The Principle of Principles



After over 18 months Tommie Pain’s Rule #1 has yet to be challenged! It’s like pitching a no hitter!

The corollary to rule #1 : Everything you hear from the government, think opposite.

I guarantee that if you adopt these two guiding principles and read the book 1984, your state of confusion will come to an abrupt halt. You will begin to see through the propaganda. You will become immune to gas lighting.

The Principle of Principles

Principles and truth may be corrupted and twisted beyond recognition, but clear thinking and objective reality will always surface in the end. It may be months or years later, but once embraced, truth becomes, as our founding fathers said, “Self evident.”

Materialism has driven us into the gutter we find ourselves in. We can blame Aristotle for the philosophy that supports it, but no given set of ideas was ever meant to stand alone as the sole reason to exist. Humanity is complex, and to treat it otherwise is to bury our heads in the sand and surrender. The objective truth is that Greek philosophy combined with Judaeo Christian faith created the environment necessary for the emergence of the industrial revolution, for capitalism, and for the material culture we enjoy today. But materialism in and of itself was not the objective. Rather, Aristotle, through his undeniable logic, was seeking to unleash the individual.

Self sovereignty, self reflection, and the pursuit of excellence; these were the goals. That justice is only possible under the veil of freedom and for want of individual liberty the entire society benefits.

In reading the federalist papers, whether you agree or disagree with the arguments being made, on whichever subject, one cannot deny the clarity of thought and mastery of the subject matter the writers portrayed. How is it these people were so clear headed?

Ask yourself how a group of men from the 18th century could contrive a system that would harness the inventiveness of the human being and rocket an entire society into an age of technology never before seen in history. For 6,000 years we rode horses and broke our bodies using simple machines to survive. Then suddenly, we had complex machines. Less than 200 years later, man was is space and more people than ever before were living productive, comfortable lives. Far fewer people in the entire world went hungry. Make no mistake. Europeans made a great contribution. But it was in the United States where industry and the practical application of technology went hyperbolic.

Our founders created a structure of government for the first time in history that began with the premise, “we the people do hereby grant limited powers to our government”. In other words, the government is not granting the population certain rights, there is no king’s law, no gracious despot; but rather the people are granting the government certain authority. There must be laws. There must be a social contract. What should these be based on?

A principle is an immutable fact. Mathematics relies on principles as does physics and the other natural sciences. Cause and effect. E=mc2. There are also spiritual principles and universal truths. Subtle things that cannot necessarily be quantified, but have proven true time after time, eon after eon. We reap what we sow. Karma.

Today we parade personalities in circles who all have different ideas about what the citizen should do or not do, be or not be. Yet the founding philosophy of our country says that natural rights, liberty and freedom, the right to private property, are God granted. We are born this way, free. It is our natural state of being. To have choice. Free will. We authorize our government to protect those individual, god given, natural rights. Not to mandate or manipulate… but to protect.

These are principles, not personalities, and they emanate from the Judaeo Christian morality of Western Civilization. The belief system begins with acknowledging a creator and innumerates the complicated relationships between men and women, siblings and parents, farmer and merchant, friends and enemies; and all of these groups with God. Over centuries, Western Civilization combined Greek logic with Christian religious beliefs and even Islamic wisdom to formulate a general philosophy that will promote the success and continuation of the human race. In other words, Western thinking believes that the human being is important and has such potential, that in spite of our many shortcomings, we are worth saving. In fact, the concept of redemption is fundamental to it. We screw up, then try to do better.

Underlying these core beliefs is the unyielding concept of self determination and the pursuit of excellence (or if you wish, happiness). Become competent and you can take care of yourself. Become independent and you may choose your way.

Along with this system of thinking comes responsibility. Democracy requires an educated population. Free will must, by it’s essential nature, learn and become intelligent. It is our survival mechanism.

Circumstances over the past 70 years have somehow driven us to elect representatives who in turn have created bureaucracies that no longer serve the people. Our education system is broken. Our infrastructure is falling apart. Our legal system has become corrupt. We screwed up. Now we must do better.

A government cannot be redeemed. Only people can. A divided society cannot survive. We must agree on certain fundamental ideas and priorities if we are to proceed in a positive direction. Our government wants us to submit to its unconstitutional acquired powers. It seeks to wipe out communities, families, and individuals unless they acquiesce and adopt a singular viewpoint. But this government was given its authority by the will of the people and now we must rescind that authority. It is time to take back what we foolishly granted.

It is not unusual for an institution to become obsessed with self preservation at the cost of its originators. More likely, it is the rule. It is not unusual for those with power to want more power at the cost of those who put them in power. More likely, it is the rule. Humanity is flawed as our founders were so keenly aware; and there are mechanisms within the system that can arrest our tumble into serfdom. Those mechanisms can only be applied by we the people. The government will not discipline itself.

Our government cannot heal the society. It cannot teach us to be moral and thoughtful individuals. It cannot redeem us or repair the human condition. These things only people can overcome. We the people must exercise the free will we were born with, not cower under the growing shadow of a police state.

The government does not know truth from fiction. And those in the bully pulpit do not necessarily value truth. In fact, they have mastered the lie in order to control you. They have made government into god and decided to change truth to their liking.

In November of 2020, Tommie Pain began documenting the fall of the Republic. It has happened so much faster than I believed it would; but we are here, trembling on the threshold between authoritarian rule and the mere hope that this experiment in self government may heal and correct its errant ways. I do not believe we can reform this government. Nor do I think all out rebellion will answer our ills.

We the people must admit that the problem is the government and that it must be lawfully dismantled. Cut government expenditures immediately. Reduce the budget by 5% every year until it is balanced and pay down our debt until it is once again manageable. Take back the authority that was given to unknown persons in the bureaucracy. Eliminate the institutions that have outgrown their usefulness and no longer achieve their stated goals. This is our only hope.

Most of all, we the people must unite behind a common cause to face reality instead of inventing it. We of ourselves did not create the world and its abiding principles. It was given to us. We must acknowledge it. We must respect what is true and reject deception in all of its ugly forms. We must find our hearts again to guide us through the intellectual turmoil that has risen up to replace our forefathers belief system. Principles can save this nation if only we would honor them.

Was that too corny? Well, that’s the medicine we need folks. We need old fashioned faith and adherence to Judaeo Christian ethics. It turns out that shoving the Gospel down our throats was for the better and living in the vacuum of atheism is just want the communists wanted.

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