The Pipeline


On 1-22-2021 Joe Biden said, “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months,”

WHAT ??!!!

I sure hope it is becoming obvious to those people who voted for Biden that what he says and what he does are often diametrically opposed. Actually, I am not convinced that they did vote for him. But hey, I’m a conspiracy kook. Who votes for a guy in the basement who can’t complete a thought, is angry most of the time, and won’t entertain questions unless it’s about ice cream?

28 executive orders have been issued as of 1-26-2021. Not one of them is good for the country.

The pipeline:

“Overall, construction of Keystone XL will support nearly 60,000 direct, indirect and induced employment opportunities, generating billions of dollars in new personal income for U.S. and Canadian workers and their families. ”


Not only has the XL pipeline been canceled, but fracking is soon to be cut back in a big way. This is obviously not in the best interest of our country. It is so obvious, that our media is glossing over it in lieu of advocating the impeachment of a private citizen. Your tax dollars at work. Gas prices are already climbing.

Energy independence is the single most powerful weapon we have to control our fate, negotiate with hostile countries, secure the economy, and provide freedom of movement within our borders. Nothing is more consequential.

Yes, fossil fuels are a limited resource. Yes, we all wish the process to be as clean as possible. Yes, migrating to a renewable fuel is advantageous in the long term. Yes, we should continue with solar technology. Yes, yes, yes. Why won’t leftists take yes for an answer?

The pipeline does nothing to thwart the desire for greener solutions. Every single person in the petroleum industry understands the situation. They have made incredible strides in efficiency despite the fact that they are all unionized. But the left wants power, and the Green New Deal is their fastest way to swallow up the economy and funnel every dollar through the federal government. That, and health care.

Renewable fuels will continue to improve and be developed regardless of how much money we spend or do not spend to procure refined petroleum. Likewise, China and Russia will continue to pollute regardless of how clean we become. And we are already extremely clean. Do some homework. See how many coal plants there are in the USA. Compare it to China. By the way, how is carbon dioxide a poison?

Take note that the problem is getting crude oil to the refinery. Canadian oil, along with our Dakota fields needs a refinery. They can finish the pipeline to the Pacific ocean, then ship it (anywhere they want); or they can pipe it to our refineries in Texas. Now, instead of a static, secure, pipeline, we will use moving rail cars, ships, and trucks to deliver the crude. We will use fossil fuels to get the fossil fuel to the refinery. Isn’t a pipeline cleaner?

The other factor ignored by leftists is the simple fact that no other fuel source can provide the shear power of petroleum. It would take 50 wind mills to start a diesel truck (assuming a 20 MPH gale). It takes 10 years worth of wind mill electrical production to equal the energy needed to build that 1 wind mill. Look it up. Solar panels get better every year, but it still requires acres and acres of them to keep the lights on in one typical office building – example: all the buildings in Washington DC where the bureaucrats devise new ways to control you. And that’s during a sunny day!

Keeping gasoline relatively inexpensive has had a huge positive impact on the economy. Developing our own reserves by fracking has created an entire industry that did not exist 20 years ago. I have been to North Dakota and spoken to people there. They were thrilled to find good paying jobs and found creative ways to live in a “boom town” where there were no rooms left to rent, hardly enough food, and roads as yet unfinished. They were willing to struggle in order to build better lives. This was the greatest single thing to happen to our economy in 50 years other than the tech revolution. I saw Dickinson, Williston and Minot only a couple of years after the development of the oil fields began. It was a shining light in an otherwise depressed national economy.

Why would anyone do anything to sabotage it? Yet, the media dismisses the story and moves on … “We hate Trump. You’re a racist. Cancel Parler. Cancel the Pillow Guy.” Can’t you just feel the love?

Additionally, every single product you use, every single day, requires delivery of the product. Increases in fuel equates to increases in prices (of everything). A business simply passes the expense on to the end user. This is called inflation. It is another way to tax you without calling it a “tax”. Inflation will shrink the national debt on the front end because it is a relative number, then increase the debt on the back end after everyone catches up. In the meanwhile, the increased cost of living hurts the poorest among us the most! Canceling the pipeline takes the lower class lower and wounds the middle class one more time, sending them to the lower class.

It is exactly what “they” want!

Understanding the infrastructure in this country is beyond the scope of a politician. If they understood infrastructure they would never have even considered shutting down the economy. The concept of inter-relationships is just too complex for their royal life styles. They exist in the realm of pseudo intellectualism, where entire blocks of the population and entire sectors of the economy are game pieces to be shuffled about. The same can be said for their understanding of the military. Either that, or they have another agenda.

The communist ideology does not care about your needs or the advantages of efficiency. They have stolen your oil with a swipe of the pen. They are giving it to OPEC. Is this called redistribution? How does it feel?

In only a few days, the leftist regime that we “elected” has set the stage for increased dependency. The Green New Deal is the end goal. Your dollars will go abroad and your needs will increase. Energy costs will increase and availability will decrease. Unemployment will rise. Eventually, you will depend more on the government until all of us are working for them in one way or another. This is another form of slavery.


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