This is Tommie Pain. Our web site is knowthycountry.com where you will find essays beginning in November 2020 when the cat came outta the bag. If you want to understand this country, past and present, our collection is a super condensed version of who what and when.

Know Thy Country
Audio Link https://soundcloud.com/user-917076397/


Happy 4th of July and blessings to liberty lovers everywhere!

Six months ago, the idea that covid was spawned in a lab in Wuhan was an absolutely debunked conspiracy theory – period. No more questions.

Now this hypothesis is allowable, and even the media giants are willing to believe there is legitimate evidence to support it. Soon enough they may be willing to entertain the possibility that the release of the virus was intentional. Eventually, the brain dead communist sympathizers, better known as useful idiots, will realize that this was just the first major attack from the Chinese Communist Party in their ongoing war with the west, the US of A in particular.

Truth is the first casualty of war and I have yet to trace the trail of gas lighting back to its original source.

Add Dr. Fauci and gain of function research into the plot and what you have is another counter espionage movie in the making. Truth is also stranger than fiction and if that thought doesn’t fit the subject matter I’ll eat my proverbial hat.

Snippets from 1984:

Being a pamphleteer keeps me up late at nights. The deeper I dig to confirm facts, review history, and read the founding documents, the more ideas I get, the deeper into the rabbit hole I go. The problem is, this rabbit hole is not a delusion. There is serious stuff taking place right before our eyes, has been for some time now, and if it’s not a conspiracy then we have a collective mindset coincidentally working in lock step. Sometimes, I think even guys like me are brain washed.

I’m trying to ignore the two parties. I’m a Republican technically, because I want to vote in the primaries. But I’m not really a Republican. I just can’t be a Democrat. We need more parties, but that might do more harm than good in the end too. I want to be fair to Democrats, because they’re not all crazy, just the leadership and the far left wing of communists. But in hearing them blame the defunding of the police on the Republicans, I’m beginning to think that anyone who stays with the Democrats is openly abiding the enemy.

I have many more liberal friends than you might think. I listen to them intently because I want to understand their motivation. The liberals I know have good intentions and want the government to lead the way in solving social problems. That’s NOT how I would approach these noble issues, but the real conundrum is that they believe what their leaders say, even when they know they are lying. The second problem is that Republicans lie too. Where do we go?

So I started reading 1984 by George Orwell again. The term “Orwellian” is worn out at this point, almost useless. I can’t think of a better one, however, especially now that the Republicans are responsible for the crime wave because the leftists said the Republicans defunded the police. It’s Rule number One again! Do they ever listen to themselves?

1984 offers us a complete vocabulary for what we are witnessing. “Doublespeak” is part and parcel for the other terms. “Memory Hole” , “Ministry of Truth” , “Big Brother” (the original !) , “Thought Police”, “tele-screen” (yes, Orwell anticipated the cell phone! only bigger ) ;there is a lexicon in this short book that everyone needs access to.

1984 is absolutely required reading these days. It was so outlandish in 1975 when I read it for the first time. I did a re – read in 1989 too, I forget why. And now, in 2021, it reads like a synopsis of the daily news. Why? Because Communism, like republicanism, like capitalism, like liberalism, all have founding principles. Disinformation is foundational to Communism.

Every political party ever contrived uses disinformation to some extent. Hell, lawyers use it to defend the guilty. With the communist, however, bold is better. Deception is not a tool in their arsenal, but instead, the founding principle to their philosophy. They intentionally mislead their own followers. They don’t care if you believe it or not. Because they will beat it into you and return to it later until you have been conditioned to accept the “narrative”. Narrative is a word I have come to loath.

This practice, sometimes termed “gas lighting”, but on the street we call “bull shitting”, is so odious, so over the top, so seemingly ridiculous, that it is laughable unless you have been programmed for a long period of time to accept out and out story telling as possibly a respectable viewpoint of the facts – which have been made up or twisted in the first place.

The book 1984 looks deeply into the psychological phenomenon of conditioning. After years of “doublespeak” the people no longer remember their true history. They question their own memories, their ability to think clearly, their very eyesight. And proud members of the party go to work each day, fabricating facts to literally re-write the history in order to reinforce to the party’s explanations of things.

A cut in food allotments is actually an improvement to their standard of living. A shortage is explained as a new and agreed upon obsolescence. Page after page of nonsense, swallowed up to become dogma, exemplified by the basic publicly posted message:




In the words of another author, Leon Trotsky, writing on the real USSR: “We knew they we lying to us. They knew we knew that they were lying. We knew that they knew that we knew they were lying. Yet they kept on lying.”

In the words of one of the characters in 1984 who is assembling the new dictionary. “We’ve eliminated so many words! It’s remarkable. Why in 50 years we’ll only need a handful of words to explain everything.” But this is because explaining anything is looked down upon by the party.

Is social media not working from the same assumptions as that librarian? Cancel culture is censoring more and more people and subject material. There is no discourse, no debate, only accusations and declarations. The pattern is easily discernible once you start looking for it. Pay attention.

The Democrats in charge today are acting out the standardized communist overthrow. They read their lines and swear to falsehoods as though duty bound to do so. They are offended when challenged and mock anything that thwarts their agenda. As Obama said recently concerning Republicans and their alarm over Critical Race Theory in the public schools, “Who knew that that was the threat to our republic? “

He did not mention the confusion, the guilt, or the accusatory nature of CRT as it is taught. He did not mention that the founders of Critical Theory were German Marxists exiled to Columbia University in the 1930s. When reading CRT from the school’s own text books, school boards have shut down the speaker. They cannot bear to listen to the words being said to 4th graders. Obama dismisses the very idea that this is a problem.

I’m sorry folks, the war goes on. The truth may be hard to find, but it’s out there. Let’s don’t forget 1984.


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