

Entropy – a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder.

The universe is in a constant state of entropy, whereby all things that seem organized break down into a more disorganized state. It is the bane of humanity, an irresistible force that makes progress so difficult and chaos so easy to fall into. It is the primary force behind aging and dying. We cannot escape it, only wage battle after battle against it and take the inches we gain as solace that we are the creative force in the world, our thumbs in the dike, the one and only counter-force to the inevitable. The Norse mythology got it right.

Yet human beings in their quest for survival have moved the needle time and again. It is our will that separates us from the material world, enabling us to defeat entropy, if only for moments in time. We call it “fighting the good fight”.

Our material progress is obvious, but the conditions necessary to make material progress all too often go unnoticed. Social, political, and moral ideals are paramount to prosperity and true progress. Imagine that we started out in tribes, attempting to tame the wilderness.

“The long climb out of barbarism really started when the best features of classical Greek culture were absorbed into early Western civilization, which was itself given its defining characteristics by Judeo-Christian theology and philosophy.” – By Wen Wryte

Western Civilization is under siege. The wisdom acquired during 2,000 years of experiment, failure, war, destruction and rebuilding is on the cusp of a dark age no less dramatic than the fall of Rome or the aftermath of World War II. Can you imagine what Europe would look like had it not been for the Marshall plan? No. We cannot. How many centuries from the fall of Rome until literacy made a come back?

Destruction comes easy. Over the next few years we will see just how destructive our response to covid was, and how the political will to jump into socialistic policies has decimated our society and form of government.

In January of 2020 our infrastructure was in the very best condition it has ever been in. We were poised to take the next step – including greener industry – into a future where hunger was losing its grip on humanity and the US economy might lift the entire planet a wee bit higher – entropy be damned. That infrastructure was decades in the making and now sits dilapidated, disorganized, and fragmented. The damage assessment will take time and certain sectors will rebound in part; but there will not be a return to normal. They are already coaching you with the “new normal” expectation. That “V” shaped recovery we prayed for has been canceled. Devastating the energy sector was all it took. More destruction will follow because entropy is irresistible and our leaders are feckless communists.

I return again and again to ask, “Why do people want a socialistic state, a communistic government, or any other totalitarian regime?” All of these systems assume that they can redistribute wealth in such a way as to serve themselves. But redistribution requires energy that only depletes the source of wealth. In other words, communism embraces entropy and uses it to its own demise. Only a creative force can battle this universal force and only freedom will enable creativity.

The only thing that stands in the way of martial law and a complete type of authoritarian control over this population is the Constitution that is also under assault by the leftist power mongers. They will continue to ignore it, criticize it, trample it, re-interpret it, change definitions, move goalposts and the like: but it will not go away. Only our own forgetfulness will cause that document to disappear. I liken it to Camelot. The Saxons did take over Briton. But Arthur and his years of peaceful rule was not forgotten.

In a world of kings and lords and serfs, bitter rivalries, predictable starvation, and religious persecution, our fore fathers invented the United States of America. To do it they had to overcome the inertia of entropy and summon a creative energy rarely seen throughout history. They were so far outside the box that there was no box. They fused the logic of Aristotle to the morals of Christianity and asked Adam Smith to provide a template. Moral integrity is the basis for a sound society and a moral society has the capacity to create a just government. It was – forgive my vernacular – a fucking miracle.

Now we destroy it. Has mankind outgrown equality under the law? Have we risen above “liberty and justice for all”? Is there a place more noble than that? Are we creating a new world order? Or falling backwards into servitude?

How can so many people completely disregard a rich history of incremental progress in favor of Marxism under the pseudo title of “Progressive ism”? We are now entering the beginning phase of a dark age. It is too late to struggle over an election, rather, will there ever be another one? One we can trust?

Hunker down. This has become a generational war.

  • Bank of America gives up private information to the feds.
  • Washington is still occupied with National Guard.
  • Parler, as well as others – more and more – are CANCELED.
  • No pipeline.
  • Covid test for air flights, none on border crossings.
  • Billions of dollars to certain cities and schools and unions… under the guise of pandemic.
  • Retail investors “locked out” by brokerages.
  • Protests and riots go unreported. ANTIFA in DC, Portland, Seattle …
  • Ports are jammed and back logged.
  • Time Magazine article admits “fortifying” election.

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