The Aristocracy


Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. And render unto God what is God’s.

I spend far too much time formatting a world view. It has to be constantly updated and modified as new information comes along, adjusted every time I learn a new facet of history, amended when I see that I’ve mis understood something. With each change there is a domino effect to my thinking, all the updates playing into the pieces that make up the whole. All of this keeps me young at heart as I age in every other way. But the journey of a writer is like no other mission I can think of, certainly unlike every other aspect of my life.

I wrote and published a book many years ago. That experience was enough to learn that the jungle of publishing was not for me. I could not afford an agent, had no patience for the stringing along and meeting after senseless meeting required to make the smallest of progress. So I committed to a body of work, which I now have, and stored it for some future person to hopefully find some day and see the value of.

My 90 year old grandmother of all people taught me more about writing than anyone else and she did it in one sentence. She was reading a work of mine that I began after the abysmal failure of my published book and commented on how much I had improved in only one year. “It’s more courageous,” she said. “Your writing.”

Now I had never thought of writing as being courageous, yet here we are in a time when most writers are fearful of being canceled and scared to say the wrong thing and generally paralyzed. I punch out short thoughts for the blog, doing my best to be fair and at the same time raising the alarm that something is very wrong in this country and why, all of a sudden has it become so obvious and so imminent?

In fact what we see today has been brewing for decades, the underbelly of a cancer that humanity cannot seem to cure itself of. We laugh when someone tells us that five people rule the world. We scoff when we hear the term “old money” and a reference to Jewish names or German names and even a few British names. We use the term “modern” to heal our fragile sensitivities as though the days of lords and princes is long over and only the dreaded CEOs need be feared. Yet in watching the debacle in Afghanistan play out, and hearing our president tell us what he cannot do in a country that is no more powerful than the state of Montana (no insult to Montana intended), I find a new hole in my thinking that needs explored. It is another rabbit hole, yet most of the rabbit holes I have been in come up very near if not directly in the land of truth.

Yes there are details unresolved in most of them, but that ringing in my ear and the link from one hole to the next tells me I am – as they say – over the target.

On its surface, the FACT that we surrendered Kabul to the Taliban is incomprehensible. Who pulls out air support before an evacuation? Then while watching Laura Logan sit down for over an hour to discuss Afghanistan, a place she lived in for over a year and has visited over and over – I became positively compelled to see what is right before me. I dare not say this. I am afraid to. Then Grandma chimes in, “Courageous, you are more courageous now.” And what does that have to do with writing?

The aristocracy wants the chaos in Afghanistan just as it is.

There. I said it.

The oligarchy, the deep state, the elites, the upper echelon of our espionage machinery, the untouchables. The same people who would usher in communism to our once free republic want Afghanistan to crumble, want the USA to crumble, want a pretext to create some form of global authority that can take what they want and control the masses. Strange bedfellows doesn’t begin to explain it. They want it this way. They want Americans and our allies to be slaughtered. The bastards actually planned it. And with lunch bucket Joe, they have the perfect patsy. God bless Laura Logan and her ability to admit what she sees.

US law stipulates that we do not negotiate with terrorists. That is why the Congress had to classified the Taliban as NOT terrorists. So we can negotiate with them. So they can blackmail us. What are they if not terrorists? Insurgents? They are both. Why can we not simply blow up the military equipment they now have and are exporting to Pakistan? Why can we not drop troopers and with overwhelming force extract the US citizens who are trapped? It isn’t 1974 and we’re not talking about a dozen lost academics in Tehran. Our military can do whatever it wishes. It is the leadership that wants this crisis, wants to leave Americans and allies behind.

We’re paying off the Taliban who are nothing but Al-Qaeda or Isis under a different name, a member group of the great jihad. We’re folding to the very people we pledged to defeat when those buildings fell on 9-11. So now I even wonder, “Who really brought those buildings down?” I have never doubted that until now.

I do not trust our government, but until this debacle I never believed that somewhere in the halls of power is an aristocracy that is sinister and evil beyond imagination. The layers in the espionage game are even deeper than I once believed. There is a pyramid and we have no idea what is at the top of it. It damn sure is not our president.

If you follow the money, American tax dollars wind their way straight to the Taliban just as they do to our own civilian contractors. Did the Afghanistan mission devolve into just one more way to launder tax payers dollars? If you believe our military is just stupid, then you can believe it was a noble cause – blundered. If you see what I believe to be the case, then motivation becomes a huge question mark.

Pakistan funds the Taliban. We fund Pakistan. Pakistan is in bed with China. China wants the minerals in Afghanistan and a clear path to the west. Russia is China’s friend. But why does our aristocracy enable China????? Why do the globalists want a back seat to a ruthless regime that lies and manipulates full time?

That is the question.

The old aristocracy of Europe went running for cover when Hitler brought tanks to Paris. They pleaded for our help. The oil barons in Kuwait came a-runnin when Saddam marched into their oil fields and made camp. Whenever real military power makes a play, they call us, the USA, for help. So why do we allow the Taliban control over Kabul?

There is only one general conclusion whose details are unknown. The aristocracy wants this outcome. The aristocracy has begun phase three and they are not the least concerned about we the people.

I feel like I am watching a bad Batman movie.

The universe calls upon we sentient beings to perform, to make an impact, to modify it, just as it changes us.

We are given our place in time and space, put here. But once we become fully conscious, we have choices. We shape the world. I submit that those who constrain us, those who would control us, are acting against the natural order of things, the law of the universe.

Our founders were acutely aware of “Nature’s Law” and spoke of it in all of the Federalist Papers as well as the Constitution. That recognition is one of the major reasons so many people revere that document as one of the greatest statements of and to the case for humanity. While we must, to some degree, render unto Caesar, we must also render unto God and not shirk our responsibilities.

Be autonomous. Live freely. Make an impact.

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