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AutoCAD is part of the Autodesk Suite, which includes the AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Consulting, AutoCAD MEP and Revit applications.

AutoCAD Introduction

The most popular reason for using AutoCAD is to create 2D and 3D drawings for architectural, engineering, construction, mechanical and other industrial design professionals. However, AutoCAD also includes applications that may be used by a wider range of professionals, including:

Land surveyors;

Architects, designers, and engineers;

Structural and mechanical engineers;

Environmental and civil engineers;


Landscape architects;

Architectural and interior designers;

Curators and museum curators;

Aircraft, automotive, and manufacturing designers;

Urban planners;

Civil and hydraulic engineers;

Computer programmers and data analysts;




Educational programs;

Permits and building inspectors;

Public works projects;

Architectural preservationists;

Geodetic surveyors;

Landscape architects;

Landscape planning professionals;

Landscape maintenance professionals;

GIS-Geospatial professionals;

Environmental professionals;

Visual artists;

Computer animation and production;

Architectural and design students;

Environmental scientists and data analysts;

Hazardous materials control professionals;

Web designers;

Architectural preservationist;

Structural engineers;

Museum conservators;

Landscape architects;

GIS-geodetic surveyors;

Aircraft, automotive, and manufacturing designers;

Audiovisual designers;

Educational programs;

Forestry and timber products manufacturers;

Architectural preservationist;




Environmental scientists and data analysts;

Computer programmers and data analysts;

GIS-geospatial professionals;

Environmental professionals;

Landscape architects;

Structural engineers;

Visual arts, and Graphic designers.

The combination of AutoCAD’s basic tools with the 2D and 3D objects and 3D scenes you create


Home base is drawn on paper using lines and points. The only format that can be stored is a DXF. All other drawings are created from the DXF drawing, for example by freehand drawing. Because of this, a DXF is also a scalable vector drawing format. A DXF drawing can be exported to other file formats, for example PDF, for further processing, including text rendering. Freehand drawings are rendered using a method similar to vector graphics in Microsoft Paint.

When a new drawing is created, the user can pick from a variety of objects. The drawing editor allows the user to select objects to enter into the drawing as well as import objects from other drawings. As an example, a drawing can contain a 3D drawing and an imported 2D drawing. Objects can be selected either manually, by using a keyboard hotkey, or by clicking on the objects with a mouse. The user can zoom into the drawing to make it easier to find the exact object the user is looking for.

Most objects can be moved, resized, colored, and edited in various ways. Objects can be moved to a new location in the drawing, or to a specific layer. They can be turned into parallel or perpendicular lines, other shapes, or 3D objects, all of which can be colored, shaded, outlined, or made transparent. Selecting any of these objects brings up further options, including the ability to select a given point on the object, or an area to undo changes to the object.

The user can save a copy of the drawing as a JPG, PDF, or PNG, or to a DWG or XDWG file. The user can also save the drawing as an SVG file, if the company supports it. A drawing may be copied to the clipboard, so that it can be pasted into another drawing. The drawing may be saved as a copy of the original or saved with an option to keep the original or create a copy of the original.

A number of options are available to the user to make the drawing easier to use. Toolbars can be added to the drawing window, and changes to the document properties can be made. When a drawing is open, information such as layers, dimensions, units, and fonts are displayed in a small window at the bottom of the drawing window.

The most fundamental options are available through the Properties palette. The Properties palette provides access to the document properties, including layers, colors, dimensions, units, layers properties,

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So the license is a big part, but not the entire answer.

Curta, sempre

“Curta, sempre” is a song written by Italian singer-songwriter Francesco De Gregori and interpreted by Italian artist Vanessa da Mata. The song was the winner at the Sanremo Music Festival 2007, the Italian pre-selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, with the singer’s band, Mario Blanci, as the composers. The song represented Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 in Helsinki, Finland, coming second with 241 points.

Critical reception
The song has been given a positive review by critics. It has been particularly acclaimed for its linguistic novelty, having its verses in a dialect not commonly heard by Italian audiences.



Category:2007 songs
Category:Eurovision songs of 2007
Category:Eurovision songs of Italy
Category:Sanremo Music Festival songs
Category:Vocal duets
Category:Songs written by Francesco De Gregori
Category:Songs written by Francesco De Gregori (songwriter)Q:

What’s the difference between.eval() and a reference to the same string?

So I have some javascript that looks like this:
if(item.value!= “” && item.value!= undefined && item.value!= null) {
item.value = item.value.trim().replace(/\s+/g,”);
var oldItem = $(‘#’ + + ‘_field_’ + fieldId).data(‘item’);
oldItem.value = oldItem.value; // Change value of oldItem
var newItem = $(‘#’ + + ‘_field_’ + fieldId).data(‘item’);
newItem.value = newItem.value; // Change value of newItem

But, when I do an alert on the items, they don’t have the same values.

I’ve learned that the alert(item.value) will alert a reference, and I think the rest of them would too,

What’s New in the?

Collaborate with other designers. Add and attach comments, edits, and drawings, or select entire drawings to share with other users. (video: 2:50 min.)

“AIA” has a new look

AIA integration

AutoCAD AIA has a new look designed to work with modern displays.

Outlook users can open their AIA drawings with one click on the Insert button in the View menu.

Integrated printing

You can print drawings from Outlook, Word, or PowerPoint, open AutoCAD AIA-formatted drawings in an AIA printer, and be able to print AIA-format drawings to an AIA printer.


Flattening and annotating drawings have been dramatically improved, and you can see an example in the video below.

All AIA shapes and grips are “flatten-ready” by default. If you want to save them as non-AIA flat files, use the “Flatten” button in the “File” menu.

Export to DWG and DXF

AutoCAD® 2019 and AutoCAD® 2019 for Mac are the only AutoCAD® editions that export to AutoCAD® DWG and AutoCAD® DXF format. In addition, AutoCAD® 2019 for Windows can open AutoCAD® DWG and AutoCAD® DXF format files produced by earlier releases of AutoCAD®.

You can export drawings to multiple formats from the Export menu.

AutoCAD® 2019 for Mac can open DWG and DXF format drawings created by AutoCAD® 2012 and earlier versions.

You can continue to use the legacy format export options you have now from AutoCAD® 2018 for Mac or Windows.

Many more improvements

There are many other improvements for AutoCAD® 2019. Find out more about them on the release notes page.

If you have feedback or comments for us, please let us know. Email us at You can also join the conversation in the Autodesk Community forums.

Released: February 13, 2019

AutoCAD® 2020

New name:

AutoCAD® 2020 is available now, and it includes many new features.

System requirements

While the minimum requirements

System Requirements:

For Windows 7 and 8 Users, Run The Game On High Performance Graphics mode.
For Windows Vista Users, Run The Game On High Performance Graphics mode.
For Windows XP Users, Run The Game On High Performance Graphics mode.
For Mac Users, Run The Game On High Performance Graphics mode.
How To Install:
Download the latest copy of the game from the bottom of this page.
Extract the game to your desired

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