To Teach, or not to Teach


Washington DC is still being occupied by over 5,000 National Guard troops. High, barbed wire fences surround the Capitol building as well as the White House. Many schools throughout the country remained closed for the foreseeable future. 30 percent of all small businesses are gone, most as a result of bankruptcy. Masks are no longer a cautionary measure. They have become a legal issue, a social signal, and yet another means of creating division between Americans.

Many, but not all, schools are seemingly intractable in their position due to the teacher’s union. It seems the bigger the school, the less likely they are to be in session. They want guaranteed safety, guaranteed income, guaranteed guaranties before returning to work. I have been distraught over this in particular because our educational system is failing in the first place – by accepting the dumbing down of the population, and by indoctrinating students on every grade level. All along I have believed that the students are being seriously harmed.

Only recently, because the indoctrination issue is growing to unfathomable limits – for the first time in my life – I started looking into schools. I’m catching up fast. It’s easy to take the position in sympathy for the children, but I had an awakening this week thanks to a book called Weapons of Mass Instruction …. I pondered, “Why not close all the public schools permanently?”

That’s right. Force parents to find creative ways to educate or not educate their children. Instead of telling them what to think in a controlled classroom, let them experience the world and learn from it. There will be many failures of course, but look at what we have now. These kids can’t read or do arithmetic anyway, what have we got to lose? There will also be many children who will thrive given the freedom to imagine. Some will find a love of reading. Some will discover mechanics or electronics or chemistry. Let them pursue their own interests using “Open Source” learning and see if it does not motivate a whole lot of parents along the way. Let’s go for the “It takes a Village” mentality (but without institutions) and adopt every child who wants to learn. Let’s be grown ups and teach the next generation how to fend for itself.

The school system is really just a jobs program anyway. They go out of their way to be inefficient. Few teachers teach. The good ones are often times hidden away, cloistered for making the others look bad. Heaven forbid kids learn to think for themselves. Independent thinking children are the trouble makers!

The teacher’s union is simply a voting block promoting fear of financial insecurity. Let’s do to them what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers. “Show up Monday, or you’re fired.” Cart blanch! Approved text books and curriculum is another story of shortcuts, bribery and over payments. Do you know what a college text book costs?

The more I think about open source learning the more I like it. I have yet to hire a young person who did not need trained, beginning with how to show up for work. What clothes to wear. How to think through a task. How to calculate hours worked. These basic concepts are completely foreign to students today. And while they sit in school, bored or frustrated or acting out, they are being deprived of some of the best years of their life.

How many high school drop outs have become famous entrepreneurs? How many have become not famous, yet solid citizens living middle class lives? How much energy is devoted to mischief that could be directed towards a productive life? Let them have both!

As a parent I always felt as though I was not providing my children with enough experience. Everything was scheduled around attending school and getting good grades. I bit my lip rather than criticizing a teacher. I made every mistake the established brainwashing commission expected me to. I failed.

Our trips could have been extended adventures, the hobbies they chose could have become deeper and longer lasting experiences. Why does a kid have to wait until they are 18 to begin working full time on cars or building homes or designing clothing? My regrets are growing as I write. That’s exactly how this takeover works. They infiltrate the system until you take them for granted. Then they gnaw your leg off.

Incubating human beings until they are 18 so they all behave in a similar manner, all believe in the same artificial social structure, all feel the anxiety in not measuring up (or down); it’s tantamount to a cake recipe. Why was I so blind? Holding back the exceptional student, shaming them even, for the sake of the slower ones: this is why our home grown technical pool and our professional work pool has become so weak. Not allowing a “hands on” student to explore craftsmanship in lieu of shoving baked in academia down his / her throat explains why construction companies cannot find good candidates to become carpenters.

Hindsight is the most useless exercise, however it makes for increased awareness. I complained about the schools my own children attended, but did not know what I could do about it. Likewise, I had no idea to what degree the “indoctrination” was that was taking place. They are so subtle. That was 10 years ago when I started using the term “communist” applied to the government. Little did I know they were living in my community. Today the cat is out of the bag.

Even liberals circa 1980 and 1990 are beginning to ask, “How did we get here?” The answer lies in the colleges that brainwashed the students who became teachers who brainwashed their students who became teachers. I’d wager most communist sympathizers in this country do not realize that they are – communist sympathizers. It’s what they were taught!

Critical theory has created cancer culture, hatred for capitalism, hatred for history, and reignited racism. It is the Marxist ideology disguised in pseudo intellectualism that has been taught to every person who attended college since 1990 or before. Now it seems that over one half of our population is on board with this madness and many others are living in fear of being discovered as “not on board”. Quite a society.

For a year we have been held under restrictions and lockdowns to a virus that is 99.5% survivable. All the while under the assumption that things will eventually return to normal. The virus did not stop the riots. It did not keep several cities from de-funding their police. It did not control crime or safeguard an election process. We have wasted a year in a false assumption. Things will never be as they were.

It is imperative that we acknowledge the fact that we are in revolutionary times. How we teach the young will determine the fate of our country. It’s time to rethink it. If the schools want to be closed, I say shut them down. If we must accept a new normal, let it be a new normal of our choosing. Be a revolutionary. Free the people.

NEWSFLASH: They said, “Oh no. They can’t come for our guns.” Well check out the legislation sitting in the House.

H. R. 127 ( )

My favorite:

“(II) undergoes a psychological evaluation conducted in accordance with paragraph (2), and the evaluation does not indicate that the individual is psychologically unsuited to possess a firearm; and

I’d love to know what the criteria is for that.

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