Cancer Culture

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Cancer culture

You cannot talk about cancel culture without talking about Critical Race Theory. Neither can you have the conversation without noting today’s universities. These “narratives” – which is exactly all they are – opinion based rhetoric – pseudo intellectualism – were spawned and nurtured on our college campuses. Thanks to years of teaching and indoctrination, we now have a full generation or two, proud to be called “WOKE”.

I am at a loss to conjure up adjectives that adequately express my astonishment at the complicity of teachers, professors, administrators, and students to the faulty reasoning of Critical Race Theory, the erasing of history, and so called “Democratic Socialism”. These people are supposed to be intellectuals. Like Marx, who lived in a London Apartment most of his adult life, they are insulated from reality in their academic “bubble” where thought experiments run wild into the fantastical world of idealism.

No one respects or enjoys philosophy more than I do. I wish sometimes I had been born brighter so I could understand Kant intuitively or had the ability to analyze Nietzsche or Hume in less than 40 years. Instead, I have read and meditated endlessly, looking for the key, but ultimately only through years of absorption have I gleaned a portion of some of the deeper philosophic points. Yet Marx literally wrote a handbook predicated upon its readership assuming what he said made sense. It does not.

Intellectualizing humanity is a fine activity. Dreaming of utopia may even uncover things that benefit a growing mind. But as a practical matter, you cannot engineer society as though people were Lego (s). We saw Leggo Land some years ago when you could still drive through LA in less than a day. It was masterful, one form designed and placed upon another until you had characters, vehicles, buildings, machines, … an entire world of imagination. Truly a work of art.

The real world is not so well defined. Marx throws out the term “means of production” as if it were his rook and he aimed to use it to check his opponent’s queen. He dismisses religion out of hand, never bothering to look back through 5,000 years of worship in order to understand it. An “opiate of the masses,” he claims. Instead he names the “oppressors” as if they were hard to find. And for most of the rest of his book, he outlines the methods of deception needed to organize the masses. The Communist Manifesto should be titled, “Counter Espionage, the Lie Within the Lie” . It is amazing what fools people will follow.

Isaac Newton on the other hand was looking at matter. You would think tangible stuff would be easier to understand than intangible stuff. His explanation of physics stood for several hundred years until Einstein came along to refine it. “Not quite right,” Albert said to Isaac. Today, we also know that Einstein got it …. not quite right. I ask you. If we still do not understand the world of material, (what the hell is gravity?) how is it these modern social engineers are arrogant enough to PRESUPPOSE their theories are correct?

Critical Race theory is even worse. They should call it Neo-racism. I will die standing beside the colorblind Martin Luther King Jr. Our society experienced a revelation because of MLK, and yet during the 1980s, a handful of intellectual bozos decided to re-write the human characteristic of prejudice into a treatise that only aggravates an existing reality. They literally stripped away 40 or more years of progress to satisfy their egos, write some books, and proclaim their superiority!

I recently listened to a real intellectual who simply stated that whatever critical race theory is, it has had a completely negative effect on eliminating racism. No shit. (the sarcastic no shit, not the literal)

Then there is the exercise in erasing history. If ever there was a academic study that was immutable, unchanging, it is history. Of course there are new things learned all of the time. Old letters discovered, structures dug up from the ground, new findings in the oceans; we will forever have new things to examine and consider. But of history since, let’s say, 1492, we have had a preponderance of evidence to support what used to be called “conventional” history for some time. We may not understand our ancestors’ point of view exactly, but we know what took place and when. We may not see their underlying motivations, their personal insights, but we know what they did. Columbus did not infect the Indians with influenza on purpose because he could not have understood germs. Jefferson did not invent slavery. Stonewall Jackson was a quirky character strangely endowed with a military genius. He fought for the state he was born in.

It is entirely inappropriate to apply a 2020 academic mentality to a person born in 1800. It is even more inappropriate to assign to that person those thoughts you suppose he had – then claim it as fact. We don’t even know what our spouses and children are thinking. How could we read Washington’s thoughts? History is the study of what happened when. It should not be a trial based on today’s sensitivities. But again, Marxism requires history to be deleted in order to establish the new order. Context is irrelevant. Now who is acting out of prejudice?

This brings us to Cancel Culture because I refuse to entertain “global warming, cooling, changing because CO2 is a poison” – except to plants – who make O2 for us — which we need more of – even for a second. The mere existence of cancel culture proves that the pseudo intellectuals have no faith in their own postulates. Rather than debate these high minded ideas, they ignore, dismiss, and cancel those who would not agree forthwith. Cancel Culture says, “We are right. You are wrong. Now shut up before we lose our sheep and people start thinking for themselves.” It is nothing more than a political power play.

The pseudo intellectuals have created this toxic environment because of a chess board within a room with no windows. Their narrow focus does not allow for any aspect of humanity that is not acknowledged in their theory. It is cold and flimsy and ever so limited. Where there may be 100 variables, they see only 5. Humanity, the most complex organism we know of, is reduced in their minds to a simple causality equation. They are infants.

What has happened in just a week, and what is taking place at an alarming rate is completely untenable. Social media has gone over the cliff but has not hit bottom yet. They are in a free fall. Likewise the leftists who are convicting people as unemployable are advertising their own ignorance. The problem is the immense damage they are doing prior to their own demise. Our country cannot take it.

I have to wonder just how stupid, for lack of a better word, such people must be who cannot see beyond their current impulse. Do they not know that destroying this nation will also destroy themselves? Or do they believe that the Oligarchy will save them after the communist regime crumbles? One year? Ten years? Pick a number.

When the idea of lockdowns came up, I screamed. No one who understands our infrastructure would ever entertain such a thing. Only a psychopathic power monger would close the economy for a virus with a 99.5% survival rate. We exist on a three day delivery schedule of food and necessities. That structure is ready to fail. I see it in my job every day. I am witnessing a total breakdown in the transportation sector. It is so obvious I cannot but think it planned. Demoralize the masses, the Marxist way.

It is inevitable that these cancel culture people will eventually eat themselves. However, we may not have the time that will take. This is why we see the speed at which the leftists are moving. They have an “Operation Warp Speed” of their own. Likewise, the act of “canceling” is diametrically opposed to the Golden Rule “ do unto others..” It is a destructive force that cannot possibly stand the test of time. Again, the problem remains; we may not have the time it takes for this implosion to take place.

Cancel Culture is a cancer. It should be called “Cancer Culture”. But this is the point of Marxism. They play with words in order to confuse, conflate, and coerce.

For 240 years we have been debating Democrat vs Republican, liberal vs conservative in a sloppy social environment we call democracy. It is not perfect. Compromise is required. Intellectual honesty is required. Today we are faced with the real possibility that this debate will no longer be sanctioned and allowed. They are telling us, “The debate is over. We won.” with absolutely zero integrity, zero proof, zero deductive, logical points. It is a statement of pure authoritarianism.

I submit that we must change the political spectrum in order to fight this. We no longer have the luxury of being conservative or liberal. We must join because there are only freedom lovers and communist sympathizers now. The leftists have reduced us all to a binary question. We no longer have time to argue the details. We are locked in a struggle for survival.

Freedom lover? Or communist sympathizer? Take your pick.

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