


The Iron Fist


Previous Historical Pages:

  1. The Great Debate
  2. The Oligarchy
  3. The Manchurian Candidate

4. The Iron Fist

I am reminding myself today that the purpose of this blog is to document the fall of the republic. There has been a self induced genocide underway for nearly a year at this point. Likewise, I wish to inform my younger friends of a history they were barely taught. It is a tragedy that our schools have failed so miserably over the past 20 years or more. There was a time when American schools were the best. If you are under 30, maybe even 40, you were cheated.

I cannot paint the entire landscape when the focus is political thought, moral aptitude, and basic events. I am attempting to explain philosophy and theory, a flow of history. The “why” if you will. I also hope to disseminate truth from fiction where possible in light of the fact that “reporting” is a lost art.

Winston Churchill was ahead of his times. On March 5th, 1946 Churchill described the state of the world, post WWII, so accurately that it makes me believe in time travel.

….. “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.” …….

Of course he was referring to the borders of the USSR with central Europe. No one was getting in and no one was getting out (easily). Later, in 1961, the Berlin Wall was built making for a physical barrier that symbolized the great divide between east and west. It also prevented East Berliners from escaping to West Berlin or further, where some semblance of freedom could be found.

You see, from the revolution of 1917 onward, things in Russia – USSR – went from bad to horrible. Food shortages were the worst, but when you slaughter the farmers what do you expect? By 1940 the citizens were no more than starving captives to a brutal regime under Stalin. The USSR was controlled by one party; and that party by one man. This is exactly how socialism works. You begin with idealism. You silence the dissenters. You censor the media. You eliminate opposing organizations until a single entity emerges to rule the entire country. You impose stricter and stricter control until a knock on the door at midnight equates to a ‘disappearance’. Everywhere socialism has been tried, it has ended the same.

Although estimates vary, most experts believe at least 750,000 people were executed during the Great Purge, which took place between about 1936 and 1938 under Stalin. More than a million other people were sent to forced labor camps, known as Gulags.” (Fmd:

Churchill was not the only person to see the emerging conflict with Russia – USSR. George Patton said, (paraphrase) “We made it to Berlin, gentlemen. We might as well keep marching to Moscow…” That was his take in 1945.

Today we see similarities to the x-facto USSR in China. Moreso, we see the seeds here in America. In just the past week I have been alarmed by the extent of Chinese influence here in the states. The information coming out is growing. Before the election fraud I had assigned China to a back seat, a singular economic factor. Evidently, not so. Just like the deep state, 2020 is exposing the Chicoms along with their massive espionage campaign. Their stated goal of world dominance is not just an advertising slogan for their own people, it’s a real plan. How many tyrants have told us what they intend, only for us to yawn and change the channel? More importantly, How many American business people and politicians like the idea of getting rich while becoming a vassal state of China?

Call me a conspiracy kook, but the writing is on the wall. The Chinese are friendly with us only as it serves their goals. They have been using us for decades, drawing from our wealth, our technology, our good intentions. Make no mistake. They hate us. And they love the fact that so many Americans today hate America.

During the Cold War and the following decades, there was a clear line in the sand. We disliked our growing government but loved our constitution. We hated the thought of communism, but welcomed asylum seekers and refugees who would lawfully come into our country from a communist one. Our guilt over Vietnam was so great that special accommodations were made for the so called “boat people”. I’m sure that is politically incorrect, but that is what we called them then. They were escaping communism. Many were assimilated in the USA and today contribute to our society. (The number of boat people leaving Vietnam and arriving safely in another country totaled almost 800,000 between 1975 and 1995.)

Today we welcome the Chinese people as students, professionals, and business people. But they are not seeking asylum. They have family back in China under observation. They are sworn to remain loyal to their nation. They are regularly debriefed by the Chicoms who garner information used to manipulate we the people of the USA. No, our Chinese visitors are a part of the espionage campaign the Chinese Communist Party is using to overtake us economically and culturally.

In the nuclear age, the idea of a fighting war between two countries that can decimate the planet is a thought no one wants to have. So China does not want all out war. Warfare has changed. The term ‘asymmetrical’ describes a battle between opponents whereby the two strategies differ. (such as a terrorist insurgency) In a shooting war the strategies are the same. I contend that an asymmetrical war with China is over ten years old now. It is being fought in offices, not in fields, with computers instead of bullets, money instead of men. Only today is that fact becoming crystal clear.

The Muslims in China are being sent to camps. Work camps, reeducation camps- call them what you will. The island of Taiwan, a vestige of freedom and capitalism, is being assaulted by mainland China and the Chicoms. Now the largest Navy in the world threatens to invade, held off only by the question, “How will the US respond?” I dare you to read up on the History of Taiwan.

If Biden takes the White House, I give them 30 days.

Likewise, Hong Cong is under siege having lost all checks and balances within their system of government which evolved from their days of being a British colony. The treaty of 99 years between China and Britain expired in 1997, but was extended to 50 years using the policy of: “One country, two systems”. According to national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, “It (the stated policy) is now merely a fig leaf covering for the CCP’s expanding one-party dictatorship in Hong Kong.”

The Chinese Communist Party is the iron fist closing in on Hong Cong and Taiwan.

China approves of the iron fist your government is using in the name of the China flu. They like the idea of “Emergency Powers”. They promote shutdowns. They appreciate the fact that an election can be manipulated, defrauded, and still stand. When the constitution is trampled or ignored, they cheer. That is because communism goes hand in hand with the “iron fist” of tyranny. Any excuse will do. The more tyranny, the better.

If you believe that our country cannot degenerate into the same conditions as 20th century USSR or modern day China or Venezuela, you are kidding yourself. If you do not believe that tyranny will escalate the more it is accepted, you are a fool. The iron fist is poised and ready.

“… Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country…. ” John F Kennedy

Kennedy was part of that “Greatest Generation”. We call them the “Greatest Generation” because they delivered us from a war torn 50 years of death and destruction into a time of relative peace (the Cold War being non-violent but scary as hell). We call them the ‘Greatest’ because they volunteered to risk their lives, to postpone their futures, to shoulder the burdens of rebuilding and remembering. One hundred years from now they should be called ‘gods’.

In ten years we should ask ourselves, “Where was I in 2020?”

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