
Cartes Du Ciel Crack [32|64bit]


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Cartes Du Ciel Crack+

Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts) is a comprehensive software application that you can use to prepare sky maps for observation, according to a set of user-defined rules.
At startup, you can set up the observatory by assigning a location from the database (e.g. location code, vicinity, coordinates, country name, time zone).
In addition, you can fill the local horizon with color and display the horizon line, track an object before it rises, as well as establish atmospheric refraction (pressure, temperature, humidity, troposphere temperature lapse rate).
The interface is comfortable to work with, as you can navigate the sky and zoom in and out using the mouse cursor.
You can change observatory details, date and time settings, run simulations (e.g. planets, comets, asteroids) and enable animations while having the possibility to record them to file.
Furthermore, you can jump to equatorial, ecliptic or galactic coordinates, mirror the image horizontally or vertically, as well as rotate it left, right or by 180 degrees.
Other options of Cartes du Ciel let you view a calendar on the given location, identify variable stars, save an image to file (PNG, JPEG or BMP format), perform an advanced search (e.g. deep sky object, solar system, constellation), enable night vision mode and switch to full screen, as well as generate charts, among others.
The application has a fair response time and does not put a strain on computer performance, since it uses a very low amount of CPU and RAM. No errors were shown in our tests, and the tool did not freeze or pop up error messages. All in all, Cartes du Ciel offers a bunch of interesting options to all astronomy fans.
Cartes du Ciel Screenshots:

Cartes du Ciel Main Screen:

Cartes du Ciel Horizontal:

Cartes du Ciel Vertical:

Cartes du Ciel Horizontal Window:

Cartes du Ciel Vertical Window:

Cartes du Ciel Features:


You can enable the following simulations to perform astronomical calculations:

Arrows pointing to the sky (can be used to calculate objects’ position at a given time, and when it reaches a specified altitude, or to calculate the object’s location when it is a specific time zone)





Cartes Du Ciel Crack Free Download

While the program is installed, it is active in the background to create the sky maps.
Because of the multiple screens that are being created, you will only see the print preview when your mouse is over the whole screen. This means that the previews do not include the parts that are not visible when the program is open.
The program uses a large amount of CPU power, so I recommend that you have at least a dual-core CPU if you plan on observing.

The 2019 March update has arrived and has been upgraded to version 3.4.

The new version is not only compatible with Mac OS X 10.10.6 and above but also compatible with macOS Catalina. In other words, Macs running macOS 10.15 (Catalina) should be able to use this update.

“After more than 2 years since the first release, we are proud to announce the new version 3.4 for Cartes du Ciel.
The new version comes with an new interface, new tools and an important feature. For everyone who uses this software, do not hesitate to download it and take it for a test drive,” explained Pascal.

The new version introduces an improved user interface (UI), new features, new chart types and an updated editor. For the first time, you can now edit the map on screen.

The basic version of the software is available for €19,99 (free trial). The upgrade to the new version will be offered for free to all existing customers, and for a price of €29,99, users will be able to update their license to version 3.4.

“During the past two years, we have received a lot of messages from customers about the UI, and even more about the editor. Many people were asking for this tool. We wanted to give it to them and we are proud to announce that it is now part of the software,” explained Pascal.

This year, you will also be able to download new chart types. For the first time, users will be able to display a map on the sky, and not only for planets, stars and constellations. There will be 3 new types of maps: “Torus”, “Rings” and “Planets”.

“I wish you a happy new year, and thanks to everyone who has asked for the map. I hope you like it,” Pascal concluded.

Cartes Du Ciel 2022 [New]

It is an astronomy software application for Windows that can be used to create sky maps. At startup, the program allows you to add an observatory from the database.
The program can be used to calculate the position, atmospheric refraction, the height and temperature of the local horizon, as well as the position of the sun, moon and planets.
You can use the program to view a calendar on the location, look up objects in the local sky, as well as identify variable stars, and plot an object over the horizon, among others.
The program can be used to create custom charts (e.g. images of stars and nebulae, or stellar transits), perform a basic search, as well as identify and perform a complex search.
In addition, you can display time of day, altitude and azimuth, simulate an eclipse, as well as display sky charts.

System Requirements:

As the program uses a combination of the WINDOWS API, it can be run on computers with 32-bit versions of Windows (e.g. XP, Windows 7, 8, 8.1)
In addition, the program requires the following components:

When the application is started, an alert message shows you the version of Windows you are running. In case you need additional technical information on the version of Windows, click the Help button (Windows logo button with an open book) on the toolbar.


This is a tool to make sky charts, according to a set of user-defined rules.
When the program starts, you can select one of the predefined sky maps, a location, a date, time, or a name of a location, and you can then define a rule for the Sky Charts.
At the end of the process, you can use the generated chart, or save it to a file.
When you click the Get Now button on the toolbar, you are taken to the location of the sky map that you selected on the previous step, so you can view it right away.
Alternatively, you can select an observatory to assign the location to.
At the top of the window, you will see two buttons: Set and Get.
Click the Set button to set the sky map and data to be displayed. You can choose between the following criteria:

toast size – the size of the circle that is going to be drawn around the object, as well as a notification box and an image on

What’s New in the?

Version: 1.5.6
Size: 369 MB

Atlantikdatenbank (ADB)
ADB is a database containing information on all observatories in Germany and around the world.
You can search for the observatories by the following criteria: location, address, federal state or city, category, number of individuals in the observatory and annual number of visitors.
You can filter the results by location (address and federal state).
You can download a list of all observatories in your region to an Excel file.

Asteroid Data Base (BUDDY)
Asteroid Data Base (BUDDY) is a data base containing information on all known asteroids, starting from the year 1973.
There are currently about 27 000 asteroids listed in the database.
You can download a list of all asteroids in your region to an Excel file.

Astronomical Object Catalog
The Astronomical Object Catalog (AOC) is a database containing the orbital elements of all known asteroids.
An asteroid is regarded as discovered when the discovery is confirmed by an observing group of approved observers.
Objects from the catalog are published on the Internet.

Center of the Universe
The Center of the Universe contains an extensive list of observatories with information on all observatories in Germany and around the world.
You can search for observatories by a few criteria: location, address, federal state or city, category, number of individuals in the observatory and annual number of visitors.
You can filter the results by location (address and federal state).
You can download a list of all observatories in your region to an Excel file.

Database of the Movement of the Sun and the Moon
The Database of the Movement of the Sun and the Moon lists the daily observed positions of the sun and the moon for various years.
The database is an online platform for observing the movement of the sun and the moon, with full coverage of the whole globe.
The database is intended for professional astronomers, hobbyists and amateurs.
Description: is a web portal with a database containing information on the dark matter in the universe.
The portal contains data from observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of matter, as well as maps of the dark matter.

Eclipsing Binaries
The Eclipsing Binaries is a database containing the locations of eclipsing binaries in the Milky Way.
If you are interested in locating an eclipsing binary, or whether it is visible from your location, or in a certain constellation, this is the right database for you.
The information is updated daily and is based on the work of the www.astrogeo.

System Requirements For Cartes Du Ciel:

OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core i3 2.0 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 940
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: 400 MB available space on the hard disk
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Additional Notes:
Due to the current situation in various regions of the world, we are currently working on a possible delay. For the moment, we do not have an ETA and will let you know as soon as

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