Consent of the Governed



One of my readers told me that he likes the audio, but always wants to shoot himself after listening! Just doin my job.

There is so much stuff going on right now that even a news hound like me can’t keep up. Our illustrious leaders now have 10 trillion dollars lined up in bills to pass. Does anyone know how much money that is? What will it do to the value of our dollar? How much will be stolen or misused? Who in their right mind would give that kind of money to a bureaucracy with a proven record of abysmal failure? Yet they tell us it will save us. From what?

My experience is, the more dope you give a junkie, the more dope he wants… expects…. and demands. By the way, why is there still a fence around the Capitol?

What they are doing is increasing the size of government…. AGAIN! The constitution calls for a “limited federal government” that will provide → currency (interstate commerce), physical infrastructure, protection of citizens and borders, and a judicial system. THAT’S IT. NO MORE. But hey, what do the framers know? People have changed over the past 240 years. Or have they?

Your government is imaging a new world order, complete with imaginary jobs and an imaginary economy. No one works, but everyone has stuff. No cops, just peaceful coexistence. Does this sound like a plan for the future? Or a children’s book? By the way, how’s the southern border?

The good news is that opposition to the main stream, deep state propaganda is picking up and gaining strength. Some of our governors have recognized Critical Race Theory for what it is and passed legislation that will get it out of the schools. Why teach kids to hate? Push back against lock downs is louder too. A good many people are asking, “Why can’t things go back to normal?”

I’d start by saying that they never will. But that does not mean we cannot turn the tide. The states with common sense leaders are leading the way, and we need to follow them. We must revive FEDERALISM which is the only way to check the ever growing authority of the tyrannical federal government. We’ll be taking a long look at the Federalist Papers over the coming months as we take back the English language from the radical lunatics.

Now some modern history that even Bill Maher might appreciate. He complained about everything Trump ever said or did, but now he’s down on the new administration even more. Is Bill having voter’s remorse?

The Great Barrington Declaration. -> What is it?

The Great Barrington Declaration is a one page document published in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, USA on October 4th 2020 by 3 infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists who cautioned against the use of lock downs to contain Covid and emphasized the fact that persons over 70 were at 1,000 times the risk as every other age group. They advocated “focused protection” rather than the one size fits all mandates this country was subjected to.

Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed. …” October 4th, 2020.

Here was history taking place before your eyes. But the media did not want you to know about it, so you probably don’t. Some who signed this document lost their jobs. The authors of this short paper received apologetic calls from those in the medical field who agreed with them, but were too frightened to sign and endorse it. And what they predicted then is all coming to pass now, the longer term fallout yet to be seen.

The bottom line: Strict lockdowns did not rtp slot live limit the virus as compared to those cities and states that protected the elderly and sought to maintain some semblance of liberty while practicing safety via social distancing and common sense. The virus spread as expected given population densities regardless of the severity of governmental interference. Yet all too many politicians chose the iron fist while a smaller number of others were far more nuanced and intelligent. It is not difficult to see who is which.


The average life span in the US is 78 years. The average covid death is 78 years old.

One half of all covid deaths have taken place in nursing homes.

Gain of function is comparable to placing one’s hand on the stove to see how hot it is.

One expert was quoted as saying, “Wearing a mask to guard against a virus is like putting a screen door on a submarine.”

Fear has driven our population into a state of isolation the likes of which no modern society has ever seen. The cure for covid has destroyed infrastructure, human rights, and respect for the Constitution. It has played a part in damaging the justice system, caused people to postpone necessary medical procedures, and critically set back an entire generation of students. Suicide is up. Murder rates are exploding. Rape in NY City is up 300% from 2019. From my vantage, half the people in this country are now neurotic or completely psychotic.

What has driven scientific progress for 300 years? Debate. Honest, articulate debate. Finding the truth to a thing is no easy task, especially something new or unusual. Yet portions of the scientific community were completely silenced unless they stoked fear and treated covid like it was bubonic plague. No one was permitted to question our bureaucrats in white coats lest they face the mob and be canceled. This was America in 2020. One group claiming authority while ridiculing anyone who would question them. Another group offering focused solutions that would not disable our infrastructure and drive the population into depression. There was no debate, however, therefore there was no science. The woke mob silenced the critical thinkers among us. Who decided this? Who proclaimed we would not hear anyone who had a different opinion than that of the almighty deep state?

Tunnel vision of the pandemic excluded recognizing the infinite number of side effects our actions created. More people will die from the cure than will die from covid. Our economy is in ruins. Manufacturing has been decimated. Transportation is in turmoil. And the printing press keeps making dollars that have less and less value. They can throw numbers from the White House, and money from the Fed, but here on the ground things are clearly deteriorating more each day. Once the pent up demand has been satisfied, recession and inflation are all we have to look forward to.

From the benefits of masks to the actual death toll, our trusted leaders were wrong time after time and lied to cover their collective asses. What’s more: they have used the pandemic as a means of subverting the Constitution and experimented with promoting mass hysteria and control over an entire society. It is incomprehensible how mismanaged the covid crisis has been, how fraught with hypocrisy, how manipulated every so called fact. I submit that freedom of speech, or lack of it in this case, is the root culprit to just how self destructive this country has become.

If only an ounce of common sense had prevailed. The American Communist Party could not pass up the pretext, however, so in the name of public health they exercised the iron fist and began the takeover they have been waiting for for decades.

The verdict is in. Enough is enough. We must resurrect free speech, debate and honesty before there is no one left who would recognize it. Truth demands a rigorous discussion, not a 30 second soundbite. Instead, you will hear a dismissive tone and the subject being changed, followed by the accusation of racism or some other talking point you’ve heard a million times before. 1,2,3, pay attention to the pattern. That’s how they keep the narrative going and ignore dissent. We simply cannot rely on our politicians and bureaucrats for truthfulness.

The policies of big government are laid out under the false assumption that they are doing the “people’s business” when in fact our population rejects their ideas by over 60%. This is what a regime does. It makes unsubstantiated claims as though they had full support. But when they can mandate masks that are useless, what is stopping them from instituting other policy we the people did not consent to?

The Declaration of Independence says “ … that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …”

We must rebuff the juvenile virtue signaling that our phony autocrats use to shame us with. Their words are shallow, hollow, and without meaning. Manipulating you is their only aim. The echo chamber is no coincidence, it reflects their Marching Orders.

The Salem witch trials are not much different than how our government has treated its citizens lo these past 15 months. Science was never the issue. It was “What can we get these morons to do?” “How far can we push them?” And then of course the echo chamber exacerbated the fear into unholy territory for the sake of ratings.

Just like everything else lately, after the lies are spread and repeated, a whisper follows months later to say differently and set the record straight for those few who hear the recants and corrections. The truth will surface again and again long after the damage has been done. Communism is like that. It moves quickly from one narrative to the next, never resting long enough to debate because when pressed for detailed facts and accurate information, they stand in quicksand. Instead, it’s cancel this, squash that, and move on to the next contentious accusation or edict. It’s the edicts that will get you.

They want a revolution at any cost. They’ll squash anyone standing in their way. The ends justify the means. But they haven’t the slightest idea how to implement their utopia. That’s because there’s no such thing. Don’t buy the bullshit.

It’s time for liberty lovers to take back this country!






























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