will cancel you. I have not seen conservatives cancel anyone. I have heard them become emotional, but I have not heard of them canceling others. Freedom of speech must be allowed if we are ever to become a country again.
We live in the most complex political environment of all time. Disputes often boil down to a binary choice, the lesser of two evils; but they do not start that way, and conversations nowadays traverse a range of ideas that are difficult to hold in situs judi slot terbaik dan terpercaya no 1 thought all at the same time. Only the fool believes the “talking point”.
I use the word communism because it is easier to explain than fascism and there are so many examples of it. But the term fascism has a place today also. No communist regime has been exactly like another. Each has different different policies, different idiosyncrasies. Likewise the fascistic regimes throughout history were different from one another in subtle ways. Fundamentally, however, both types of government are entirely authoritative and both can be characterized by the control they hold over their economies. Neither will tolerate dissent, much like the society we have so quickly become. What could be worse in a Democracy than silencing dissent? Did we not praise BLM for speaking their minds?
Watching Washington DC being occupied by 25,000 military personnel this week brought this term “fascism” front and center because of the military implication that slot88 goes with fascism. The show of power to protect the political class was meant to intimidate and signal their opponents. Did it seem a bit overboard? Is Martial law just around the corner? Does it seem reasonable that one ideology should squash another in a country that professes to be free? Are the Democrats not doing exactly what they have accused the Republicans of for the past 4 years? Accusations that never came to fulfillment.
The strange bedfellows of political party, big tech tyrants, banks and overlords is ramping up to become that Iron Fist I wrote about some time ago. And they are moving quickly. Cancel culture is now another tool at their disposal as they envision total political dominance. With a swipe of his pen, President Biden began reversing Trump’s Executive orders, canceling the pipeline (thousands of jobs lost), the wall (not the wall around the Capitol), rejoining the PPA, I forget what else. Look it up. I doubt the old guy knew what he was signing – but it was a stack! He also declared war on white supremacists. Who exactly is that? All Trump supporters? I don’t know any white supremacists but I’m sure they’re out there.
To be fair, Trump signed executive orders too. So did Obama and Bush. Political gridlock in Congress and these executive orders have made us a banana republic, capable of swinging policy 180 degrees every 4 years. Imagine being an ally. Can you make any long term agreements when American policy is so wishy washy? That’s a technical term.
Marx predicted the demise of capitalism. He said that capitalism would ultimately destroy slot gacor gampang maxwin itself and communism would be ushered in to save the people. History shows us just the opposite. It has been the communist economies that have crashed and capitalism that has supported much of the world since 1948. In spite of the obvious, we voted this regime into power and we will live (or die) with the results.
Just how regulated free markets can exist side by side a one party totalitarian system and for how long remains one of the many questions. Given the collapsing small business sector, start ups are likely to be non-existent for the short term, and un paid rents make for unpaid mortgages that pressure landlords into untenable positions.
Because our new government is founded upon the philosophy of Critical Theory, the cultural Marxists will be even more emboldened than they have been. It would behoove us all to learn as much as we can about Critical Race Theory as fast as possible. Otherwise we might say the wrong words. Critical Race theory is the direct descendant of Critical Theory, which was developed in Germany by followers of Marx. I’ll be talking more on that in the near future because we all need to understand it. It is our master now. Suffice it to say, your race, your ideology, the boxes you can check, your identity, your group …. is all that matters. You will be treated accordingly. Critical Race Theory supports the double standard.
Competency is a thing of the past. The best person will not be hired. The idea of merit will no longer apply and we will have to wait and see just how it all works out. Breeding inefficiency must result in inflated prices. That logic is undeniable. Whether a prejudiced, inefficient system can bring us together or not remains to be seen also. Then of course is the educational system that will continue to preach its dogma, turning out graduates that are less and less able to “compete.” I suppose that word → compete – is no longer relevant. It should be canceled. While we’re at it, let’s cancel the word “quality” also. Welcome to the NEW RELIGION. We now worship guilt and shame on the alter of identity politics.
I can attest to sitting in a college classroom way back in 1977 where American History was being taught. Back then I was 18 and did not care much about politics. The class was fascinating. Our professor was explaining how rich white men established the colonies to favor rich white landowners. Everything our founders did was to insure their own wealth. I didn’t know I was being indoctrinated then and it didn’t take anyway because I have never believed anything anyone ever told me since I was 16. It took a few upper classmen to complain to the Dean whereupon our professor came into class one day, sour and resentful. He threw an old book on his desk and proclaimed, “I am being forced by the dean to teach this old book on American History as well as the theory we have been studying. Test questions will be equally represented.”
He continued to teach the radical interpretation while assigning reading to the traditional one. I ended up quite confused and did not revisit American History or politics for many years (6-8, I think). Later, when my kids were in college, I was reintroduced to critical theory and this time I could see it for exactly what it is.
This week I have read that Homer, that Greek guy, has been canceled in some Massachusetts schools. In Texas, they are re-writing the Alamo story, explaining it to be a non consequential battle used as propaganda by white aristocrats. Do they know that there were far more Mexicans in the Alamo than whites? That Mexicans liked freedom instead of a dictator’s rule? Evidently not.
Fmd:-> https://milvetsandpatriots.com/2021/01/alamo-under-attack/
Oh yeah, your other new vocabulary word is “post modern”. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you! What could possibly come after “post” modern??? Stay tuned.
Martin Luther King Jr is crying. Ben Franklin is shaking his finger. Your grandfathers are screaming from their graves. Abe Lincoln is sullen. But Lenin is singing and Nancy Pelosi is eating ice cream with Hillary and Obama as Joe fights off carpel tunnel from signing documents.
And the news: Portland and Seattle see more damage from peaceful demonstrators with baseball bats.