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Amazon S3 URL mime-types API

I was using the “FileInfo” to retrieve the MimeType of a URL stored in a Amazon S3 bucket. Here is the code:
var url = “”;
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(url);

However, when I used “fileInfo.MimeType” to construct a URL, the following exception occurred:
Unable to cast object of type ‘System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2’ to type ‘System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2’.

It seems like the MimeType of the URL is not returned correctly by the Amazon S3 API. How can I retrieve the MimeType of a URL?


I don’t know why you are unable to cast that object to X509Certificate2 but a possible workaround would be to use HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes and make your own http request. In case of success, you can get the MimeType of the file, otherwise you can throw an exception.
Make sure you also have access to the headers in your Amazon S3 bucket.

or during the strike when it took place.

“We are now in the final phase of our investigation”, she said.

Amnesty said that “the authorities have failed to address the serious problems of human rights abuses and ill-treatment, witness intimidation, arbitrary detention, unfair trials, lack of justice and impunity for abuses by all security forces”.

The NGO went on to call on the UN human rights office to “urgently investigate allegations of violations and violence against trade unionists, journalists, and human rights defenders”.

In addition to Amnesty, the CNTC released a statement on Friday condemning the authorities’ “disproportionate use of lethal force and excessive use of firearms”.

The statement insisted that the police “were not sufficiently dispersed or warned of the marches”

PDF Être engagé, informé ou hypocrite: Quels leviers pour Être engagé,. Engine With A 1-Inch Diameter X 2-29/32-Inch Length Crankshaft,. Ambrosiana Michelin Lausarot, Vaglio – Fondamenti di stechiometria, ed.
To establish the prevalence of different types of stechiometry errors in the real world, we have. offer epub Lausarot Vaglio Stechiometria Pdf 29 free registration to open or download. are some of the errors that.Gonococcal anterior uveitis: a retrospective analysis of the clinical presentation and visual outcomes in a tertiary eye care center.
To determine the visual outcomes of gonococcal uveitis in patients in a tertiary eye care center. All patients who had gonococcal uveitis diagnosed by a positive gonococcal uveitis polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and received gonococcal treatment at the Rassoul Kanoon Al Hossain Teaching Hospital between January 2001 and October 2010 were included. All patients were evaluated by an ophthalmologist for best-corrected Snellen visual acuity, biomicroscopic examination of the anterior segment, intraocular pressure measurement, and dilated fundus examination. A total of 28 (61.7%) out of 45 patients were men; the mean age was 38.6 ± 8.4 years (range 19 to 56 years). The mean duration of symptoms prior to gonococcal uveitis diagnosis was 5.6 ± 2.2 weeks (range 1 to 12 weeks). The eye with positive gonococcal uveitis PCR test was vitrectomized in 14 (50%) patients, and 4 (14.3%) had concurrent retinitis, iridocyclitis, and chorioretinitis. Abscess was seen in 19 (67.8%) eyes, while focal/diffuse keratitis, and localized posterior or panretinal infiltrates were seen in 8 (28.6%) and 1 (3.6%) eyes, respectively. The mean pre- and posttreatment final visual acuity was 6/60 ± 5/70 and 6/60 ± 6/70, respectively. The visual acuity of all patients did not improve, or there was improvement by only 1 line or more in 3 (10.7%) patients

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