The Template


Every so often I recognize the futility of my articles and letters. I’m not looking for popularity or attention. I loath them both. Then I remind myself that Tommy Pain is a pamphleteer, sounding out a warning.

For all practical purposes, America is gone. There are simply too many publications out in the social arena that operate from assumptions that are completely antithetical to the principles that this country was founded upon. When a people do not believe in the freedoms our constitution outlines, then those people must fall to the whims of authority. The prevalence of these assumptions is overwhelming and the infection breeds among the young and the less informed citizen. Low information voters are not bad or stupid people. They simple have insufficient motivation or insufficient time to dig for the truth. They are working and living their lives. If only there were honest reporters things would be quite different. Animal Farm explains it all.

America can be reconstituted. But it will take a monumental, multi – generational effort. I am a voice in the wilderness urging everyone I talk to : Take stock of what you see and hear. Think through the emotional baggage and analyze the talking points. They are lying to you. Our government, by way of more than 50 executive orders has fully embraced Cancer Culture and Critical Race Theory. Effectively, this means that the USA now condones and promotes censorship and racism with a “zero tolerance” for dissent. You hear the policy when they talk about the threat of domestic terrorism / insurrection. Another pretext. (If real Americans had planned an insurrection it would not have looked like Jan 6th. – bozos wandering the halls. )

I hesitate to use the word ‘lie’ because like so much of the language we once relied on, it has been hijacked and over spent to the point of being meaningless. Everything is a lie! Animal Farm once again becomes the prophet. The lie I am talking about is the very presumption that our representatives are working in our best interest. They are not.

Those who wish to continue beating up on Trump, have at him. He can take it. But this does nothing to help our kids who cannot go to school or our dying small businesses or the frozen wind mills in a frigid Texas. In 30 days, our Democratic government has promised to correct the sins of the last administration. They have destroyed jobs, repaid their donors, and made promises to fund international organizations that are useless. They have promoted globalism, assured us that we must accept the new normal, and reminded us how friendly China is. None of these things have helped a single American. The southern border is wide open and government jobs are being handed out to non qualified candidates who happen to be in one minority or another.

Continue to beat Trump, but that administration emphasized competency and made policy that lifted America. Everything the Trump administration did conformed to the concept of federalism. (Fmd: > That is: we are 50 states united. The federal government should NOT dictate to states or usurp their authority. Neither should they throw money at them under the pretense of mitigating the CCP virus. Our three branches are pushing “nations-wide” mask mandates, nation-wide vaccine policy, nation wide gun laws, nation wide re-education, nation wide everything. When you hear “national” it means “centralized authority”. One size fits all. This is in direct opposition to “federalism” which allows 50 states to determine their own laws and policies under the guidelines of the Constitution.

A centralized, national authority is not America. Yet for more than 50 years it has been creeping along, gaining strength, and overlapping the authority of the states. The feds say to the states, “If you want these tax dollars we took from your citizens you must do this and thus.” It has been so well established at this point that we take it for granted. Trump was a speedbump, and now we return to the march towards some form of totalitarianism, mostly influenced by a communist philosophy.

RULE #5. “Smaller political entities allow more freedoms. Larger entities prohibit freedom. Individual vs Group mentality.”

America is now being ruled by fiat, a changeable code every four years. But it matters little because no law is being enforced unless or until someone does something to disturb the masters. And who are the masters? Perhaps a quick expose of China will explain it more clearly.

The new communism (China) operates like a fungus. It attaches itself to a successful free market and lives off the surpluses. So long as an independent capitalistic corporation benefits the communist party, they are permitted to operate. If and when that organization fails to support or no longer contributes to the party, they are sanctioned, regulated, and absorbed by a governmental bureaucracy. They may be canceled or driven to bankruptcy to achieve such ends.

The new communism uses state control over their economy as it picks and chooses who shall be abused and who shall be permitted access to banks and international business dealings. Miles Yu was advisor to Secretary of State, Pompeo and his observation was very clear. “China has prospered over the past 15 years in spite of the China Communist Party.” In spite of.

When I heard this man on an extended interview – not 2 minutes, but 50, I began to understand more fully just how the strange bedfellows of Big Business and Big Bureaucracy interact. I have said before that these things seem incompatible, yet here they are, teaming up to destroy our country. In hindsight, I believe I underestimated the pure selfishness of our leaders. Of course, that is why they are lying. They are using China as a template.

China is closing in on Hong Cong and Taiwan, the iron fist slowly squeezing as the CCP dares the world to interfere. China is systematically committing genocide against the Uyghur Muslims. China blackmails countries as well as individuals with gifts and loans that amount to leverage. Then they begin their demands.

By using quasi – or outright – slave labor they poison markets whose other participants cannot afford to compete. With enormous buying capital they manipulate commodities, bankrupt international sectors, and impose their will upon an otherwise free and competitive system. In short, they act like monopolies do. Or the mafia. China has a saying that explains their infiltration into all aspects of free societies. “A thousand grains of sand.” Quite literally, they are taking over the world. Quite literally, our government is using the same template.

Simultaneously, China controls the flow of information its population receives. Does this sound familiar?

Don’t believe me. Listen to Chinese nationals who have escaped the grip of the CCP.

For that matter:

Listen to Cubans talk about Cuba.

Listen to Koreans who have escaped from N. Korea.

Listen to central Europeans describe the USSR satellite countries.

Listen to South Vietnamese talk about escaping on a boat.

Listen to WWII vets talk about the war.

Listen to young conservatives talk about campus life.

Listen to Inner city dwellers talk about crime.

Listen to real black intellectuals talk about civil rights. (not activists)

Listen to parents talk about the damage being done to their kids.


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