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AutoCAD 20.0 Crack Download


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The primary purpose of AutoCAD is to provide the design tools for a wide range of architects, engineers, draftsmen, industrial designers, and other professionals who work with 2D drafting and computer-aided design (CAD). Other AutoCAD applications include technical drawing and documentation tools such as DWG, DXF, DGN, and PDF, and electronics layout and simulation tools. AutoCAD is part of the Autodesk Architectural Desktop suite.

Before version 2018.1, AutoCAD was available as a desktop version, a mobile app, and a web app, and is now available as a desktop application and a web application. The full version of AutoCAD is available on the AutoCAD package CD, DVD, or online from Autodesk; the mobile apps are available through the App Store and Google Play.


AutoCAD was developed by Timothy Brown at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center in the 1960s. The primary goals of the research project were to design a sophisticated, general-purpose CAD system that could support both engineering and architecture, and a workflow management system that could support both drafting and simulation. The drafting-oriented CAD system was the first full-scale product of the project and was originally named ACIS. The simulation-oriented component was ACIS Simulator and the workflow management component was Autodesk Workbench.

In 1977, a team under the leadership of John E. Whistler Jr. was formed at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center to develop a new version of ACIS. ACIS Simulator had been designed for mechanical drawing, and this team was tasked with developing the simulation tools required for architectural design. It was decided that ACIS needed an architectural version that would include 3D modeling, building dynamics, and material identification.

ACIS Simulator was reorganized into a new company, Level Software, and development began on the new software tool for architectural drafting. Autodesk Corporation (then based at 800 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin) was hired to write a general purpose CAD system to support the newly created Level Architecture product. Autodesk agreed to put their name and logo on the software, and in January 1980, the Autodesk software was named Autodesk AutoCAD, for Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture and Civil Design.

In 1980, the name of the software was changed to AutoCAD. AutoCAD Architecture supported the architectural needs of architects, engineers, and other

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Data file formats
AutoCAD Crack Free Download files are written in the Autodesk Exchange Drawing (XDV) file format. It is a vector-based format, containing geometry as well as tags for attributes such as layer information, materials, annotations, layer styles, linetypes, etc. An outline is represented as a collection of straight line segments, with each segment having two end points. Each line segment has an associated line style, defining the line color and thickness. The three color values are grouped together and sent to the graphics subsystem with each color defining a different color mode. Line segments are only allowed to connect at their endpoints, making the representation inherently two-dimensional.
A CAD drawing or sketch can be a one-dimensional or two-dimensional entity. CAD drawings or sketches are typically created and edited with a two-dimensional vector graphics editor, such as Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress or CorelDraw. Vector graphics editors can make use of DXF files, which import and export various other file formats and can be used for defining certain drawing entities such as lines, circles, arcs, etc. Vector drawings consist of graphics primitives, which can be combined in different ways to construct an image. A graphics primitive is a general term for geometry and other drawing elements that are used in a specific manner. A graphics primitive can include a collection of points, lines, circles, arcs, shapes, text characters, text elements, and other primitives. Vector drawings can be converted to raster or bitmap images using a process known as rendering.

Autodesk Exchange Drawing (XDV) is a vector-based file format that is used by the AutoCAD product. It is used to create both 3D and 2D design drawings. It contains geometry, attributes, and other information regarding drawing objects. The data format used for generating DXF files is not compatible with most CAD software (except AutoCAD), so DXF files are typically only viewable and editable in AutoCAD or the bundled drawing editor, Questware’s Path Insight. DXF files can be opened and viewed by other vector-based CAD programs.

AutoCAD’s native data format, native DXF file format and Direct2D file format are known as Drawing Interchange File Format or DGN. It is compatible with other AutoCAD products and most CAD software.

The native DXF file format used in AutoCAD allows for text,

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In another victory for reform-minded companies, the Royal Bank of Scotland announced yesterday that it will start disclosing its gender pay gap in 2016.

“Our commitment is that we’ll be as open as we can be,” said Sabine McNeill, head of corporate strategy. “We don’t think it is a good idea to close down the debate. It is a true work in progress. It’s a live discussion and you need to go through the process and be open to change.”

The bank will publish its pay gap data, based on employment from July 2013 to June 2014, in an appendix of its annual report on gender pay. Its previous disclosure was limited to UK-based roles, which McNeill said might limit its effectiveness.

The institution of disclosure is itself an achievement of a kind. RBS, which is majority-owned by the UK government, joined other companies, such as Tesco and Asda, to pledge last year to publish gender pay data for managers, following a campaign by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Most other UK companies already have disclosure laws, ranging from equal pay audits to mandatory data. The latter is most common: the UK government requires that all companies of a certain size publish a snapshot of their pay structures.

While the rules on mandatory disclosure do not apply to smaller firms, it is believed that more companies are making disclosures voluntarily.

“The government is in a way pushing firms to disclose,” said Alison Phipps, director of the Centre for Research into Employer Behavior at Warwick Business School. “There has been a huge amount of voluntary disclosure, but what we do know is that a lot of companies are not disclosing because they believe that is not necessary. That is to do with their interpretation of the law.”

An internal memo sent to top managers at the bank late last year by executives responsible for pay set out their views on the law, and its potential implementation.

“The Equality Act 2010 does not require a change in the way we currently disclose the gender pay gap in our annual reports,” said the memo, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian. “However, we consider that as a business we have an obligation to be open and transparent about

What’s New in the?

Be the master of your design processes and become more efficient with the new markup assist feature. It automatically identifies line and polygon styles, colors, patterns, and text to give you a new way to create onscreen drawings. (video: 1:17 min.)

Master planning and designing large-scale projects faster with new Master Plan mode, and create an accurate, dynamic layout that includes your plan and sections. (video: 2:10 min.)

Improve your draftsmanship and efficiency by creating custom dashboards and dashboards for selected objects. (video: 2:09 min.)

Work with drawings that fit in the workspace. Use the new Draft preview mode to preview your drawings in the active work area and dynamically adjust the drawing size and zoom factor. (video: 1:33 min.)

Create complex layouts with unprecedented ease and speed. Create a single section with multiple tabs, and quickly switch between sections and manage multiple pages. (video: 2:13 min.)

With the new Quick Sections feature, you can quickly create and edit sections for any object. Drag and drop sections from a group to a drawing, and quickly reposition them on the page. (video: 2:17 min.)

Work with the new Total Station tool. Use it to quickly create multiple datum planes, and to adjust positions of sections and plans. (video: 2:21 min.)

Create and work with CAD standards including the BOM, DIN, ISO, and STN formats. Export and import drawings to other file types using standard relationships, including DXF and DWG. (video: 1:27 min.)

Improve accuracy and productivity when working on projects that span multiple offices. Set up the new AutoCAD Web Client to automatically share drawings and meetings with others. (video: 1:38 min.)

Simplify your use of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) modeling and visualizations. You can access modeling and visualization tools directly from the ribbon, and seamlessly transition from 2D to 3D and back. (video: 2:34 min.)

Use rich text and math to add intelligence to drawings. You can create styled text or numerical labels that include formula calculations and formatting. (video: 1:51 min.)

Edit and combine content across platforms, including Office and mobile apps, with the new LiveLink feature. (video: 2:

System Requirements:

Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista SP2 / XP SP2
1GB or more RAM
Processor: Dual Core Intel Core i3-530 or AMD equivalent
Hardware: 128 MB or more RAM
Space: 1GB or more
Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 or later
Steam client installed
All our games have been tested with minimum system requirements. If your system falls below these, you will have a limited experience with our games. We regret that we cannot guarantee a successful

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