

Reasons not to Federalize

Note: This author does not consider either the Democratic party or the Republican party to be conservative. Both support big government.

Most conservatives, including myself, have long warned against the federal government becoming the nanny state that it is today. We have cried “private sector,” and “decentralize” while wquoting the Federalist Papers or the Constitution as our defense. It seems always to fall on deaf ears. When we say, “Return to the Constitution,” what do we mean? And why? Look around. Can you find a single activity that the feds do not have their fingers in? As soon as you start your car, your money is being siphoned to the centralized authority in Washington DC. There is nothing they do not tax, regulate, and manipulate under the auspices of “freedom” and “equality”. We have created a monster that will never be satisfied; our ruling class, or whatever term you wish to apply to them, can never have enough power, wealth, and influence. Yet the Constitution calls specifically for a “Limited Federal Government.”

Instead, we have a cycle of promises, dependency, and default.

This is not freedom. This is not liberty. This is the encroachment of the State to usurp and control every single “thing” of value, right down to the water you drink and the air you breathe. Private property? In their eyes it does not exist. Need I remind you to read the book “1984” ?

The liberal left has, in the process, taken the Constitution to the museum. “Old white guys..” “out of date..” “irrelevant” this is their message. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The one thing our technology HAS NOT changed is the character of humanity. Politics, the way we organize ourselves, has not changed in 5,000 years. Only our toys are more sophisticated.

Not only is today’s chaotic, destabilized world proof to our point, but the few regions in this country that are stable have one thing in common. They have fought against an abusive federal government and fought for their constitutional rights – one issue at a time. They have minimized the damage done by unconstitutional federal mandates.

Make no mistake. We are not talking only about the covid world reset here. We are speaking to the last 50 years of incremental incursions. We are talking about the politics of weaponizing any cause, any objection, any conflict into a federal takeover that promises you a psychotic utopia.. And as our leaders have witnessed their own failures, time after time, they continue to use that same old playbook to destroy yet another aspect of our lives. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, our central government is demonstrably clinically insane.

“Unintended consequences” is not an acceptable excuse, although they draw it like a sword every time one of their plans backfires. If there is any aspect of life that seems imperfect and you wish to make it worse, ask your federal government for help. Diffuse the responsibility until NO ONE is responsible. Spread out the paperwork so you have more paper pushers and fewer foot soldiers. Make your organization as top heavy as possible, so that buying office supplies requires ten meetings and a thorough audit before sending anyone to procure them. Move the money from department to department so that graft is equally shared and impossible to trace. These things are but a snapshot of what is happening inside every building with the word “Federal” on it. Hell, the signs often do not tell you what they are really doing anyway …. Am I dreaming?

I for one believe we should completely dismantle the central bureaucracy and send as much of the hijacked responsibility back to the states as possible. Better still, send it to the private sector. Then we can rebuild what absolutely must be federalized such as national defense, border security, currency and transportation infrastructure.

Laws – Only in the last 60 days has the Supreme Court acknowledged the Constitution they are sworn to enforce. A glimmer of hope has come from our Supreme Court in recent weeks. Bully for them, but where have they been for the last 50 years? When will lady justice be once again the blind arbiter we were told about? Today as never before, we have a two tiered system of justice from the local DA to the federal courts across the country. Legal decisions rely on the social, ethnic, and economic status of the accused. What will it take to get politics OUT OF THE COURTROOM?

Education – The department of education has not taught a single child to read in 50 years. They take your tax dollars that are collected by the state and local governments, skim what they want for “administrative services” (whatever that is), and then reallocate the funds according to some spreadsheet an intern drew up on a napkin in a bar. Most communities could build a better school and hire better teachers if only their tax dollars stayed within their district. And I daresay I could find ten people within 10 square miles who could come up with a better curriculum than what is handed down from above. I would volunteer to write the text books myself!

Student loans – Federalizing all student loans was a perfect way to enrich wealthy universities and increase tuition. Think of it. Every dime borrowed and paid funnels through the most inefficient system every devised. The feds make the interest on the loan and steal what they can with overhead and administration costs. Then they loan money to families who often times cannot afford to pay them back, thus hamstringing everyone involved for the rest of the term of the loan. Now they want to forgive a portion of these loans because they have become such a burden. What did Milton Friedman say? “All bills are paid. It’s only a question of who pays them.” As usual, forgiving a student loan will fall to the taxpayer to make good.

Mortgages – Making all real estate mortgages the property of the federal government began the 2008 meltdown that nearly destroyed the world’s economic system. They made a pyramid scheme with your homes! To this day financial institutions relish passing responsibility for a home loan on to the unnamed securities bureaucracy. The federal government now owns 90% of every neighborhood in the country and does not have the capital to insure what is borrowed. Can anyone follow the convoluted money trail? They can keep the interest, but god only knows what they do with the monthly payments – buy bullets maybe? Bribe third world countries?

Health Care – We lost our policies and we lost our doctors. There is no longer “private” medicine. Instead of personalized care, we are treated like cattle, all evaluated identically, batched and stamped. Need I go through the vaccine debacle and the incestuous relationships between research, production and government bureaucracy ? The mandates were no more than orders to fill the coffers of companies already on the take. But that was hardly the beginning. Costs have skyrocketed since Obamma Care and service has plummeted. Why? Because the insurance companies can bill the government for as much as they want. They only need to forge the paperwork properly. And to be fair, it costs money to find a way to comply with a 10,000 page law that no one has ever read! I have been looking for a good doctor my policy will afford for over 10 years now. Insurance companies continue to increase their rates as the feds reiterate how benevolent they are in seeking coverage for every human being inside our borders.

The story is similar in every federal institution we have. Graft, corruption, top heavy administrative offices, and total lack of responsible behavior result in increased costs for the taxpayer and the endless need to print money in order to pay the bills. Accountability is a word with absolutely no teeth. It will soon need to be re defined. Just like the word recession has.

As your government grows larger and larger with every favor, bribe and scheme against the tax payer, more individuals have reason to support a bloated, inefficient, often times immoral organization because IT is feeding THEM. Our federal government is the biggest cartel on the planet. A growing cartel needs new foot soldiers, more contractors who are “willing to go along”, more compliance by the population that is being bled to death.

Some years ago I sat with a contractor working for the State of California. Our company was being relocated due to the imminent domain statute. He needed my cooperation and I did comply with the law. But I had seen things and heard things so his job was to make me dirty also. I made him repeat the bribe three times but could not get anything signed. I did not comply.

In the immortal words of Edmund Burke, “All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

The Republic is dead. The communist is here. Your government is destroying the American Dream in lieu of a collective, narcissistic, equity of outcomes that breeds crime, dishonesty, envy, and poverty for all. All the communist needs is your compliance. I will not comply. We must not comply.

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