

Tommy Pain:

This is Tommy Pain and it is December 29th, 2023. Wake up and smell the oppression folks! Our police state is squeezing its fists, just like the red right hand would do, the Gastopo, or even the long forgotten King George. This republic of ours is a full blown tyranny now, thanks to an intelligence agency the size of an army and a court system that misreads its own laws. Insanity is the kindest way to describe it all.

The wolf is watching the hen house and we poor chickens are trapped, handcuffed, and awaiting the inevitable slaughter. How is it that a handful of judges can decide who may or may not be elected by the citizenry? If this is just the beginning of an election year, then hold on to your hat Batman, we could be in for the ride of our lives.

So here’s our essay:


We cannot fight science with more science. We cannot overcome technology with technology. We cannot outspend corporate America. We cannot worship false idols and expect redemption. This is the truth: That mankind was made to labor and learn, to feel pain and sorrow and relief and joy, to discover and resolve priorities. Most of all – to care for each other sincerely with no expectation of recompense.

A careful study of history reveals that chaos rules the planet. It always has and always will. Even today the parallels between the American Empire and the Western Roman Empire are downright spooky. Say what you will. Think as you like. Between AD 395 and 480:

The Romans had major problems with their borders that contributed to the eventual failure of their state. Immigration was out of control, the legions were being cut down in many places and several times an entire army was lost. Warfare became a constant state of affairs. Eventually, Rome withdrew from the more difficult territories that had once been productive members of the Empire.

The cost to maintain the Roman Legions became a full two thirds of their revenue. Taxes went up, up, and up.

The Romans devalued their currency to overcome the debt and “paper” over their shortfalls. Double digit inflation followed (as always).

Eventually the military had had enough so they began assassinating the emperors as soon as they realized that no improvement would be forthcoming. This allowed for only the most incorrigible of power thirsty persons to step forward to leadership. Even the generals were looking over their shoulders. Bribery became the most effective, if not only, way to accomplish anything.

In short, a failing economy driven by inflation created a political climate of absolute tyranny, taxes, and rebellion. Or was it the tyranny, taxes and rebellion that tanked their economy? Thus bringing on what we call the Dark Ages.

Yet within the massiveness of humanity, productive and good things emerge from darkness. They break out in small clusters of light, like fireflies in July. Only on an individual basis can we find hope and progress.

We should not look to politics for any sign of reform or forgiveness. We cannot expect great states or empires to shape our lives for the better. The more entangled we become, the more disappointed we will be.

Battles are many times won when the old rules are ignored and a new strategy completely out performs the old. When we ignore the slander and lies, look to viable solutions, and take positive, honest action: only then will we win back our freedom.

War continues in Ukraine. Gaza is being systematically cleansed of the Hamas terrorists as the billion dollar tunnel structure beneath Gaza is being destroyed and flooded. All across the world the sabers are being rattled as we cry for peace with empty words. The elites will win and the serfs shall lose. That has always been the way.

Only in our United States of America has there ever been a formidable middle class. We can thank the Constitution for that. A piece of paper that – when followed – protects the citizen from the government. Of late, that piece of paper has been ignored and trampled by the rulers we “elected”. They will not allow us to un – elect them, so our only coarse of action seems to be on a lower level, a community level. We must join to form many many enclaves of like minded freedom lovers. We must become more independent whether that means small farms or business conducted between individuals, anything that avoids our obtrusive government. We cannot fight the almighty state on its terms. We must rise above it.

It seems inevitable that we are entering a dark age. Whether that means all out Armageddon, a soft landing, or something in between remains to be seen. A dark age does not mean a dead one. It is a time that is lost to history. There have been many periods when failed governmental systems create power vacuums and the breakdown in infrastructure results in a lack of cohesion where education is concerned. Records are lost. Books disappear. Rumor fills the void until nothing reliable can be passed along.

Censorship and propaganda have such effects.

Still, society moves along, however handicapped it may become. In 2019 world wide hunger was nearly conquered by the centuries long drive to feed the world. Soon, it may be our biggest problem. It will also be the most important problem to solve. As things disintegrate on a macro scale, it must be remembered that on a micro scale some things could actually improve.

Personally, I have faith in American ingenuity. I have faith in the American people. I believe that a middle class, while evaporating before our eyes, could become the catalyst that reunites us and creates a future for our children and grandchildren. But we must not wait and hope for the government. Our government has failed us. In every way possible, we should extract ourselves from its clutches.

We the people can find new prosperity so long as we hold dear the tenets our forefathers penned on paper with feathered quills. The unquenchable desire to live freely and independently should form the basis to our next evolutionary step. Let us remember what was told us: “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and render unto God what is God’s.” With that in mind, we the people shall not fall victim to the autocrats and tyrants. Rather, we will rise from the ashes they have heaped upon us.

What put the Jan. 6 protesters in the sights of the DOJ is the unprecedented use of a 20-year-old evidence-tampering statute to prosecute them for delaying the counting of votes from the 2020 presidential election.
The statute reads:
Whoever corruptly
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both

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