The Manchurian Candidate


Previous Historical Pages:

  1. The Great Debate
  2. The Oligarchy

3. The Manchurian Candidate:

As we go into yet another lock down, after everything tried has failed, one cannot but feel a sense of doom. I believe that is exactly what the American Communist Party wants. They have us right where they want us.

This post will be incredibly painful. Tommy Pain is not merely a play on Thomas Payne and Common Sense, but a double play because watching this tragedy play out is excruciating. There will be no winners regardless of the outcome. All of us are worse off today and will be more so in the coming times. 2020 was merely an introduction.

Thus character and sense of humor – no matter how morbid – will be our only solace. Many people will be finding God soon, as if He was lost.

Circa 2007, 2008 the people of the USA adopted and elected one Barack Obama to be our president. White America voted for a black man and we all celebrated as though racism was finally defeated. Anyone against him was convicted of racism without debate and sentenced to eight years of silence if not evicted from the island. The rest is history in a literal sense. Obama did what he said he would, but so few people had truly listened to him, that they had no idea what he intended to pursue.

I for one cried real tears when he won. I could care less what color, sex, or religion our leaders are. I care about their goals and policies. Obama said from the beginning, “transitional”. He meant it.

The Manchurian Candidate was a great book so they made not 1 but at least 2 movies of it. It’s terrifying, dramatic, well done – a smash hit on many levels by any standard. And once again, no one believed such a thing could ever happen in real life. A man is brainwashed by communists, aided by high placed officials, develops a spotless resume, and is elected President.

How do artists predict the future? Submarines (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), Space fight, the moon, mars, computers, are aliens not next to be found out? How do writers divine our future? Is it self fulfilling prophesy? Who knows?

I submit that Barack Obama was the Manchurian Candidate. (pain) And I further submit that if he is ever found guilty of any federal crime he should be immediately pardoned because he was in fact President of the USA at one time. The dignity of the office and the country are more important than “no one is above the law”. This is a special case, a Platonic ideal. When President Ford pardoned President Nixon he was preserving our national honor. It was possibly his most important act.

Nevertheless, without fanfare, without transparency, without the daily claims of credit – in other words – the antipathy of Trump, Obama went about his work to lay the groundwork needed for the takeover you are witnessing today in real time.

He was charismatic, charming, and forceful. These are personality traits, and even I said things like, “He’s saying what I want to hear…” Yet what he was doing, the things unsaid, were undermining the future of the republic. His masterpiece, Obama Care, was obviously a giant step further into socialism. But it was benevolent in purpose, the right thing to do …. or so they claimed. All I know is that I lost my doctor, my payments went up and I had to downgrade my policy.

Let’s pretend for the moment that the legislation did not intend to bankrupt private sector healthcare. It was chock-full of regulations and mandates that were questionably unconstitutional and certainly predatory in nature. It created monopolies too, the very thing we all claim to despise. The Oligarchy was behind it. The congress was in on it. So we few cheap skates read the bill before it became law just as the Speaker of the House of Representatives said, “We need to pass this so we can find out what’s inside.” WHAT?

Yes. She said it. To this day I am unable to digest that statement. How can a member of the House of Representatives vote for a bill they have not read? Yet most of them are guilty of doing just that.

President Obama did his job. He appointed officials and judges and strengthened the Executive branch just as his predecessors have been doing for the past 40 years or more. But Obama was picking people based on their ideology, not their competency. Trump can be accused of the same thing I suppose, but there is a difference between those who support our constitution and those who do not. It is normally assumed that our judges in particular are in favor of the oath they take. Not so with Obama judges. How can you swear an oath you do not believe in? Is that not perjury?

Obama inherited a horrible economy. He cannot be blamed for that. He chose the Keynesian Fmd-> ( ) plan to recover and you can have a civil debate on that also, but you cannot fault him for going along with a crowd – especially when it comes to economics. So many policies are debatable without the need to question one’s character.

When you tell your country that it inevitably needs to digress, that some jobs simply will not come back, that what we once saw as heroic times were not in fact heroic but quite the opposite, that half your population is racist, that ‘change’ means your children will NOT have the same opportunity you did – on these assumptions I will question a person’s character. Obama also took a world tour in order to apologize for USA oppression and aggression. Yes. Did you forget?

He supported every world wide organization with your tax dollars whether they performed a positive function or were merely political organizations with a cute name. He also supported domestic organizations with your tax dollars that definitely did not fall within the purview of our national interest. In the age of special interest he was not the first. But he took it to a new level until the whole concept of special interest took on the term “identity politics” outweighing the concepts of competency or wisdom. To be more accurate, according to Webster, the term “identity politics” was first used way back in 1979. So maybe we should say Obama’s use of “identity politics” eclipsed the concern over “special interests”. Or identity is now a larger component of special interests politics. Exactly how these terms interrelate is a legitimate question.

From the bully pulpit Obama preached the politics of division and tribalism. When identity becomes more important than character we are moving away from Martin Luther King and back into the very racism Obama complains about. But this is exactly how communistic dogma operates. The goal is not to be logical or morally correct. The goal is to agitate and assume control. Create a following based upon emotional urges. It is an appeal to your suffering.

Within each identity is the claim of being abused or oppressed. This too is the way of communism, the world view Marx wrote at length about. And for every group that has been oppressed, there must be an oppressor. Enter the privileged white people whom Obama never passed an opportunity to criticize. You might say he guilt-ed white America into reelection.

Let me be clear. Is there oppression? Certainly. Are their oppressors? Of course. But should these facts be your entire world view, to the exclusion of every other social variable? Moreover, you cannot correct this injustice using one group against another. You cannot punish the daughter for crimes of the mother. You must locate the individuals in authority who are practicing the double standard and prosecute them. Civil Rights attorneys have been doing this for 50 years; and there has been terrific progress. Today this same double standard has become the common practice because of “identity politics”. Rule number 1 AGAIN. They accuse you of something they are guilty of.

Guilt was certainly one of Obama’s themes. Instead of improving the plight of the lower class, he merely lambasted the upper. Is that a policy? Did it help anyone? Or did it serve to solidify his power base? Did it embolden others to abandon MLK in favor of a new, modern form of racism? Reparations is by definition redistribution of wealth which is by definition communism. Obama never shied away from “sharing” the wealth. He said it many times in many ways. But instead of calling him a communist, we said he was an “ideologue”.

Obama gave cover to every honest socialist and room for every dishonest one to come out of the closet. After eight years he had convinced us to accept a stagnant economy, a bloated government, and subservience to the rising power of China. He also folded to Iran, bribing them into adopting an agreement they had no intentions of honoring, essentially kicking the can down the road for the next President. Not many people have the personal magnetism to walk you down the trail to the cliff and suggest with a smile that you should jump. But there we were.

To his credit, President Obama understood how the bureaucracy works. He knew the mechanics every bit as well as Trump understands real estate. And so as he was whipping up hatred for his country in public, behind the scenes he was pressing all the right buttons in order for his ideology to be voted into existence by the will of the people and the will of the Congress. This is the essence of the Manchurian Candidate, your man on the other team.

Today the idea of merit based jobs, rewards, positions, etc is almost unheard of. Today we are considered qualified when we fill in the right boxes with characteristics we have no control over. Our physical identity has taken precedence over our character and competence. Martin Luther King has been forgotten.

Here is something I will never forget. In 2015 Trump suggested the election would be rigged. Obama immediately responded in public, He said – paraphrase – “Our elections are so decentralized… it would be impossible … I suggest Trump make his case to the people … “

Was this a corollary of Rule #1 ? Have elections been tampered with ever since The tenure of Barack Obama? The appearance of Venezuelan voting machines using Dominion software certainly fit the time frame.

Another memory indented forever in my inquisitive mind: The DACA legislation was under scrutiny and while Obama swore he would not undermine the constitution, he nevertheless wrote the DACA executive orders, thus bypassing the Congress. That in itself did not send me into a fit of uproar. I am quite sympathetic to children born here, having no roots outside the USA. I know more than a few of them and they should be given a fair opportunity (there’s that word again) to obtain citizenship. Legally.

What sent me into spasms of uncontrollable rage was his statement about the law. To paraphrase .. “We can choose which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore… “

This was untenable in my view. Of course everyone with an IQ greater than 65 knows that this happens all the time. That’s why liberal district attorneys are so dangerous. But for a US President to articulate the fact opened the flood gates for the times to come. And if ever there was a year for unenforced laws, no, lawlessness in general, it is 2020. His statement set the tone for chaos and if it were not for a speed bump named DJ Trump, we may well have seen it sooner.

So instead of working towards making DACA law, Obama patched it over, put his thumb in the dike, and issued a temporary order to satisfy the left wing. Any executive order may be reversed by the next president. When you govern by such edicts, you are a banana republic. Trump has done it too. Contrast that to what Lincoln did. The Emancipation Proclamation was also temporary in spite of the fact that it stated “free forever”. It was a military, war times measure that had no jurisdictional authority until the Union Army began taking territory in the South. However, immediately following that document’s announcement, Lincoln went to work to amend the constitution so that slavery might be abolished in law, permanently, not merely by an order that could be disputed in court eventually. By the end of January 1865, both houses of Congress had passed the 13th Amendment, and it was ratified that December.

This is why we are in a constitutional crisis today. We have a constitution. But so many hallways are ignoring it without penalty that it seems toothless. Is the constitution irrelevant? Should it be?

Our government was established to be intentionally difficult to change. The separation of powers speak to this so that fundamental change, ie laws and constitutional amendments, require time consuming work and consensus. The radicals would rather not negotiate. Their choice is to simply acquire power in all branches of government (by hook or by crook) in order to put down the normal debate – silence it – and rule by fiat. Unfortunately, past presidents, as well as the current one, have established the conditions necessary to create a dictatorship (which is not threatening us) or a communist party takeover (which is). Fmd-> ( )

If, by chance, our republic survives the current conflict, we are still in jeopardy of losing our fundamental rights in the next, inevitable power grab. All because we have ignored our founding document.

We need a weaker executive branch, a smaller federal government, and a department of justice that will convict felons.

Before he left office, Obama cosigned the “Russia Investigation” into the Trump Campaign / Organization using a “dossier” known to be nothing but invented allegations, paid to a known Russian spy by Hillary Clinton. Ultimately, the investigation was a waste of time and tax dollars. We now have proof that he (Obama) was in the room, participating in the discussion of how to remove the incoming president. In this one blessing the Manchurian Candidate exercised all of the accumulated power and influence the Bolsheviks dream of having. The intelligence community was weaponized against its soon to be boss! The Manchurian Candidate had succeeded in nearly every way possible. And once again, Rule#1 was his strategy.

When the Manchurian Candidate finished his eight years, after setting the stage for the final act, and upon realizing his replacement would not be a fellow communist, he chose to stay and live in Washington DC. This was the first time in over one hundred years a leaving president did not retire to a quiet home. Instead, he chose to establish a “shadow” government that would continue to undermine the incoming president at every turn. He did it within walking distance of the Capitol. (to avoid phone records?) And according to his style, he did it quietly, smoothly, and with a smile on his face. He pushed all the buttons; and the bureaucracy responded.

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