Confronting Reality

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As Kash Patel notes: The damage already done in Ukraine will take a generation to repair. Millions of refugees have already crossed the border in search of safety, many of them into Poland.

Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.”

Price ‘s Law: The square root of the number of people in a domain do 50% of the work.

Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe.

What do these facts have in common?

History repeats itself: 3.9 million Ukrainian people starved to death between 1930-1933 from a Stalin inflicted genocide / famine.

In 1929:

According to Trevor Erlacher, a historian and author specializing in modern Ukraine and an academic advisor at the University of Pittsburgh, “Stalin was dedicated to transforming the Ukrainian nation into his idea of a modern, proletarian, socialist nation, even if this entailed the physical destruction of broad sections of its population.”

Stalin collected crops from the independent farmers in Ukraine according to communist dogma. Historically, Russia has always depended on the Ukraine for food, but once the USSR was formed, they just took it instead of trading for it. Then he began throwing independent farmers off of their land, killing the most aggressive rebels and replaced the “independent” farmers with imported “collectives” (which amounts to slave labor).

The farmers rebelled. Most of them were eventually killed.

In 1930 they (USSR) discovered that the collectives could not produce nearly as much food as the now dead independent farmers. In fact, they had barely enough to feed themselves. Nevertheless, the communist party then took that supply away, leaving the Ukrainian collective farms with nothing to eat. This began the so called “famine”.

Not only did the Ukrainians starve, but the folks in Russia who depended on Ukrainian food. Production grew worse yet, and instead of a breadbasket, Ukraine became a casket. This is called genocide.

Direct quote:

By the summer of 1933, some of the collective farms had only a third of their households left, and prisons and labor camps were jammed to capacity. With hardly anyone left to raise crops, Stalin’s regime resettled Russian peasants from other parts of the Soviet Union in Ukraine to cope with the labor shortage. Faced with the prospect of an even wider food catastrophe, Stalin’s regime in the fall of 1933 started easing off collections.

Thankfully, food production was eventually brought back to a sustainable level in time to fight the Nazis in the late 1930s. Ever see a fat Russian?

Back to the future: 2022

Eventually, Russia will find a way to produce crops in Ukraine. But there will be little or no crop this year. Ukrainian farmers who have ordered new equipment will no longer need that new equipment. They will need tanks. The manufacturers who make that equipment now hold contracts that will never be fulfilled. The supply chain stops. Food prices go up. People go hungry.

China imports more corn from Ukraine than they do from the USA. Not this year.

Price’s Law seems immutable. Only a fraction of the world’s population produce one half of the food, one half of the equipment, one half of the energy, one half of everything. When these people are killed, or merely become despondent and give up, we will be left with one half of the material possessions we need and want.

Price ‘s Law: The square root of the number of people in a domain do 50% of the work.

I for one am sickened by people in the news saying the words “supply chain”. They haven’t the foggiest notion of what it means.

God bless the people in Ukraine fighting and dying for freedom.

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