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. Patras Kay Mazameen In PDF Formatl Download Patras. Patras Kay Mazameen In PDF Formatl Download Patras Kay Mazameen In PDF Formatl.The secret to creating a great first impression is simple— say something you’re absolutely sure of. This is why I tell people to start by simply asking a question, to learn more about you, your answers may surprise you.

For example, when people are asked, “What do you do?” questions about people’s jobs, they are typically answered in a variety of ways that seem to be “shot in the dark”— what is your occupation? What do you do? I have a little more of an intimate understanding and knowledge about people when I ask them what I already know about them, so that I can better understand them from that angle.

The more you ask, the more you discover. And for this reason, I’m not in favor of straight up asking, “What’s on your mind?” I find it awkward and even a bit rude.

This can be easier to get into a conversation, and it’s not one I find exciting at all. Which is why I don’t normally initiate a conversation. I’m lazy. All I want is to get to the point where we’re having a good time, be in the moment and have some fun. This is rarely the case, but when it is, it’s great. So, I prefer to find out what’s on their minds and it’s usually pretty easy to pull this off.

How do I make this work?

It’s easier to make this happen when it’s someone I consider a friend or someone I just met. It’s much harder when a stranger is asking me questions, because they might have a few questions of their own.

It may be easier to find the common ground at first and make your way there from the get go. I’ve had a variety of outcomes from this technique, and they’re all pretty good.

Some will talk about their life, others talk about their day, and others share the things on their mind.

Some will share their life, others will talk about their

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