The Road to “WANT”

Comrads ! I wish to you health and prosperity !

April 8, 2021

I find it hard to believe that it is necessary to point this out, but the idea of a vaccine passport is antithetical to our country’s beliefs, yet on the verge of adoption by schools, corporations, and of course deep state actors. First the White House was going to suggest policy, then backed down. It sounds like corporate America is going to carry the water on this one. Airlines, cruise lines, maybe even Walmart. Private companies can do what a constitutional republic cannot, provided the republic watches their back. Cancer culture is the 21st century KGB.

Nothing would please the American Communist Party more than another one size fits all edict they can impose and enforce. It would serve to punish those who refuse to submit in a way that ostracizes them from society, once again dividing us. That is exactly what they want.

Need I say a vaccine requirement is an invasion of privacy? Must I also release my medical records in order to vote? To go to a museum? Why not tattoos, or badges, or signs pasted to our foreheads? The mere fact that this idea has made it so far is indication of our malaise. Can they really be serious?

Wacky Overbearing Kookie Edicts…. WOKE strikes again. What planet am I on? It makes more sense to head south and move in with the immigrants. Maybe I could get some free stuff!

I would refer you to : Cui bono: Who benefits from razing our great country to the ground?

By Robert T. Smith >

Another well thought out article of which there are many circulating these days. We don’t lack for intellectual power or analysis, we seem to lack a way of responding or better yet, thwarting the ever growing madness. My question is why? Why do the leftist, pseudo intellectuals want a communist state or some near version of tyranny? Do they not realize that this country’s demise is also their demise? Only a true enemy of the US could want what is happening. That leaves China and or Russia and or North Korea and or Iran.

How many American citizens can actively be working for China? Is the psychological warfare so effective that we have Manchurian Candidates from coast to coast? It would seem so. Everything points back to education or lack of it. Yet we have Yale graduates preaching the same ridiculous nonsense that the entitled professional athletes are. I would expect them (pro athletes) to be ignorant, but not a highly placed government official. Who did we vote in?

I am definitely a conspiracy nut because I smell one, have smelled one for decades now; yet still cannot answer “Why?” Followed to its logical conclusion, what we are witnessing can only end one way, although the details may be infinite.

I work in a tiny part of the equipment industry where we are witnessing the breakdown of the transportation sector. It is not improving. It is getting worse. Do our countrymen realize they are three days away from hunger? Our farmers and truck drivers have done miraculous work this past year, but they have been wounded badly. Manufacturing is currently so unreliable and parts so difficult to find that I am constantly reminded of Russian wrecking yards strewn from one city to the next. Everything broke in the USSR until the USSR itself broke. I hear it every day, “I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.”

Our modern world depends on mechanization that few people can even fathom. We need parts and gas and roads and chemicals and lubricants and seeds and canals and dikes and rail lines and cranes and ships …. my god I’m just scratching the surface. Increased costs, late deliveries, clogged ports, new regulations, vaccine mandates, can we please postpone the planting season?

The White House throws around the term “infrastructure” as though it were a pawn in a game of chess. They have no clue what it means, how utterly dependent this nation is upon the middle class they are attempting to crush. The brain trust in Washington DC is committing genocide and suicide as the likes of Google cheers them on. Tell me, if you “google” “food”, how many calories will you get?

When the barbarians destroyed the Roman aqueducts leading to the city of Rome, that city was evacuated. I guess people need water. This society is so far removed from the reality of life that they take for granted their basic necessities being met. But lo to those who forget who butters their bread. Contrary to the communist dogma, there is no such thing as a guarantee. Perhaps we should begin by dispelling that myth.

In the USSR starvation became the ultimate issue, year after dreadful year, millions upon millions either starving to death or killed due to the health issues brought on by malnutrition. We in the US could afford to drop a kilo here or there, but what then?

People who work in the same sector as I have marveled for years at how disconnected and foolish our leadership is, yet because of the free market we have found ways to survive the onslaught of taxes and regulations and foolishness of bureaucracy. And although our food supply is not threatened on this particular day, we are, nevertheless, heading to that end. As we have seen, momentum is everything and reversing it requires not merely a nudge, but monumental effort. I wonder if our politicians know what a truly “slippery slope” is.

It is impossible to predict when or how or what the final straw may look like. But the back of our middle class is being broken and no amount of propaganda or fake news or mis truths can change that. I only pray that hunger is not the catalyst that finally changes our direction.

If this all seems outlandish, fear mongering, or exaggerated, ask your 2018 self if you could see the riots coming. At our present course, the backlash is on the way; and the fallout will be without mercy.

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