



Holy flashbacks Batman! I recently heard Robert Kennedy Jr. speaking to the issues of the day. No one has a greater command of the subjects concerning our government’s history and how our government is supposed to function. I disagree with his belief in government regulations and the size and scope our government should be, but hey, I’m a conservative.

Nevertheless, Robert Kennedy explains the military industrial complex better than anyone. He even includes the medical industry in this unholy conglomerate of generals, intelligence agencies, bureaucrats and private sector mega corporations. “Private sector” is quite the misnomer. The corporations in question now seem to be an extension of the bureaucracy because the bureaucrats are compelled roulette online live to see to it that the mega corporations make windfall profits. The regulators might as well be on the board of directors. They work for the corporation’s interest instead of what they are tasked to do — work in people’s best interest. That is why during years of COVID we witnessed the largest transfer of wealth, from the lower classes to the rich and powerful billionaire class, in history. Ironically, despite all of our efforts and monies, the USA had 16% of worldwide covid deaths as we sport only 4% of the world’s population. Digest those numbers.

NO liability for the drug companies, free advertising, even mandates from our federal government to use drugs and vaccinations that have never truly been trial tested against a placebo! The regulators are the sales force too! Then of course are the guaranteed ongoing proxy wars that insure the bullet companies stay flush with cash and the weapons manufacturing sector can continue to grow indefinitely. All of this sanctioned and protected by the intelligence network that has successfully crushed the First Amendment by manipulating our so called open media.

Robert Kennedy Jr uses the phrase, “Suspended the Bill of Rights.” That really sums up the whole scam against we serfs and schmucks who are footing the bill to maintain the Empire of America.

As I have said before, the Republic is dead. We are now an empire teetering on a police state. Use whatever terminology you wish. I push the communist aspect because of the social pressure being applied to the masses. But Police State is accurate. So is Oligarchy. So is Fascism. It’s a strange combination Mark Levin might call American Marxism. It is a new and unique tyranny that began with good intentions during the Second World War, but has been left to its own devices and survival mechanisms for far too long. We are Rome just before the “Fall”.

Only this week our government found reason to bail out a failed bank or two. Why did they fail? Well the short reason is interest rates, but greed and miscalculations played a part also. Bad investments should not be rewarded by free money. But by “saving” a financial institution, the federal government will come to own it. When the Feds own all of the banks and all of the businesses ; and all of us are working for them, what do you call it?

Listening to Robert Kennedy reminded me of a time when Democrats and Republicans agreed on what should be done and argued over how to do it. Today we are pitted against each other over what this country should fundamentally look like. In fact, Deep State Republicans look like Democrats and the lefter the Democrats lean the more they resemble communists. Ah, I repeat myself.

Where I part company with the Greatest Democrat of our time, is in the size and scope of government in the first place. We don’t need government in medicine. We don’t need government in education. We don’t need government in social remedies. We don’t need government in climate radicalism. We don’t need government mandating to private businesses or churches or individuals in any way shape or form. A free market with a small regulatory system to guard it would inevitably bring forth the best, most efficient, most environmentally wise products and services possible. It would reward innovation and quality, not corruption and bribery. It would yield the best doctors, the best medicine, the best media, and the best creature comforts. Furthermore, putting the best, most qualified people to the front, embracing excellence, taking potential and harnessing it into achievement, in other words, the merit system, does more to bring people together than any legislation or demonstration could ever hope to do.

Wanna solve the deficit and budget problem? Lay off two thirds of the federal employees. Improve education? Defund the Department of Education. Re institute Free Speech? Disassemble the CIA, FBI, NIS, and all the alphabet soup agencies that have run rampant over our freedoms since 911.

When a bank fails there is always another one to take its place. If a federal agency or department disappeared, someone in the private sector would step in to fill the void – if there is one. The market will monitor itself within a factor of 90%. And there, within the 10% we will need police and judges and juries to punish the bad guys. Instead, we have 90% being or bribed into submission to the will of the deep state.

The federal government has a short list of mandates that begin with protecting the sovereignty of the states.

#1 National Defense (not empire building)

#2 Roads and infrastructure

#3 Border protections

#4 Currency that will support free markets and interstate commerce

#5 A blind Judicial system that answers to the Constitution

THAT IS IT. NO MORE. Everything else should disseminate to state and local governments.

Our current system cannot be repaired until it has be slashed and brought to the proper size, taken apart and rebuilt from the ground up. We have the Constitution and the Declaration, both documents that allow and suggest for just such an overhaul. What we lack is wisdom and political will. It is time for real courage, JFK style courage. RFK Jr style courage.

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