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I just finished a personal mail to a friend and in it I said of this blog, “I intend  to document the fall of the republic … “

Only three weeks ago (11-1-2020) the thought of me blogging was not even on the radar. Who cares what I think? Doesn’t everyone see this for what it is? I’m too busy to try to get involved. I’ll just keep the gun handy.

I suppose I was in my own little conspiracy bubble, saying ‘I told you so’ to whoever might listen. But I did not start this thing just to be a self righteous, arrogant asshole. I hate bloggers! I don’t need a blog to continue my life just as I have lived it for 62 years. I’m too old to be egotistical. I don’t care any more. My generation is about to retire. If anyone needs a rocking chair, let me know.

No. I started this because I am sick and tired. It is time for we the people to take a stand. I started this for the younger folks who, as children, lived through 911, the great recession, the real estate crater, and the complete takeover of the schools. I am writing because I feel so strongly that you have been cheated. Cheated of honesty, opportunity, and voice.

I am writing this because it is the only thing I can think to do. The most influential people in my life were all in the military and I cannot express how grateful I am and how much I have learned from them. My passion for history is rooted in a childhood desire to understand what I was witnessing in the 1960s.

My generation will not pay this bill. Oh, a bit of it on the front end maybe. But the real disaster lays years in the future. Our grandchildren will suffer most. And it is the younger generation of today that will decide this turning point in history.

There is only the slightest chance we can correct the course of history in the coming few years. It’s a long shot, and as I will continue to promote, it all begins with what we say we believe in and what we are willing to do about it.


RULE # 1 : They charge YOU with THEIR crimes! Any con artist or socialist or communist will constantly accuse his enemies of that thing he is engaged in. This works every time. So when you hear the accusation, you should instantly know – that is what they are doing.

RULE #2 : Socialists, communists, progressives will always preach that individuals should be trampled for the betterment of the group. This is their favorite concept, that the whole is more important than the individual. It even sounds good. The problem is that on a practical level IT DOES NOT WORK. The group is composed of individuals. A slight to one is a slight to all. Our country is founded upon the sovereignty of the individual. The constitution protects individuals FROM the STATE.. You cannot treat 1 million people all the same if you expect to have diversity (which they also preach). A society requires many different people with different skills in order to function. Equality must be of opportunity, not of outcome. Otherwise, there is NO FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

RULE #3: The government ALWAYS makes things worse. When you hear the words, “We’re with the government. We’re here to help.” Run! Every time the government steps in, good people step back.

RULE #4 : In order to maintain power, the Communist authority must always have a villain to focus on in order to justify their authoritarian actions.


Our Goal

Our goal is to educate left, right and center AWAY FROM COMMUNISM. We are Americans, one nation, indivisible. All moderate liberals are welcomed and encouraged to join us in taking back our country and insisting the constitution be honored. Civil debate is needed, not censorship and CANCEL culture!

Our first Article: The Rubicon

#KnowThyCountry #NeverCommunism

4 replies on “Home”

Humanity has always had to fight authoritarians, control freaks who pop up out of nowhere on a regular basis, from before the Roman Empire to the present day.
They usually manipulate the people’s emotions to gain power, because they have no valid agenda to submit to the population in a reasonable manner…their agenda is exclusively about control and authority. They consequently often use fear (as can be seen with the COVID charade).
Authoritarians have historically emerged from within all major religions and all political factions, from the far right to the far left, from military dictators to so-called revolutionaries.
Today in the US, authoritarians are coming from the left.
I used to consider myself a progressive, as little as 6 months ago. I was always a liberal. The word liberal has the same etymological root as the word liberty…the classical liberal ideology was about individual rights, and was very anti-authoritarian. The most liberal motto was “live and let live”. Back then, the rightwing was considered quite authoritarian, mostly because of its strong dogmatic beliefs (religion).
Everything has turned 180 degrees. Now the left is the “establishment” and strongly allied with the wealthy elite and wealthy technocrats, with the mainstream media and with a new form of aggressive imperialism in foreign policies (endless wars and illegal regime changes). The new left openly despises the working class and rural America (as seen in the media), and conservatives have become the defenders of the average individual. What a strange turn!
The manufactured, WHO-inspired (in other words communist-inspired) COVID crisis has allowed us to clearly see who stands for freedom and who wants tyranny…and the vast majority of Democrats, both politicians and voters as well as the MSM and social media platforms CEO’s belong to the latter group.
I am not a conservative but I currently agree with many conservative ideas. I also agree with many classical liberal ideas, and even with some progressives ideas, but above all, I stand firm on individual liberty and sovereignty. Life without freedom is without meaning, it is mere existence, as that of any prisoner or slave.
So I would conclude by saying that the enemies of freedom are my enemies, no matter where they stand ideologically or in terms of religious beliefs (no sharia law for me, thank you!). And those who protect individual freedoms and sovereignty are my allies, my friends, regardless of ideology or religious beliefs.
All Americans, and actually all of humanity, should likewise make personal liberty its main priority, its focus and should unite under this banner, because authoritarianism and totalitarianism are rising almost everywhere.
All creatures, including human beings, are born free and meant to live free by natural and spiritual law!
Do not let yourselves be manipulated by emotions or a false narrative and remember what it means to be human. And if you are a Christian, remember also that the Creator gave you free will, as well as dignity, and did not appoint a king or a queen to lord over you and cause you to be “subordinated”, to live on your knees as a serf under a police state.

Thank you for the outstanding comments. Your assessment of the political spectrum is particularly accurate. Given our current situation it may become necessary to redefine our positions and create new terms. The left invents new words all the time. Point being, as a constitutional conservative I fully embrace the classic liberal just as you have described him / her. We freedom lovers need a unified constituency! Bravo. PS I eat lunch every day with a “liberal”.


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