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Is casual sex bad for your health? Here’s a side-by-side look at what science says about the advantages and disadvantages of casual sex.
The Pros: It’s a good idea to have sex, according to the CDC
Teasing and Touching
Having casual sex has a lot of positive effects, one of the most obvious of which is improving one’s mental health — what’s called “socially-mediated health benefits.” The sociologists Gary S. Becker and Kevin J. Lehman explain that by treating sex as a commodity, we have also treated it as something with “no value in itself” — “If there is no expectation that we will have sex unless we like the person, then sex does not have intrinsic value,” and is no longer a form of self-care. And because sex has no inherent value, it also has no psychological investment to speak of — it’s just something you’ll do if you want to. “If people think sex is only for reciprocal exchange, it’s not pleasurable on its own,” And talking about sex is not simply inadvisable due to an immense stigma and taboo around it — it can also be more productive.
There is very little scientific research that looks at the effects of sex, but from what we have, it seems to make you more well-adjusted. In a 2015 study of 1,400 adults, when participants had at least five sexual partners in the previous year, they were more likely to rate themselves as being satisfied with life and having high self-esteem than participants who had fewer sexual partners in the past year. This supports earlier studies that showed the benefits of having casual sex. A 2013 study followed a group of 1,000 people over a period of 50 years. Researchers found that the group who had at least 10 sexual partners and no serious consequences reported a “healthy sex life” in their 20s, with a higher likelihood of being sexually experienced than men who had no sexual partners at all.
In terms of emotional and health benefits, you’re more likely to be happier if you’re having sex with someone you care about. “The frequency of casual sex, in and of itself, is relatively low, but it is frequent enough that it can generally have a high rate of positive correlations with well-being,” says Joseph S. Piccolo, Ph.D., a co-author of the study
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Physical HealthMost sources define sex as “the complete genital penetration of one person by another.”1, 2 But that doesn’t mean it’s bad for your health. The most commonly reported side effect is headache, followed by cramps and dizziness (1). Other reported symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and bleeding (1).
Sexual Health
“Healthy sex” has two very different meanings, depending on which side of the bed you land on:
All that said, the dangers don’t appear to be more common among women who regularly engage in hookup culture. And according to the CDC, less than 1% of sexually active women are diagnosed with chlamydia, which is one of the most common infections.
12/15/2018 10:25:00 PM

20 Things You Should Never Eat Or Drink While Pregnant
When was the last time you indulged in something salty? In a published research paper, medical researchers found that among pregnant women in Ireland, those who ate salty snacks like potato chips had a higher chance of having an abnormal baby.3 In fact, women who ate at least one salty snack during each of their three trimesters had a greater risk of giving birth to babies with smaller heads. Most likely, salty snacks lead to increased water retention, which in turn causes an actual increase in head size of the fetus. However, you don’t want to restrict your intake of salty snacks if you’re expecting. Your sodium levels should be watched to ensure you don’t get too high and potentially make your baby too big. What should you be avoiding? Here are some of the foods that are best for you and your baby when you’re pregnant and how much you should limit them:1. Pasta, bread and sugar — even a little bit can upset your stomach, cause indigestion and make you feel bloated. If you’re craving something tasty that tastes good, but doesn’t agree with your stomach, it’s a good idea to steer clear. A little pasta, bread, and sugar might not hurt you but these things together can. If you can’t eat without feeling bloated, try eating more fruits and vegetables instead.
12/15/2018 10:25:00 PM

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