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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Highly Compressed Only 37 Mb Megal


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The Literary Digest! The Literary Digest® Circular. The Literary Digest® Circular.. The Literary Digest. Briefly, we have had no less than three fortunes at the head of our different octavo editions, and the fact that they have continued our existence for such a considerable time, is in itself a sufficient evidence of their success.. 2. The Literary Digest! The Literary Digest® Circular. The Literary Digest® Circular.. The Literary Digest. Briefly, we have had no less than three fortunes at the head of our different octavo editions, and the fact that they have continued our existence for such a considerable time, is in itself a sufficient evidence of their success.. 2. The Literary Digest! The Literary Digest® Circular. The Literary Digest® Circular.. The Literary Digest. Briefly, we have had no less than three fortunes at the head of our different octavo editions, and the fact that they have continued our existence for such a considerable time, is in itself a sufficient evidence of their success.. 2. The Literary Digest! The Literary Digest® Circular. The Literary Digest® Circular.. The Literary Digest. Briefly, we have had no less than three fortunes at the head of our different octavo editions, and the fact that they have continued our existence for such a considerable time, is in itself a sufficient evidence of their success.. 2. The Literary Digest! The Literary Digest® Circular. The Literary Digest® Circular.. The Literary Digest. Briefly, we have had no less than three fortunes at the head of our different octavo editions, and the fact that they have continued our existence for such a considerable time, is in itself a sufficient evidence of their success.. 2. The Literary Digest! The Literary Digest® Circular. The Literary Digest® Circular.. The Literary Digest. Briefly, we have had no less than three fortunes at the head of our different octavo editions, and the fact that they have continued our existence for such a considerable time, is in itself a sufficient evidence of their success.. 2. The Literary Digest! The Literary Digest® Circular. The Literary Digest® Circular.. The Literary Digest. Briefly, we have had no less than three fortunes at the head of our different octavo editions, and the fact that

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How to create an attribute and methods on an object

I’m developing a web-app, and I’m creating a DTO class to be used to exchange data between the client and the server.
I’ll need an attribute or a method that takes in 2 parameters (a int and a string), and return a string. For example, I’ll need something like this:
public string[,] GetDTM (int sourceRow, string sourceColumn, string targetRow, string targetColumn)
//My method

How do I design the class for such a method, and how do I call it?


Design a class and override GetHashCode() and Equals(). Example:
class MyDTO
public int SourceRow {get; set;}
public string SourceColumn {get; set;}
public int TargetRow {get; set;}
public string TargetColumn {get; set;}

public override int GetHashCode()
return SourceRow.GetHashCode() + TargetRow.GetHashCode() + SourceColumn.GetHash

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