Lines in the Sand

7-25-2024 is not dependent on the news cycle. It is a timeless examination of principles.

Tommie Pain was born from an election that was wholly corrupt and manipulated. He saw a public that was blind and a bureaucracy that cared for nothing except their own survival and growth. And this bureaucracy is only one aspect of a hidden authority called the deep state.

Our essays did not gain traction, but others of like mind did. And so Tommie Pain is sitting on the sideline, cheering on the big cats who are pushing meritocracy, accountability, and everything anti – woke. We must expose the woke mind virus for what it is, while instituting a modern call to morality and freedom.

So this essay is for the few people who have listened to and read my propositions. I can no way keep up with the current events or comment on what is true and what is not. We are beyond that. Anarchy is at the doorstep and only the well grounded, sound of mind may keep back the chaos that stands in waiting.

So lets call this one, “Lines in the Sand”.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them. The good is often interred with their bones…

That’s the Shakespearean speech that would bury Julius Caesar for good or for evil. Because Julius was guilty of both.

Yet, by killing Julius Caesar the Roman Senators had drawn a line in the sand. No longer could they tolerate a dictator with expanding powers. They wanted their Republic back. And that is precisely what Tommie Pain wants back. Our republic. The Romans did not get back what had been taken. They declined into dictatorship and serfdom.

All things turn gray in the light of good versus evil. The question is, where do we draw the line? For 100 years communism has threatened us under the protection provided by the First Amendment. In the last 50 it has taken root. In the last 15 it has taken over. And today, few people can make the distinction between a free society and one that is controlled by an autocracy , whether that means a single, or a party of rulers.

We grope for words and their definition. We debate what these definitions really mean. There is no vernacular for what you are witnessing, because it is an ancient ploy wrapped in modern tactics. We are being controlled by a minority and led down the path to our eventual enslavement. This is most obvious to our guts — that have no words, only a sense of right and wrong.

So where will you draw the line?

Events are taking place across the planet so quickly, and the following social media, broadcast media, and podcast media, are speculating if not outright misrepresenting the facts in such an avalanche of information that it has become impossible to discern the truth. And the truth does not matter to those who wish to manipulate you. They only care that you are confused. This is the definitive sign that a psyop is underway.

Artificial Intelligence encroaches upon us in a subtle, but frontal attack. We ask ourselves, “What is consciousness?” As that goalpost moves forward and back the technology in debate is gaining authority over our lives. Who is the bot? And who is human? Would we ever have imagined this to be a question? Whether consciously or unconsciously those devising the large language models have reduced the human being to a transaction. We are data to be traded and used.

The human brain is the most sophisticated computer in our known universe. It is also the slowest. Does speed matter? Shall we surrender our brains to Google?

The human mind on the other hand, is the brain plus something else. There is an intangible quality about we humans that separate us from the animal kingdom as well as from the computer kingdom. That quality resides in a dimension we have yet to fully understand or see. To deny this is to eviscerate humanity entirely and succumb to entropy and a dead universe belief.

Importantly, this unique quality bears responsibility for how we deal with ourselves and how we govern ourselves. If there was not free will we would not need laws. If there was not an impulse to create and build and discover, we would not need freedom. If there was not death we would not need protection.

Our constitution was founded by the principle that human beings are created by a greater entity and that by their nature they are gifted with the freedom and liberty to prosper and grow. That only by their liberty may they improve the world at large. The constitution aims to protect those freedoms and not interfere with this natural order that seems to be so obvious. Jefferson used the words “inalienable rights”.

Logically, a sound and thoughtful government would be limited, not overbearing, protective, not controlling, powerful, but restrained. These are all degrees of authority that have become unbounded during the past decades. So I ask again, “Where do we draw the line?”

Our government has its fingers in everything! Do you know how many laws have been passed and regulations written concerning baby cribs? Just for fun, I recently looked at this.

The government regulates every single natural resource that we have. The government holds all real estate mortgages. The government, via the insurance companies, regulates the health care industry where doctors are handcuffed and creative thinking is punished. The government holds the vast majority of all student loans. The government has authority over the power grid, banking, the internet, farming subsidies, the automotive industry, and on and on. What aspect of your life is not controlled by incompetent bureaucrats who prove their incompetence day after day?

Consider this: The Democratic presidential nominee has never collected a single vote from her constituency. Her own party has not held a primary election. She is not an incumbent president. They are not having an “open convention”. They have APPOINTED her. Are there Democrats who might want a choice? Are there any other potential candidates to challenge her? It matters not because the party elders have made their decision by edict and issued marching orders to garner public support. If I were a Democrat, I would be screaming for a voice in the process!

Now how can you say you are not living in a communistic police state?

At what point do we declare our independence from the authority of tyrants who have systematically put restriction after restriction in our path? When do we tell the Nanny State, “No thank you.” ? When will we insist on regaining our inalienable rights ?

The insanity of DEI is now being uncovered just as the insanity of ‘defund the police’ has, just as the insanity of ‘shut down the country’ has, just as ‘safe and effective’ has; all the tropes that have been shoved down our collective throats. Instant communication with minimal consideration has destroyed every sense we ever had of well being. We live in a state of perpetual anxiety, waiting to be told what to do by the experts who are anything but. Where do we draw the line?

Many philosophers have warned us that conceit and narcissism derive from the absence of God. When the government attempts to replace God with itself and dictate terms to the masses, the society collapses soon after. It has happened before. Use whatever words or definitions you wish. Analyze each and every event that compounds and confuses. In the end your gut will tell you everything you need to know.






























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