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Sounds like His highness, Pope Fauci, the grandfather of healthcare, the last word on lock downs and masks, is just another bureaucrat covering his own ass. You can read the news for yourselves.

Truth is stranger than fiction. Who could ever come up with the story line we have been watching for over 18 months now? Covid, the border, CRT, endless social upheaval. Misinformation at every turn. Is there anywhere we can turn to hear the real truth? How did this happen? Tommie Pain has a hard view that no one wants to hear, but maybe some need to.

1 Collapse of courage:

I’m in my sixties and I can recall vividly those WWII vets calling me a sissy. They called all of us sissies because compared to the test of the 1940s, our life was a breeze. Often times, their criticism came in the form of guilt. That was their mistake, but simultaneously, they were right of course. Instead of testing ourselves, challenging ourselves, we chose to ride their coattails and usher in the age of decadence. Our own inventions and technology made us weak. Not all of us, mind you. But the elite class of educated folks we look to for leadership and the multitude of sheep who want desperately to keep up with and emulate them.

Making life easier made us soft. This is what China says about us, what Russia, says, anyone standing far enough away to have an objective viewpoint. Collectively, we’re a bunch of sissies.

I know that term does not fit proper society today. That’s the problem. We can barely tell the difference between the masculine and feminine. We’ve outlawed it as though separate characteristics do not exist between the sexes and as though their combination does not make for a perfect union. Many languages depend on the feminine and masculine for clarity and subtle definition. The concept is rooted in our ancient past, the cornerstone to building strong societies. Yet when presented with the abolition of this distinction, we stand by and allow it. What is wrong with us?

There is a thing called “moral courage” that both males and females within the race of human beings are capable of. It means to stand up for what is right; and this our WWII generation was not ambiguous about. They branded us with the idea and beat it into our skulls. Personally, I took it seriously. So did many others.

Yet we raised children and allowed them to deviate even further from traditional values, traditional responsibilities, and time tested formulas at approaching life’s problems. We were cowardly parents, not wishing to pile on the guilt that we had been saddled with. And so those children are now amassing power and influence as they replace us in the economy and in society ; the spoiled brats of spoiled brats.

2 Deterioration of education:

Absent moral courage, we stopped expecting excellence long ago. My grandmother laughed at me when I told her how difficult school was. She said her High School education was the equivalent to a liberal arts degree just about the time I was dropping out. I say the same thing about my own kids’ education. I fear both are true.

Why have we stopped teaching our children to think critically and instead watered down educational requirements? The people stoking Critical Race Theory don’t even understand the terms. They can no more think critically than I can fly. If they could they would see the false premise at the bottom of their theory. They would understand that an argument predicated on a false assumption is no argument at all. But lacking moral courage, we did not insist they learn to think critically. So they can’t!

We can barely have a conversation with a graduate student because they cannot agree on the terms of a discussion. With statistics in one hand and a logic card in the other, they bounce from one disjointed point to another with absolutely no idea how to tie concepts into real thoughts. Why? Because they were let off the hook back in grade school. That’s on my generation. We were sissies.

We stopped teaching the classics. Was it because there was a religious overtone in some of the philosophies that spawned the greatest expansion of wealth the world has ever seen? For shame! Was it because the English was too difficult? The concepts too complex? Or did we simply “time out” when it came time to prepare teachers to teach?

Then of course there’s math. New math, old math, Common Core math, Jesus H Christ, how many maths are there? And can anyone do Calculus or Trig without the help of a calculator? We never had ’em.

Last is the scientific method, which even our highest placed government scientists apparently have little knowledge of. Science is hypothesize, experiment, test, prove: over and over. Add another variable, start over. It’s hard work, not political bias. Again, lacking moral courage, we have allowed the definition of science to fall into the realm of the absurd. You can’t just say the word and make something “scientific”.

3 Abandonment of God.

Tommie Pain has been over this too many times.

You do not need to be religious to acknowledge that something created this world. Evolution can be your god. Atheism can be god. Hell, let it be Batman. But something made things the way we find them, and there are universal rules that are immutable whether you like it or not.

Gravity, which we do not understand to this day, is immutable. The laws of thermodynamics are immutable. Mathematics is immutable (dare I say). Aristotelian logic is irrefutable.

You don’t have to go to church to come to the belief that following a logical sequence you arrive at the need for morality. They put the uneducated people of the Middle Ages in church and beat them to death with the rules using a guilt club. Since we’re so much smarter, we decided we did not need God or the rules. The WWII generation made us go to church, but once again, we let our kids off the hook so as to avoid the guilt. Maybe guilt is not as bad as we once thought. Maybe we all need a little guilt. But just like we thought we didn’t need the classics, we’re finding out the hard way that we really do need morality. The question is, can we conjure up such a thing without God?

If an all knowing entity tells you what to do, what is right; you just do it. Without such an authority we are at the mercy of our conscience and personal will. Moral courage must be mustered from our understanding of reality – manifested from within an entity (us) whose origins we have decided are random. More importantly, our direction must be determined, a true North found, having no compass, no sun, no shining star. How will we ever do it?

Lacking the guidance of a moral authority, we have scattered into a haphazard array of directions which we term “secular”. I hate that word. Morality has become relative, a transitory observation with no true definition. We are losing words faster than we can make up new ones. And although disciplined philosophy can replace religious faith in part, we have not sought it.

Without god, as a most misunderstood Fredrick Nitze said, we must become god. Or literally translated, “God is dead, and we have killed Him.” It’s ironic to know that a guy who predicted our fate is a guy we don’t even study any more. He said more people will die in the 20th century from violence than all the plagues put together. He was right.

Did you know that the things Karl Marx predicted did NOT come to pass? Whatsoever?

There is a generation of poorly educated, young and energetic people out there who want to force Marx’s predictions into being because they were not taught the traditions our culture bestowed upon us for over 1,000 years. We made them who they are. I submit that the communists are extremely religious (thirsting for religion) and their god is the Communist Party and ideology. That religious fervor gives them a leg up.

Communism is not new. It has surfaced over and over again, always resulting in civil unrest, a rigid class structure, a shortage of everything, destruction of culture and life styles, and mass depression. It comes to power by the masses believing in a dogma that is so unrealistic that only a leap of faith may embrace it. This is what people want …. to believe in something.

The problem is that humanity is capable of soaring to the greatest heights, but also proven to sometimes seek out the depths of depravity. That is why we are fascinated with ourselves, why we are worth saving, and why the God made us the way he did. We are free to choose our own path.

The time is drawing near when each of us will need to choose. Will we stand up for the rights of others, individual sovereignty, truth and dignity, the concepts written in the Constitution? Will we have the moral courage? Perhaps the time is already here, yet we cannot see it for what it is. Reality has been taken from us in the “narratives” we have been hearing for far too many years. Our leaders have failed us. But we have been cowards. There is plenty of guilt to go around.

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