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Libro Heredera De Un Secreto Pdf 88 \/\/TOP\\\\

Libro Heredera De Un Secreto Pdf 88 \/\/TOP\\\\


Libro Heredera De Un Secreto Pdf 88

Sin embargo, siempre ha dado la impresion de ser una iniciativa estudiosa, que apreciaba la belleza del paisano. En su sistema helados esta todos sus libros, y los ha reflejado de manera embelesadora. Asimismo la tinta de sus libros es de un maravillos anilida. Con ellos compone sus historias, y traza todos sus pasos a lo largo de los siglos.

The most important manuscripts that have come down to us have been published, some as separate works and others in collections. Among the latter we may call particular attention to the Coleccin de documentos inditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organizacin de las antiguas posesiones espaolas de Amrica y Oceania, sacados de los Archivos del Reino y muy especialmente del de Indias in sixty-six volumes (Madrid, 186484), [16] the Coleccin de documentos inditos para la historia de Espaa in one hundred nineteen volumes (Madrid, 1842), the Coleccin de libros espaoles raros curiosos in twenty-four volumes, and the Coleccin de libros y documentos referentes la historia del Per in two series, consisting of twenty-two volumes. Several of the works of the first Spanish chroniclers have been collected in the four volumes of the Historiadores primitivos de Indias that form part of the Biblioteca de autores espaoles, the publication of which was begun in Madrid in 1846. [17]

Desde 1995 he disfrutado de la maravillosa historia y la extensión de Martin Armas en sus pasajes y he escrito el libro con el fin de que algo de lo que hemos disfrutado sirva para la formaci?n de una democracia y para preservar la heranidad de nuestros hijos.

In the prologue of the second book of the Coleccin de libros y documentos referentes la historia del Per (Volume IV, the second series), we find a brief mention of an older and more detailed book, in which we find the following: “In the middle of the last century, the libraries of Mexico and Peru were thrown open to collectors, and there are many books found in them. These books, which are found in libraries to this very day, form a quite curious chapter of the history of the world. They contain the histories of the kings of Peru, Mexico, and other regions. These ancient authors have undertaken the task of narrating the conflicts of the peoples and princes of the Peruvian world, with its roads, cities, and villages.”
This probable reference to an earlier book is certainly not the work of the Rosicrucian and Cartesian, the authors of the Coleccin de libros y documentos referentes la historia del Per. It must have been written by an Andean with a special interest in the history of Peru and Peru itself. Some authors are not the products of certain parts of the world, and the history of Peru cannot be deprived of the authors who wrote in the Yucatan and Peru, as Vicomte de la Quintana has suggested. They could be Spanish or Indian authors who referred to the work of other Indians or of the Spaniards, who, in turn, were influenced by these first authors.
In the prologue of the third book of the Coleccin de libros y documentos referentes la historia del Per (Volume VIII, the third series), we find the same declaration of the author. “There are pre-Colombian Indian writers whose books do not concern kings and empires, whose books are about the acts of individuals and may or may not have some relation with the information which is found in our books. The Indians of the New World undoubtedly knew many things before the discovery of the Indians by the Spanish. Our Indies know more about their past than is known about their present. They write and speak about what they knew. They speak about their periods, cities, nations, beliefs, and history. In Peru, where it is cold and one must be careful, it would be easy to make people believe that all the things that we do and say have come down from their ancestors, but nothing of the kind can be found in their books.” If we are to accept the declaration of the author, the Indian authors of Peru and Mexico preserve information on the history of these nations; they write about their kings, and the history of the Indies is much richer for the information acquired by the Indians. Each author seems to have been an expert in his own field. The authors of the fifth series wrote about the peoples, the governments, the wars, and the customs of Peru; and the authors of the sixth series wrote about the customs, the beliefs, and the religions of the Indians. The history of Peru is full of heroes, civil administrators, and military officers, among them a great number of great warriors.

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