Modern Communism


People in my generation grew up under the threat of nuclear war with communist Russia (USSR). We watched Mao in China, wondering what was really happening in the dark out of communications between east and west. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the USSR dissolved and we engaged China (beginning with Nixon : 1970s). The threat, and the need to know about communism diminished. Therefore the following generations were not exposed to the same information stream that we had been, and somehow communism lost it’s horrible reputation – which it deserves. Our college campuses actually began extolling its virtue as Critical Theory became more popular and pseudo intellectuals took pride in “new” ideas. We should never underestimate the link between Critical Theory and Communism. Today, there are waves of people disgusted with capitalism and cheering for a change. Sadly, they look to the failed theory of communism as though somehow it could be revived and implemented successfully. I will attempt to explain why that is a false hope.

Communism was popularized in the 19th century largely due to the work of two men: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. These men were philosophers who focused their attention on “material history” trying to account for social disruptions and the obvious inequity of wealth distribution. They identified “power structures” that oppressed the lower classes. To study these things is a noble pursuit, but like all academics, their success would depend upon their conclusions. Marx and Engels concluded that a classless society would be best for humanity; and that it could be achieved if the general population rose up against the wealthy industrialists who, at the time, were dominating the material culture in Europe and the USA. They suggested the “people” become the owners of the means of production and summarized their “findings” in a short booked titled “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848.

It all sounds so ideal.

Naturally, the concept of ownership appealed to the common workers. This was the ignition switch if you will, allowing the philosophy to proliferate quickly across nation after nation. The problem then is the same as now. It is impossible to implement.

Practical people can see the flaws very easily, but advertised as a short sound bite, lacking a deeper look, many idealistic men and women have become willing to support it. They have become more than willing; they have become zealots to the cause. What is more painful than watching a person with good intentions destroy himself / herself by grasping for the stars? There is a fine line between heroism and madness. Furthermore, what is more despicable than a political entity taking advantage of an emotional desire?

The Progressives began using communism in the early 20th century to promote their big government objectives. By the 1930s Critical Theory was added to their dogma to support Marx and add weight to their argument. Again, academic studies were taken beyond their capacity to be effective. There is simply no practical way to execute a social theory. It is just a theory. Moreover, it is a flawed theory at best.

In order to “nationalize” the means of production you will need a power structure to operate it. This power structure is exactly what Marx opposes. So from the beginning, Marx must utilize that which he intends to destroy. In other words, he would trade one power structure for another — exactly what our Democratic party is trying to do today.

Because we have had such a huge and thriving private sector here in the USA, the whole concept of communism relies on “appropriating” our free markets, ie the industrial, banking, and business sectors under the authority of a centralized government. How does that help the common citizen? In 2021 this act of appropriation would come from the power structure of bureaucracy and oligarchy, the strange bedfellows of our modern world and the only mechanism powerful enough to undo the capitalism we know. The blueprint comes from China and the CCP. Little wonder so many leftists and corporations have deep ties with the CCP. Little wonder we see mirror images of Chinese business practices here at home.

Did China lead the way in space exploration? Did China invent the automobile? Did China develop agricultural technologies to increase yields? No. No. No. They did not, have not and will not. Innovation can hardly exist under communism. But their military has developed ships and weapons, as well as computer technology because communism does not define a military sector. Their army is like most armies, independent and subservient to the political authority. And this highlights the simple fact that communism is a theory, not an actual government. All sorts of governments have adopted communism because it gives them centralized authority over the economic and social conditions. Is this not tyranny? Therefore did Marx not advocate tyranny while at the same time preach against it? Little wonder hypocrisy runs rife today with so many Marxists at large on the internet.

Our progressives, who advance the communist ideal and promote Critical Theory in support of it are, in reality, advocating for tyranny. But that is not what Marx said he wanted, rather it is the only possible outcome from the theory.

Once again we are fighting against more than merely an economic and social ideology. We are debating bigger government versus smaller government — which is exactly why the left cannot progress without dismantling a Constitution based on a limited federal government. They want the guarantees only a indestructible, infinite bank account can provide. Sadly, there is no such thing. When you run out of other people’s money, when you print bills until they are worthless, when you manipulate all wealth through a single source; you end up with a house of cards.

Wealth is measured by subtracting liabilities from aggregate assets. Our enormous government has been bleeding this country’s wealth for over 50 years at an ever increasing pace. Adopting socialism as the advent to communism will only accelerate the process further. You simply cannot take more from the system than you put back unless you’re a carpenter hanging out with a crew of fishermen and preaching against Roman occupation.

Simply moving money around does not create wealth any more than printing bills does. Innovation and harnessing natural resources, efficient use of technology: these things do. In other words, motivated creativity and hard work to produce things is the only way to increase our wealth and lift up the lower classes. Oppressing the private sector with taxes will only fuel inflation and unemployment. Inflation kills the lower class faster than anything.

Thanks to the corrupt and misleading covid relief bills beginning in April 2020 and culminating in last week’s spendthrift debacle, we have descended from a rich and uplifting society into a socialistic debtor nation. Capitalism lies in the ICU, clinging for its life, just waiting for the communist purge that is soon to come. Next up will be massive tax increases including a “wealth tax”, all in the name of a 19th century theory based on redistribution of assets. Inevitably, there will be no wealth left to share.

Can anything stop this train wreck?

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