
We are Americans


My friends, the evidence is in. It is overwhelming. There is a coup, now 4, possibly 12 years in the making. The conspiracy is NOT a theory. The goal: Globalism under the totalitarian rule of the USA. But it won’t be the USA we know or think we know. It will be a one party, dominant ruling class that controls every facet of your life and denies upward mobility of the classes. This is a culture war, a class war, a war of belief systems. And so each of us must decide what it is we believe in.

The major battles have been fought and will be fought by people wealthy enough and courageous enough to stand against the “Progressive Tyranny”.  As little people, our only weapon is that belief we hold in our minds and hearts. Not everyone can follow the 15 minute news cycle and weed through the disinformation to find truth.  But we must believe in truth, seek it, and honor it if we expect to live fulfilling lives of honor. We must lean back on the morality that built this country, find the moral strength of those who have improved our imperfect nation bit by bit. We have failed so many times; yet today we are a better place than 10 years ago, far better than 50 years ago, infinitely better than 100 years past. What will we be tomorrow?

This civil war is not based on race or sex or religion. It is based on class and ideology.  The Progressives merely use our differences against us — just as Karl Marx proposed they should.  Their attacks are shrouded in lies and repeated ad infinitum in order to overwhelm us to the point where we agree if only to avoid more onslaught and confrontation. They want chaos so that they can promise you relief !

So how do you identify propaganda / brainwashing / indoctrination?
Today, I will share two of my rules:

RULE # 1 :  Any con artist or socialist or communist will constantly accuse his enemies of that thing he is engaged in.  This works every time.  They charge YOU with THEIR crimes!   Repeat, repeat, repeat.

RULE #2 :  Our country is founded upon the sovereignty of the individual. The constitution protects individuals FROM the STATE. Socialists, communists, progressives will always preach that individuals should be trampled for the betterment of the group. This is their favorite concept, that the whole is more important than the individual. It even sounds good.  The problem is that on a practical level IT DOES NOT WORK.  The group is composed of individuals. A slight to one is a slight to all. You cannot treat 1 million people all the same if you expect to have diversity (which they also preach). A society requires many different people with different skills in order to function. Equality must be of opportunity, not of outcome.  Otherwise, there is NO FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

Likewise, success must be a result of choice. It cannot be guaranteed. No matter how many times they tell you they will make your life better, they cannot. Only the individual can improve himself.
Yet Progressives will always divide us into groups, check boxes, and expect us to behave the same. Some use the term “monolithic”. This is prejudice on the most fundamental level. We are not competing groups. We are all Americans. We should serve principles, not personalities.

I’ll do the digging, all you have to do is read.

By Tommy Pain

Concerned citizen, patriot, over 40 years in the study of history from Gilgamesh to Justin Timberlake.

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