RULE # 3



Rule #3: The government always makes things worse.

An old friend of mine who has since passed, used to say, “Don’t help me. Please, don’t help me.”

I never knew how packed full of wisdom those words were until years after we had worked together in several physically demanding jobs. We came home with busted knuckles, smashed thumbs, torn pants, you name it. And a good portion of the injuries came from the two of us cooperating. Individually, we were hard workers – strong backs, weak minds. As a team, we were dangerous. Think of the Three Stooges. When stuck in an awkward position, usually moving a heavy object, my old buddy would say, “Don’t help me. Please, don’t help me.”

Human beings are built to work. Whether evolution created us this way or God Almighty blessed us with certain characteristics, we are physically unique and hard wired to accomplish things. We were not made to be an accessory to a tele-screen (whoops, an Orwellian slip).

Physically we have opposing thumbs to the fingers to help us grab stuff. We sweat in order to carry on through heat and torturous environments. We have stamina the likes of which only the horse and other range animals, like deer, can match. We can forego sleep, push through pain, and think up clever solutions to mechanical problems. Our brains can comprehend cause and effect through observation and imagine endless possibilities that ultimately lead to efficiency.

Moreso, human beings derive satisfaction from accomplishment and the pursuit of excellence. Do I need three pages of evidence for these facts? Or can we agree that a job well done makes us feel competent, worthy, successful and confident? Can we rightfully say that these characteristics are common throughout humanity, all to different degrees, each of us with a unique set of talents and combinations thereof?

Our federal government has been handing out money for decades now with the altruistic goal of providing for those who cannot provide for themselves. I submit they have – knowingly or unknowingly – decimated generations of human beings in the process. What began as a benevolent attempt to help the poor, has become an industrial process of purchasing votes. Our politicians will break their own arms patting themselves on the back when they print money to begin a new “program”. But the stated goal of the program is not what gives them fulfillment. What satisfies them is a stronger central authority, a larger bureaucracy, and increased dependency on the federal government. They lust for power and control.

As they push more and more people to the federal dole while growing the bureaucracy, not only do they wreck our economy, but they steal the souls of those poor folk on the receiving end. It’s always scraps to survive on in exchange for individual integrity. When will they admit that they always do more harm than good?

Over the past 15 years our middle class has consistently shrunk. A rare few moved to the upper class while far more plunged to the lower. This is macro economics that the feds are supposed to be good at. If they are so good at it, why is it getting so much worse?

In 2019, it appeared we had turned the corner and our depleted middle class might just start growing again. While Trump haters everywhere whined and threw childish fits, slow steady progress was being made on all fronts of the economy. By unleashing the private sector with less regulation and small tax cuts, thus making capital investment attractive, we became energy independent as well as a production economy within three years. Washington DC lost its stranglehold on the nanny state, and so for the deep state it became imperative that they put a stop to the change in direction lest they lose their dominance of Washington DC. Then came covid, and the Progressive deep state went into action.

As Hillery Clinton said, “Thank God for Covid 19.” Actress Jane Fonda called coronavirus “God’s gift to the left”.

The leftists claimed covid somehow revealed that Trump was a fascist. In fact, it gave the powerful deep state authority a golden opportunity to take back the independence so many workers were beginning to feel. So with political egos leading the way, your rights were restricted, your businesses closed, your churches gutted. We were forced to rely on Uncle Sam, not by vote or consensus, but by mandate. It was voluntary suicide. (except for the big box stores that remained open and “essential”)

The pandemic that killed less than 1% of all who came down with it, crushed a re surging middle class and set a legal precedence that will haunt us well into the next century. It has enabled power mongers, and given Congress license to spend the hard earned tax dollars of your great, great grandchildren.

Our intelligence community has been assigned to monitor private citizens. Our Justice Department does not prosecute obvious crimes. Our border will see 2 million people cross it illegally this calendar year. Our schools are in complete turmoil. Meanwhile, the feds look to hand out more money to more useless projects in the name of compassion. Is the whole country on the take?

The latest spending has created Capitol Police locations in Florida and California, with more surely to come. The Capitol Police are charged with protecting Congress and the Washington DC area. They answer to the Congress directly. So why have offices outside of DC? Is this a federal police force in the making? Possibly the arm of a surveillance apparatus supposedly aimed internationally but secretly watching domestically also? The deep state version of the Gastopo?

Imagine a world where people earn a living by working hard and improving their lives along the way. Imagine their children, proud to have passed their science test, and moving up to the next grade level. Imagine a young couple purchasing a home for the children they plan on having. Imagine the sense of gratitude that these people would feel for the freedom to live their lives and the sense of independence and well being they might gain from their own hard work. Imagine a healthy society.

There is only one thing holding the American people back. That thing is the tyranny of an overreaching government, bent on controlling you from cradle to grave.

America is a people protected by a Constitution, not a government ignoring it. We live in a society that is being manipulated by the philosophy of Progressive Democrats, idealistic socialists, and Marxist activists. They believe a central authority, through the intelligence of experts, can create a better world.

This Utopian idea is a delusion. Our founders built the mechanics of this government with the understanding that man is inherently flawed and tyranny is always the end result of man’s unrestrained political ambitions. It was deliberately designed to thwart the very single party minority overthrow we are witnessing. That is why we have separation of powers and 50 separate states which are sovereign within the boundaries of the Constitution. That Constitution was written to protect individuals from the rule of totalitarian authority. If it is honored, the republic will survive. If not, it will not. More government will result in less freedom. It always has. It always will.

The deep state can tolerate almost any ideology provided that ideology grant them the power to continue controlling federal funds, make policy, and create ever more protections and insulation for themselves. We must disable this massive network. But first, we must overcome a Marxist color revolution.

We must all say to the government, “Don’t help me. Please don’t help me.”

We have a retraction. I always do my best to represent facts accurately. Recently I was complaining about the military adopting Critical Race Theory as a result of Executive orders labeled “Diversity training …” something or other. I implied that the military was fully integrated by 1950. I was wrong. It was November 1954 when the Army reported it was fully integrated.

The process did begin earlier. On July 26, 1948, President Truman issued Executive Order 9981 directing the military to end segregation. The first article stated, “There shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin.” endquote

I stand by my point. The military, and its system of merit based advancement, has been miles ahead of the society at large in terms of racial equality. Their simple slogan is, “We all bleed red.” No sector of our country has done better, therefore radical changes to a proven successful policy is not only ludicrous, but hypocritical.

The wokists who push CRT want to impose 1950s societal norms onto a 2021 world and reduce complex issues to a single cause. This is anti- intellectualism, or pseudo intellectualism as I prefer to say. More recently, I have learned that according to some CRT advocates, a black person cannot be racist. Huh?

That concept relies on believing racism is a construct rather than an individual characteristic ( a shortcoming in character). If you are the group being oppressed, you cannot have characteristics of the group doing the oppressing. I suppose if there are no individuals, only groups and check boxes, then you can get away with this. But it requires re-defining words to make your argument. No wonder we cannot have an intelligent debate.

To take word play a step further, I submit that anti-racist is not a word at all. It certainly is not the opposite of racism. The opposite of racism is the absence of racism. Anti- racism sounds like reverse prejudice to me. But, hey, that’s why there is no intelligent discourse. And that’s why parents are pushing back against CRT. It’s being thrust upon young minds who have no reference point as though it were irrefutable truth.

From many people’s viewpoint, this entire “Let’s replay the civil rights movement” is nothing but stirring the pot in order to seed conflict. There is no plan, no pathway, no cure. Racism will always exist as part of the list of human traits. You can’t eliminate it with programs or legislation. Awareness helps and enforcing the law where civil rights are intruded upon is mandatory. Rehashing it as though we were stuck in 1955 is futile, infantile, and wholly unproductive. I’ll say it again. Martin Luther King Jr had all the answers.

This is your humble counter revolutionary – Tommie Pain … signing off …

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