Occam’s Razor



Occam’s razor in short says that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Ever since they shut down the economy I have been asking, “Why do they want this?”

Why do they want people isolated? Why do they want pharmaceutical companies to grow grotesquely rich over a vaccine? Why the mandates? Why did rioters get away with looting and burning? Why the communist takeover? Why the fence around our Capitol Building? Why the open border? Why destroy our oil industry? Why destroy our infrastructure? Why corrupt the voting process, Why protect Critical Race Theory from intellectual challenge? Why can’t I type faster … I’m losing my mind!

I use the term “strange bedfellows” to explain what is not explainable under normal contexts. I assume the 100 year assault of communism is to blame for the radical departure from law and order and the demise of our society. I blame the communists for arousing the racists and sexists into a frothing faction of anarchists who have almost zero understanding of history, biology, economy or the English language. Then, like a fool, I ask, “Why?”

Why do we want our military to become weaker? Our institutions to fail? Our children to be ignorant? Who wants this ????

Quietly I hear people talk about power. Of course it’s power. They want to rule over us. But why destroy the country? Who wants to rule over a third world country in chaos?

Quietly, I hear, “Follow the money…” “It’s all about power…”

Jason Whitlock, in his most meaningful and brilliant 5 minutes yet, explained it without explaining it.

It ends where it all began. How did I miss it? The Oligarchy ruling over Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and we hard working schmucks answers to another power base. The rabbit hole is deep my friends, far deeper than I ever thought. Why are we heading for a police state? Why do unrelated groups all invite the same taste of turmoil? Because the deep state is the power base and abject chaos will lock them in.

Un-elected members of the espionage community and un-elected bureaucrats have been running this country with increasing leverage ever since the days of Eisenhower and his ominous farewell address. The deep state enjoys any and every reason for increased authority in the hands of fewer and fewer people. The deep state invites lawlessness so eventually they can justify turning the tide by deputizing as many as possible to overcompensate for self made destructive policies. At some point, the police state will be upon us.

The communists are working for the deep state. The oligarchs are working for the deep state. The aristocracy is working for them. The corporate monopolies are working for the deep state. All of them comply and defend our intelligence community as if they were immune from criticism. The DOJ is ignoring the Constitution in order to create an environment conducive to a complete, if not gradual takeover; ie a police state.

So let the Nazi euphemisms begin.

Hitler hated the communists because they threatened his power. But our deep state uses them to secure it. Our deep state uses everyone and that is why what you see looks so much like a color revolution. The CIA has done this before.

Edgar J Hoover was feared in his day because he had the book on everyone. His surveillance and blackmail techniques were masterful. What does the FBI do today? They spy and threaten; and detain anyone who might be on to them.

The clues are everywhere; so when I ask, “Who wants this?” the most reasonable, simplest explanation is right where we began when a shadow government working in parallel to the Trump administration first emerged as a theory. When we saw a president fighting against his own government we should have suspected as much. When we realized Biden was a puppet we should have known.

The fact is: we did know. I did know. You did know. A close gut check will tell you the truth. The prevailing cancel culture, the woke revolution, the communist influence, the desire for socialism, the deprecation of our universities, the hatred and evil of Critical Theory, the talk of the great reset, digital currency; all of it is for one purpose. All of it is allowed, even blessed by those agencies we increased and created following 911. The Patriot Act has come back to haunt us just as surely as income tax has outgrown its moral purpose and unions have outlived their usefulness and education has become indoctrination. Our corruption is absolute now. The Republic is dead.

I don’t want to believe in evil. I know that the vast majority of Americans are good. But that goodness is being overwhelmed by evil just as it overwhelmed the German people, just as it conquered the Russian people and the Chinese people and so many others in the course of history.

If this country can somehow survive the coming decade and turn back towards truth, justice, and the American way; then I will know that God is truly with us.

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