Gut Check Time


When I was first made aware that the school systems might be indoctrinating our kids, I scoffed. That was 20 years ago. I made it a point to debrief mine occasionally, asking about classes and teachers, trying not to undermine a failing educational system, while maintaining some control over what my four children were being taught. It all seemed so generic.

There were mostly bad teachers and a few excellent ones. I chalked it up to the times. Hell, I couldn’t find solid employees either. The entire country was sifting its way through the technology rush, real estate was going berserk; it was a time to make money if you could, and find a place in the new economy. Then 911.

The aftermath of that day forced historical changes to national security and a kind of tunnel vision took over, focused on terrorism and the Islamic countries who were victims also, as well as habitats for the factions. We were in a “no win” situation then, and I daresay we have been ever since.

At that point the media was not overtly gas lighting us. The government, maybe. Of course they lied; they always do. But their intentions – to get rich while waging war – contained an element of reality in that we had been attacked and a threat existed. It’s so incredibly difficult to tell the difference between sincere belief and marketing for policy. But civil discourse still existed then, so war hawks slugged it out with the isolationists and there was at least the appearance of a search for truth and middle ground.

Balancing the budget was even discussed from time to time, although I doubt seriously. Then came the housing bubble and the crash and any thought of financial solvency went out the window. We were teetering on socialism then simply due to our “fiat” currency status and the overwhelming insistence that we salvage the banks in order to salvage the economy. I said then, as did others, “Let em fail.”

Now I am no macro-economics expert, just a tax paying, bill paying, money machine who works for the private sector and sends his 50% to the government. 50% includes sales tax, property tax, gas tax … it might be closer to 60. By money machine I do not insinuate it’s a great deal of money either, simply a steady, consistent flow of my labor to their benefit. I have very little left each month; and this is the plight of the middle class. We are sinking day by day closer to a subsistence level of survival.

Remember that the middle class is what separates our country from every other throughout history. The middle class has made food production, infrastructure and style of life what they are today. Without it we would be crowded into the already overpopulated cities or share cropping. And it is the concept of liberty that has enabled the middle class to become what it is …. or what it was.

Enter the Manchurian Candidate in 2008, a self proclaimed community organizer, and instead of trying to resurrect our economy (if he had a notion of how to), he chose to make it the new normal, lowering our expectations and simultaneously apologizing for “American Imperialism”. Here in 2020 / 2021, where hindsight is so keen, it is clear that this was the beginning of the takeover.

His was an ideological war against the American Dream and no one could have been more effective than the smooth talking community organizer. I said it then. I say it now. Obama is a communist.

At the time, I also said, “What the hell is a community organizer?” Now I know.

Marxism defines history in terms of class struggles. There is no other issue to them, simply the wealthy infringing upon the poor. Marx calls for an uprising to correct this injustice whose end result is a classless society, all people equal in every way. His book, The Communist Manifesto, describes in detail how the working class might overtake the lords of industry using all manner of disinformation and well organized rebellion. Then, when the time is right, simply take power from the oppressors via intimidation and violence or whatever is necessary. The ends justify the means. What are the means? Hearts and minds, just like any other war. Preach the talk and usurp the authority. We are right. They are wrong. Divide and conquer. Any single issue can be coaxed into the “us against them” mentality thus enlarging the divide and enforcing the momentum they have created. Most of all, they will claim to be saving you from the overlords when in fact they only wish to be the overlords themselves. Here in 2020, many of the communists are already overlords. That is because we are in the final stages.

The difference between Russian peasants overwhelming the gates of the palace and what is happening right this minute is the difference between an overt overthrow and a soft coup (also called a color revolution). The ends are the same. We are voting communism into our government!

I am searching for middle ground, pleading for civil discourse because once the communist policies are enacted, most anyone with an IQ over 80 will see the absolute depravity they will bring. But for over 100 years the communists have been propaganda experts with no equal. They appeal to the basic notion of fairness with nothing to back it up except more emotion and “sounds good” one liners. They twist reality until the most provocative statements are accepted cart blanch.

I read the news from CNN, MSNBC, all of the so called networks of information. Even if I had landed yesterday from Alpha Omora, 100 light years away, I could discern opinion from fact. Yet I read entire articles predicated upon opinion as being fact! You cannot dismiss 1,000 witnesses with the words “baseless claims”. You cannot simply say “the bailout worked” and make it true. These are opinions anyone can have, but they are not facts. The people we call “fact checkers” are actually censoring opinions.

As the gutless media panders more and more to the far left zealots, their gas lighting becomes more and more obvious to the discerning ear. Yet because of intimidation, peer pressure, and group speak, we have a portion of the population in step with every deceptive phrase, unable to conjure up a thought of their own. Two characteristics drive the sheep. Hatred and fear.

Contrast hatred and fear with the once proudly sought after American Dream. “Can do” is an affirmation of courage and individual sovereignty. Where would you rather reside?

Ultimately the Marxist will paint a landscape of a society made up of equal partners all laboring to improve the whole. But the reality is, hierarchies exist. They are unavoidable. Under communism the elite only become more elite, and the common person only becomes less. This reality is in direct contradiction to the communist ideology. That is because utopia is impossible. Utopia is not real.

What the leaders of communism really want is control. They wish to control everything about you. By all appearances they have control of your mind already. They tell the media what to report. They tell the student what to think. They tell the judge how to rule. They punish those who do not consent and reward those who do. Pavlov is their model. Your dependence upon the government is their goal. Independence is their nemesis.

The things you are being told to think are not true. They are “narratives”. The 1619 Project, Critical Race Theory, BLM, Antifa, even Covid – all of these are promoted by radical groups intent on dividing us with identity politics. They have created the field of play with word speak and defined the rules of the game with group think. Once established, you are forced to play within the confines of their constructs….. which are all based on opinions. They will not tolerate debate because in a real debate – where facts are scrutinized – they would be destroyed.

When they tell you we have just had a fair election, they are ignoring mountains of evidence, both testimonial and mathematical. The courts have refused to “hear” the evidence for fear of acknowledging it. Instead, they sight legal technicalities and procedural objections.

When they tell you to close your business, they are assuming a deadly virus is on the loose. In fact, common influenza is more deadly.

When they tell you that racism is systemic, they are pretending we are in the year 1920, not 2020 / 2021.

When they say climate change will decimate the planet in 10 years, they ignore volumes of scientific facts that point to the contrary.

Yet all of these things have been shoved down our throats to the point where they are ASSUMED to be true. They are not. In some cases the subject matter is worthy of debate. So let’s have the debate! In other cases, it is pure gas lighting. We should call them out.

Our situation is dire. Truth has been relegated to whatever opinion is acceptable to the overlords of politics. We are entering a point beyond social upheaval and authoritarian abuses. We stand in a place where morality is at stake. Right and wrong are on the table. This country needs a gut check.

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