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My original purpose in writing these short essays and audios was to document the fall of our republic in digestible segments. It is also intended to share small chunks of political common sense, that when added together create a world view that has proven to be the most beneficial environment for people to thrive in. Free markets, free speech, liberty and capitalism – the founding principles of our Constitution. I have tried to introduce historical facts, insight into the Constitution and its founders, and educational information regarding communism. Our motto is “Never Communism”.

Is there any doubt that our government is growing in size, spending money with no thought to where it might come from, and deliberately undermining its own institutions? Is it not clear that our justice system is completely broken, working full time in prosecuting those opposing the woke leadership, while ignoring all else?

Can we not admit wholeheartedly that a Marxist revolution is underway, intent on dismantling the United States of America? That many of our most highly placed officials actually hate this, their own country?

Sad to say that two more observations have risen to our attention this week.

  1. Critical Race Theory has found its way into the military. If CRT advocates really want to heal this country like they claim to, they are doing a terrible job of it. The only results of this unproven theory is confusion among the ranks. What is the rationale and who is behind it? Our military has been the most successfully integrated, cohesive organization in history since before 1950. They don’t need anyone to tell them how to handle diversity. They’re already experts!
  1. A new study shows the approval of socialism has increased while the desire for capitalism has decreased. If only our socialist friends knew where that road leads. Read your history folks. It’s a proven dead end.

I admit that what we are witnessing is a most complex array of actors. It is difficult to see through the espionage, the counter espionage, the triple agent and the lies intended to deflect or cover up or confuse … reality. Tommie Pain is doing his very best to outline the parameters of this war and pleading for common sense to prevail.

I wish to appeal to the younger generation to evaluate current events with an open and critical mind. While I may be a conservative, I recognize the liberal points of view and seek common ground with those I disagree with. I dream of debating Democrats like JFK or Harry Truman, both of whom I differ with. There was a time when Democrats were not irresponsible zealous extremists, but rather a party that had the best interests of the population in mind. There was a time when Republicans just wanted to keep the Democrats from overspending, yet also had the interests of the country in their hearts.

Sadly, our representatives on both sides no longer represent we the people. The Democrat Party has been hijacked by a faction called “progressives”; and the Republicans are much more interested in status quo than they are in reforming our broken institutions. The deep state is running the show while the children squabble and the Communist arm of the Progressives continue their attempt at a “color” revolution from within.

No other country could experience this because no other country affords its politicians and citizens so much liberty. Added to this scenario, we now see a two tiered justice system that ignores crimes on every level unless that crime threatens this Progressive, Communist movement; at which point they have no qualms in denying constitutional rights to the accused.

While some Trump supporters suffer solitary confinement for trespassing, violent criminals are set loose with no bail. You can loot a convenience store with impunity, but woe to the husband and wife who brandish guns in self defense. The police state is waiting at the next turn.

I cannot hide my bias when it comes to my patriotism and the pride I have to be a US citizen. I have lived the American dream in some respects and while my generation will suffer the least, I cry each night for those children who may grow up having never experienced the pursuit of happiness. . I have witnessed the progress of a people and the complete corruption of a government. America is not a government. America was established to be governed by the “will of the people”. America is a people and an attitude. Can do. Will do. Freedom for all. Work hard, play hard, and be master of your destiny. No guarantees. Freedom includes freedom to fail. The merit of your work and the content of your character are all that matter.

I cannot tolerate my rights being stripped away for the sake of some promised utopia or an irrational sense of security. The world is a dangerous place and it always has been. This country has seen an unprecedented veil of protection for some 30 years, and even then we were struck by the planes piloted by zealots on 911.

If we are to take back this country, we must simplify and focus our purpose before the police state is forced to act against its own citizens. We must bond, shedding the old partisan labels and ask only, tyranny? Or freedom?

There are no longer Republicans or Democrats. Those terms refer to a history we can not return to. Oh, we’ll keep the names. But we must look past the subterfuge of lies and talking points in order to pursue our noble goal. Save the Constitution. Save the Republic.

It is imperative at this juncture that we communicate accurately. The enemy likes to redefine our vocabulary, make up new words, and create confusion in the public arena. Our first weapon should be to clarify terms. Make them explain themselves thoroughly and reply in concise sentences. Words matter! Just think about what words have done to this society already.

The “revolution” is a Marxist movement that hides in the term “progressive”. Big tech, big pharma, big media, and the educational system are supporting it. It is a religious insurgency that has spawned riots as well as law suits, all in the name of good will, but in action – has caused nothing but destruction. Their goal is to crush us through intimidation, propaganda, and violence. They wish to eliminate the Constitution, then install a single party system that will dictate to all government institutions.

The “counter revolution” is we the people pushing back against the tyranny of authoritarian Governors, elected officials who undermine the constitution, cancel culture, critical race theory, and anyone who would advocate for more government, less freedom. These are the communists and their sympathizers, too weak to stand up for the individual, too greedy to say “no” to a bribe, too morally bankrupt to see what is right and what is not.

Comrads, the counter revolution is under way.

My critics – and I’m proud to say I have some – tell me I do not support my arguments with facts. That my sources are poor. Well that’s because your source says my source is no good. And my source doesn’t think much of your source either. That’s the whole problem in a nutshell. I will try to do better. My blogs might get longer in the explaining.

Finding reliable sources is near impossible these days, however. In fact, when I hear the term “fact check” I immediately think “propaganda”. The best reporters are being slandered. But so are the worst. I try to listen to the people on the ground, not the reporters. I don’t care who does the interview so much as what the witness has to say, where they have been, what they have seen. Afterwards, I make a judgment as to veracity of the information. Is it true or not?

My interest is in Cuban refugees who have experienced communism. Chinese refugees. Black intellectuals who have been tracking civil rights for at least 20 years. People who live in Chicago, live in LA, live in Portland. Cops on the street. Mayors in Mexican border towns. I could care less who holds the microphone. I listen. Are they telling the truth?

Aristotle confronted this problem in his quest for the truth, and his method of logic is what I use, primarily, to decide if what I hear and read represents truth, or is something bent to appear truthful. People, this is the new frontier. Finding truth. We are in Plato’s cave observing the shadows. Wisdom is our most useful tool.

Here is a simple example:

Can you get covid twice? If you have had the virus and you have the anti bodies, can you still get sick and die? (Never mind that in the history of viruses, anyone who lived through the ordeal was henceforth immunized.. including the plague)

Dr. Peter McCullough, who was highly respected until he said the wrong thing – at which point he was canceled — has a logical answer.

“If you could get reinfected, there would be millions of cases by now.”

This is pure logic. It has no evidence because there are no cases to glean evidence from. It is merely an observation.

We have been conditioned, through generations of TV viewing, to believe what we are told when we like the face and the voice of the person speaking. That too is only an observation. I can’t prove it except by the millions of people who believe the outright lies being told on a daily basis and the massive industry we call “marketing”. The American Communist Party is marketing communism.

We have also been stress tested in order to determine how far a population can be pushed. “What can we make them do?” Yes, this assumption requires the belief in some kind of conspiracy. But what other reason could there be for such massive self destructive behavior? We are not being defeated in a battle. We are destroying ourselves. This war is psychological and I am a counter revolutionary attempting to free as many minds as I can to the concept of thinking independently.

Those who escaped Soviet Russia all agreed on one thing. To paraphrase, “We all knew what we were expected to say out loud, and we all knew it was a lie, but we said it any way. Then we did what we were told to do.”

My only evidence for the communist color revolution lies in the past. What has been done to other populations is being done to us now. We are reacting just as those people in 1917 did in Russia, just as the Chinese did under Mao. We have been brain washed, and the turmoil goes on.

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