

I’m reminding myself today that the purpose of these silly essays is to document the fall of the republic. Some say western civilization is at stake. I say that any centralized authority always attacks the liberty and freedom of individuals in favor of a party or an oligarchy or the upper class of lords and ladies – in the name of the mob. When you hear “People’s Republic of xyz” you can rest assured it is a dictatorship in fancy cloth.

Athens fell. The Roman Republic fell. Then the other Rome fell. Then Constantinople fell – the Eastern Romans. They all fell to the sword after a long period of internal corruption. The British Empire withdrew from its colonies and in every case a civil war or revolution took place in the void of their absence. But I digress….

In the history of man created medicine only 2 diseases have ever been eradicated from the planet …. one, a cow’s virus, the other small pox.

How many times, and how many people in the last 18 months, have used the phrase, “Kill the virus”? What hallucinogenic drugs are they taking? How far from reality can we wander before we fall off the cliff ?

In the words of Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff, one of the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration , “Like all viruses, it will always be with us…..” In the same interview he later said of the covid crisis “… the biggest public health fiasco in history….”.

Nevertheless, our politicians behave as if they can “kill” covid. They double and triple down, insisting another lockdown will destroy a pandemic whose victims recover 99.5% of the time. And of the one half of one percent who do perish, a full 90% of them are over the age of 70. Will somebody please do the numbers? You’re more likely to be struck down by a thunderbolt.! The common flu is more likely to kill you! And if you happen to use illegal drugs, let’s don’t forget the 93,000 overdoses this calendar year caused by substances laced with fentanyl coming over the southern border by the ton. Ya have to wonder why drug dealers want to kill off their clientele.

Then there’s the 4 teachers in the same Floridian school district who died of covid on the same day. The press rolled that out as though Florida’s no mask mandate in schools was perpetuating a lethal situation in the red state. But they forgot to tell you that school was NOT in session. The poor teachers contracted the virus while NOT working.

Is it possible that Australia is under martial law because 9 people died of covid in the past few months? Can world leadership be so completely inept? Or is something else afoot, something so sinister we dare not think about it? Ask yourself why so many people in positions of authority completely reject common sense, their public duty, and the laws they swore to defend. Who in their right mind would insist on shutting an economy down, ordering people to their homes, and at the same time, de-fund the police? ‘Bizarre’ doesn’t begin to describe it.

When they lock us down cases are reduced. When they allow us our freedom, cases increase. What do you expect?? The virus is not going away! It’s waiting for us when we finally leave our homes. We must learn to live with it. Life must go on. How many have recovered from covid and currently have natural immunity? How many vaccinated? Our infrastructure is crumbling before our eyes and as bad as this pandemic may be, it is nothing compared to the damage that has been done for the sake of containing it. We call them “unintended consequences”. I call them the results of tyranny. We are destroying ourselves by obeying the fools we rely on to run the country. If living your life is civil disobedience, then the more disobedience the better.

While this fiasco is playing out in the US, the disaster in Afghanistan is much worse. The thousands of Afghans who supported our active personnel are in imminent danger. The Taliban kills much more swiftly than the virus, and at a much higher percentage. Afghans and Americans alike are in peril; and the numbers are frightening. Watch closely how your media selectively counts the causalities.

The aspect of this tragedy that is most troubling is not that hundreds of terrorists have been released from Afghan jails, not that the Taliban now own millions of dollars of abandoned US weaponry, not that women there are about to be all but enslaved, not that hundreds will die before we are out and tens of thousands more later, but it is this: China is using our failure as leverage and has already begun to threaten Taiwan. Their reasoning is simple. They have told Taiwan that America will not come to their rescue, so surrendering is their best option before a military invasion begins. “Look,” they say, “See how America treats its friends?”


Yes. The greatest of global threats is in progress. While we watch the catastrophe at hand, wearing masks and watching our pronouns, a nuclear power is beginning its play to overthrow one of our most strategic democratic allies. Taiwan, you will remember, is the last outpost of the Republic of China, which existed before the communist revolution spawned by Mao Tse-Tung circa 1949. Now we call them the CCP. Yes again. All roads lead to communism. Why do you think I write this stuff?

Reported by the Epoch Times: “China carried out assault drills near Taiwan on Aug. 17, with fighter jets, anti-submarine aircraft, and combat ships exercising off the southwest and southeast of the island in what the country’s armed forces said was a response to “external interference.” ”

The CCP has already taken Hong Cong and subjected the population to its iron fisted communist rule. They broke a previous agreements — ‘one country – two systems’ in the process, but did hold a legitimate 100 year old treaty in their hand made with the British Empire. Since Hong Cong is part of the continent, there has been little the west can do but complain.

Taiwan is a different story being a series of islands removed from the continent and the last refuge of the old Republic of China. The People’s Republic of China, otherwise known as the Chinese Communist Party, has always claimed sovereignty over the Republic of China, ie Taiwan, yet failed to impose their authority …. so far. It is contentious but …

“In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the ROC transitioned from a one-party military dictatorship to a multi-party democracy with a semi-presidential system. ” Fmd>> Wikipedia

So just as there is still an official war going on between North Korea and South Korea, with 60 years of truce, there is a de facto democratic government in Taiwan that is respected world wide, but not an official member of the United Nations. Politics is messier than any movie you could ever film. Have we not been in an undeclared economic war with China for 20 years? Did covid not start in a lab in China overseen by the Chinese military?

The question is: Will we protect Taiwan from the CCP’s aggression? Will the CCP eventually conduct a land invasion? Will we stand up to China? Or will we submit? Are we too far gone into our social welfare, gender confused, cancel culture, covid world where good men are neutered and nerds run the government like a student council at a High School ? Are there no serious people left among us?

American citizens are being threatened while the Taliban rules with impunity. American citizens are under surveillance for being patriotic. American citizens are being ordered to vaccinate or give up their jobs. Yet illegal immigrants and criminals and foreign actors are treated with tender loving care. Whose side are our so called ‘elected representatives’ on?

People in Afghanistan and Hong Cong and Cuba are being killed by totalitarian regimes. These are NOT micro aggression s. The people do not survive 99.5% of the time. None of it has to do with race. None of it has to do with equity. While we cancel those who speak up against tyranny and whine over psychotic misconceived notions of a skewed reality, the world is in turmoil. I have often said that I don’t want the USA to be the world’s policemen, but maybe, just maybe, we have to be.

Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves. They are calling us cowards and weaklings and fools and every non- politically correct insult you can think of.

The time for civil disobedience has come.

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