Cash is King



Tommie Pain is a middle class old school patriotic schmuck who believes in equal opportunity, fierce independence, hard work, and honest transactions. I loath to talk about Tommie Pain but for the first hand experience I recently had with communism.

The United States Federal Reserve is printing money like there is no tomorrow. And fact is, our currency’s days are numbered. They can’t fix the rail lines or keep planes in the air. They cannot secure the border, repair the roads, or maintain a bridge. Healthcare is being rationed like never before with the praetorian guard standing between you and a real doctor. And the cost of living continues to rise beyond the average person’s ability to pay. Yet all you hear from the current administration is how good things are. 2019 seems like a dream.

Yet as we slow walk our way into complete submission to the communist minority, our leaders still find ways to send Ukraine billions and buy influence in the private sector with tax dollars. It is stunning to witness our government’s priorities.

Amazingly, Ukraine managed to produce 40% of their normal corn crop. That’s 30% more than I would have guessed! But with the next phase of Putin’s plan, the cities will be even more devastated, the infrastructure more reduced to rubble. There won’t be much of Ukraine left for Russia to take other than her natural resources. So let’s send more money! And don’t forget, the Big Guy gets 10%.

With unremitting inflation on my mind, let me relay my experience. Tommy Pain received a debit card from the State of California. It came in an envelope titled “California Middle Class Tax Refund Card”.

We’ve all needed tax relief since … well let’s say when it went to 4% and beyond. So why now, in 2023, does the Almighty State of California suddenly decide to give tax payers some of their own money back? In seeing this “free” money, all of my alarms went off – the “what’s the catch?” alarm went first, then the “this is too good to be true” alarm, then the “what are they setting me up for?”, which is always triggered by the “what’s the catch alarm?”. Finally, and I can only blame senility for this delay, the “BULLSHIT” alarm kicked in and I understood.

The first stage of a communist takeover is the demoralization stage which is basically what we have seen in operation since the 1970s. This society is / has been demoralized. The second phase is to infiltrate college campuses, spreading Marxist propaganda; and the truth and success they have had in that is so obvious I need go no further. The 2020 election kicked in the third phase which is taking the dishonest representation of communism versus capitalism from the ideological argument to pure absurdity using not white lies, but grandiose “narratives” that are illogical, nonsensical and complete reversals of positions. This absurdity is a test to insure the population is so disjointed from reality that they will believe and not believe anything told to them at the same time. Yet they will comply and surrender to suggestion. There is no such thing as natural immunity. Have you heard that one? It’s my favorite.

The ultimate suggestion is that the government can and will take care of you if only you will allow them to. They will provide basic necessities from cradle to grave and all they want in return is complete control over you and your property. It will be equitable, and everyone will benefit. In order for the takeover to work in this country, they need you to vote them in. So California sent us “free” money to show that “they” have been voted in, and the process is under way. In theory, we who received “free” money will support the institution that provided it. The strategy is the same as the dope dealer’s. Make them dependent and you can control them. We have arrived.

Well, California has certainly arrived anyway. They’ve always been ahead of the pack. So why are so many people relocating from the Golden State? And why is California finding ways to take money from those who have left the state? And how, in a constitutional republic, can they get away with a “moving” tax?

The answer is, we are not a constitutional republic. At least we are not functioning like one. For the time being we are somewhere between an oligarchy and a fascist state. But as the cries for communism continue to rise from a growing minority, the mob will continue to clench its iron fist. And the mob is a Mob you understand. They give just enough to woo you under their wing. Then they buy you. Then they own you.

The worse part about watching this transformation, other than the commies accusing others of their own sins, (see Rule #1) is knowing that they are using tax dollars to execute the manipulations. Worse still, they are printing money to the same purpose, thus degrading the value of your money. If that’s not an invisible tax I don’t know what is!

Keynesian economics dictates we must continue to print else the currency crashes. Therefore we must have wars and emergencies that will justify so much printing. Understand that Keynesian economics is only one economic theory, the one we have adopted, the one they tell us is truth, the one that we lived without for many hundreds of years, the one we went to AFTER we became rich… not in order to become rich. Open markets (not fair markets) made this country prosperous. Open markets created the Middle Class. The system we use today only insures that the wealthy stay wealthy. The middle class is dying. And that’s why we need tax relief from the state!

Ya gotta love those circles.

They claim they are handing out goods and services to people in need. Who have they helped? Where is the “hand up”? Homelessness rises. Fewer people own their own homes. Crime increases. Fewer people are sent to jail. Families are buying groceries with credit cards. Where are all of the people that the government has saved? Why do we not hear their stories?

As a government pokes its fingers into every aspect of your life, be advised that they are using printed money or money they took from you. They funnel that money to the already enormous corporations who in turn bribe the bureaucracy. They institute new “programs” with tricky names in order to receive federal budget allowances which they can squander as they wish. They grant immunity to their pet corporations who enable the ongoing takeover. You pay sales tax and communications tax and utility tax and capital gains tax and tobacco tax and gas tax and income tax and local tax and water tax and air to breath tax. You pay interest and fees to borrow money or simply withdraw your own money. They love the credit card because it is automatic… no one to argue with.

Be advised that all of this makes us all poorer than we were before.

No two people explain economics better than Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell. Mr Sowell was a student of Mr. Friedman’s and while they do have their differences, both will illuminate your idea of currency. Most of their Utubes are old, but economics has not changed since the Egyptians got rich selling wheat to the Phoenicians.

What has changed is the creation of the middle class and the pressure it has put on the elite class. Is that not what Marx wanted in the first place? That the working class control the means of production? Is that not exactly what capitalism did for us all? Opportunity is the key to wealth. So why do the self proclaimed Marxists deny you opportunity? Why do they shrink your spending power to increase their own?

The answer is simple. They do not want you to succeed whatever they may say. In fact, whatever they say, think, “Opposite.” You are decoupled from reality and they are preying on you. In fact, the people screaming the loudest believe what they are saying because they have already bought in. They are owned and operated by a higher communist authority. The foundation to communism is to use the existing system against itself in order to overwhelm and overthrow it! If you look out your window you can see it now.

This is Tommie Pain, wincing and crying from the wilderness. I think I’ll take my tax refund and buy me some chickens.

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