Federalist Number 10 : Factions:



To anyone who still believes there is not a Marxist conspiracy at work in this country dedicated to infiltrating and undermining its institutions, or that conspiracies in general are fake news, may I submit the granddaddy of them all? Think conspiracies are just for kooks?

Why then has the Pentagon finally begun releasing information on UFOs? Why has the government come out and admitted that they have had sightings on the eastern sea board in restricted air space every day for over a year? Or is it three? Could it be because the Senate intelligence committee has ordered the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense to deliver a report on the mysterious sightings by next month.?

Is this just another diversion thrown our way while the communists dig deeper into the country’s governing systems? Or is this one conspiracy collapsing on another? I find the timing quite ironic.

The problem is, they’ve got sonar, radar, and visual evidence, all on a single object… many times over. I would call it irrefutable, but hey, some people think we still have the same Bill of Rights we had 20 years ago; and that just ain’t the case. There have been things at work for decades that folks just refuse to believe. I prefer not to believe too, but I can’t bring myself to hide from what’s right in front of me. The world is made up of two different kinds; those who believe a mask will stop a microscopic particle, and those who don’t.

I’ve been a pariah for years because I discuss UFOs out loud and in public. Remember when that was taboo? Truth always surfaces eventually, whereas a “narrative” simply dies a silent or not so silent death. If one conspiracy proves true, does that finally dispel the notion that there are no conspiracies? Who killed Kennedy anyway? You cannot have it both ways.

Denial is a self defense mechanism. But in all too many cases, who is in denial is the perennial question. Is it the person who believes 80 million people voted for a guy hunkered down in his basement to be president? Or is it the outcasts who claim that voting tabulation machines have been tampered with? Which idea is more plausible?

Could fifty years of Marxist influence and brainwashing be taking effect upon a population that has been horrified by the pandemic and mandated not to have contact with each other ? Or is that a conspiracy theory hatched by Twitter canceled psychotics?

Is claiming there is an environmental crisis a great way to cash in on a complete re-writing of the economy? Or do we have 9 years left to rid ourselves of carbon dioxide? Don’t plants need that? And is the color of money green also?

Speaking of color, why does every federal form, application, or inquiry ask the color of your skin? For the past 30 years, every time I see one of those questions, I write in capital letters “AMERICAN”. Who fucking cares?

And now a historical point.

James Madison went to great lengths to advocate a representative republic rather than a pure democracy. In Federalist number 10 he took on the difficulty of factions or what we might call today, “special interests”. I can only summarize his detailed essay firstly by recognizing the damage a faction can cause if given too much power. We complain about lobbyists buying votes that will specifically benefit their circumstances, mega corporations getting exemptions and allowances that are written into our laws; yet if allowed to take over the whole country, you can be sure they would. Madison himself complains that small groups of like minded people use the very liberty we afford them to subvert the liberty of others.

He lays out the imperfect nature of the human being and takes note of the double edge sword that Adam Smith’ s “self interest” can become in a capitalistic economy. There is no changing the inherent shortcomings of mankind; and Madison argues logically that our choices do not include the perfect government so long as people are involved. But in order to completely eliminate the threat of malicious factions we would need to surrender our freedoms along the way.

Only by organizing society into many smaller units can you hope to subdue the evil of conspiracy. Therefore, states, counties, communities all should have their individual sovereignty and claim the greater share of government’s responsibility. Decentralizing will empower individuals to thwart the influence of minority factions and inhibit their ability to come to power.

Again, the weakness of the Federal government was intended to keep authoritarians at bay. A limited central authority must have its power; but that power must be limited by scope and by purpose. This is where our leaders have gone so wrong in the past 60 years. Ceding power to the central authority has created a monster that threatens to devour that which created it. We must take back local authority and reject the tyranny of federal mandates, regulations, and coercion.

A Marxist faction has used the liberty of this nation in order to organize a takeover of every institution that we rely on to protect and defend the Constitution. Subversion is now common place and our justice system is no longer blind, but a two tiered system, on the look out for what we once called “patriots” while leftists seem immune from prosecution let alone conviction.

I often imagine Ben Franklin, Jefferson, and Madison pondering a chess board. Their opponent is the future. How could they foresee Marx, and Hitler, and Mao, and Stalin? Yet our founders debated for years (literally 1775-1787) as to how to protect the freedom they had procured ; and arrived at the representative republic that we now see crumbling beneath our feet. It was not their mistakes that have betrayed us; rather our willingness to stray from the path prescribed by the Constitution.

We have not had a “limited” federal government for so long now there is no one left alive to remember it. Our leaders have, one after the other, sought to solve problems by increasing the size and power of the federal government, imposing taxes to pay for its overhead, and implementing policies that create yet deeper, more serious problems than we started with. They never consulted the adage, “Do no harm”. Or , “Don’t make matters worse.”

We have acted out of conceit every time, believing that a new idea, a better idea, could be administered from the capitol city for the betterment of all fifty states. When the truth is, local solutions to local problems will always outperform anything handed down from a tyrant.

The Department of Education was established in 1980. Is that not the birth of our schools’ race to the bottom?

Federalism is the answer to our problems today. We must give up the notion that a centralized authority can provide for a complicated, diverse, intelligent society and cure all ills. The more responsibility you take away from a person, the less independent they become. The less independent, the weaker. Moreover, we have created the highest standard of living in history because so many opportunities have been created for responsible people — to PUT MORE IN than they TAKE OUT. That is the existential equation of our time.


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