The Double Standard Wins Again


Tin soldiers and Nixon coming. We’re finally on our own. This morning I heard them calling, ‘Four dead in O-HI-O.’ I remember it like it was yesterday. Kent State was today’s debacle. More people died at Kent State, but this seems worse.

What did we expect?

Seventy million people believe there was rampant fraud during the November election. 70,000,000. Multiple lawsuits in multiple states have been filed. Not a single court would agree to take up the case and listen to the evidence. With few exceptions, the state legislatures have denied any problems in their election process exists at all. Yet the evidence is overwhelming and in some cases, incontrovertible. But only to 70,000,000. The rest of the country says, “There is no evidence. Move on. We hate Trump.” To completely dismiss 70,000,000 people, to marginalize them, to harass them, to mock them, is a huge mistake.

The narrative is, “Not enough evidence. It’s circumstantial. You filed it wrong. You’re too late. You used the wrong color ink. Our lives are being threatened.”

CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE: I once participated on a jury that convicted a person of murder in the first degree based on circumstantial evidence. So from my personal experience I can tell you that with a volume of evidence, when the preponderance of such evidence all points to the same conclusion, a jury may convict. We did it. I have never lost a moment of sleep over it.

Now, after the capitol building has been assaulted, I hear “This is not who we are!” Seriously? Sounds like more BS coming from the almighty media. This is exactly where we have been headed. This IS who we have become.

You cannot treat one group of people one way, and another group of people another way, then demand peace. The law of principles will simply not abide it. Eruption is inevitable. Today’s actions will not end the double standard, and so long as a double standard exists, there will be turmoil, division, and havoc. Buckle your seat belts.

What will follow is predictable. The authoritarian state will continue to repeal your constitutional rights. They will shove ‘group think’ down your throats. They will clamp down on everything they touch, slowly, incrementally – blaming today for the need to enforce law and order along with new regulations. But only when and as it suits them. Simultaneously, they will increase taxes, whether directly or via uncontrolled inflation in a depressed economy. They will destroy the middle class where our 70,000,000 deplorable s come from. As I have said so often, all of this is a result of communism infecting our once strong republic. Our institutions have been infiltrated and no longer function. We “voted” them in. We are no longer free.

Tonight the news is ablaze with condemnation. Where was the same condemnation this summer? Why is a peaceful protest suddenly not? It was mostly peaceful.

After they secured the capitol, I listened to the politicians during the joint session trying desperately to say something meaningful, something that will be historic. It was the same old blather. Except now they are circling the wagons, coming together, agreeing to speedily finish their business, their “historic” business. What I hear is: “Maybe they cheated, maybe not. Maybe these state legislatures are a joke, completely bought off. Doesn’t matter. Stolen or not, it’s official. The constitution says so.” There is no justice.

Personalities come and go. Principles and human nature do not change. That is why so many of us saw this coming and why seeing what lurks ahead is actually quite simple.

BTW: It is astounding that the National Guard, the Capitol Police, and the DC Police did not anticipate what happened today …. in mere minutes. They were caught off guard? They were overwhelmed? I guess no one told them that 70,000,000 people are pissed off, tired of being taken advantage of and ignored. Talk about bubbles!

Next I heard them lamenting about lack of faith in the election process. No shit. Lie to us. Dictate to us as though we were children. Allow mobs to burn our cities. Look the other way when thousands of witnesses, as well as statistical experts, sign affidavits under the penalty of perjury? Then you whine about lack of faith? How can anyone have faith in a bunch of cowardly, dishonest, power-hungry elitists? No, they are not listening. 70,000,000 people are still angry.

You cannot have lawlessness for 10 months and expect law and order to suddenly appear. A year ago the Speaker of the House of Representatives ripped the state of the union address to pieces on national TV. Chaos begets chaos. Violence begets violence. They burned police cars. They set a courthouse on fire. They looted at will. All summer our cities were destroyed and burned. Business owners were killed. Nothing was done. There is no law.

Governors have become king – like. They issue edicts, then contradict them with their own behavior. The constitution has been ignored, virtually buried, de-funked, useless. Cities are de-funding Police forces. Officers are retiring at record levels. Inmates are being released to the streets. The media covers it all up with the latest covid statistics. There is no liberty.

You cannot investigate one set of “baseless” claims for three years, then not investigate another set of “baseless” claims; then refer to the court system as “just”. There is no justice.

Your masters have spoken. “Go home. Stay home. Your government will provide.”

Just another day in Rome.

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