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One way to think about sex and casual sex is in terms of what it’s not. It’s not amazing sex with amazing sex. In fact, amazing sex is rarely casual in any context, unless you’re in some sort of sex cult where all sex is amazing, and things stay that way for a long time. The opposite of amazing is boring.
And great sex is hard to do and most of us don’t do it often because sex is gross. (Until you grow to love it over time.) So, casual sex is not amazing or great sex. It’s sex that isn’t amazing sex (unless you’re in a sex cult) and is usually rather brief. Casual sex is usually short-term; it’s not even a specific goal in its own right, like loving someone. Rather, it’s the byproduct of wanting to be loved.
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Sex isn’t casual. It takes planning to avoid frequent casual sex. So you’ll likely never be casual in a way that involves casual sex. Casual relationships don’t have to be harmful, but they’re usually not worth it. They’re not worth it, even though we’re so indoctrinated and conditioned to think they should be.
For one thing, casual relationships aren’t relationships. They’re not two people in love. Casual relationships are people in bed together. When you sleep with someone, you don’t even enjoy casual sex, much less “love” them. You probably just enjoyed sex with them, for the sake of your carnal pleasure. Relationships are all about enduring some pain together, and that necessarily involves emotions, thoughts, and behavior — not simply “awesome sex.” So casual sex is inherently not a relationship.
Many casual sex enthusiasts think that “casual” is the same thing as “sexual.” This is another misunderstanding. It’s not. You don’t have to have casual sex in order to have a sexual relationship. In fact, it’s the opposite. Sexual relationships are reserved for those that are deeply interested in each other. Casual sex is the opposite of having a sexual relationship. That’s why it’s so easy to “mistake casual for casual.”
There’s no such thing as casual. The idea of casual has no meaning when you’re casual about relationships. It has meaning when you’re casual about sex. So, if you’re going to be casual about sex, make sure you aren’t casual about relationships. Otherwise, you’re more likely to get hurt. Casual relationships are habit
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Sometimes the past is the best judge of the present. When people said that casual sex was once taboo, they might actually have been right, but that doesn’t change the fact that the act itself has been completely normalized now. For some people, casual sex is about ‘getting off.’ But the stigma is largely gone — you just don’t have to convince your parents, or the general public — that’s no longer an issue for you, so you’re just going to have to do the right thing.
Is the mainstreaming of casual sex necessarily a bad thing?
People crave sex and women go to great lengths to get it, so casual sex is a very widespread phenomenon. Whether or not it’s a moral issue is not only the purview of you, but you’re also not the only person who decides whether or not it’s acceptable for them. Since it’s now an accepted part of the culture, it’s sometimes hard for your parents or the community to completely put its concerns about it to rest.
It’s important to realize that casual sex isn’t as icky to most of the people who have it as it is to you. Few people have the internalized stigma of being ‘dirty’ as the traditional-minded do. Many people choose not to have sex unless they are in committed relationships, so it’s different for them because the stigma is around NOT having sex in the first place. If you are worried about getting sexually transmitted diseases, pick up the proper prevention method and don’t have sex if you are not up to it. However, there’s nothing wrong with having friends or casual relationships with people who are sexually active.
Will everyone who is sexually active behave like they’re playing Russian roulette?
It’s true that because there’s such great casual sex available, many people are having more sex than they used to and as such, are acting a bit recklessly. If you are willing to entertain your partner regardless of whether or not you have sex with them, you’ll be able to live with yourself and everyone else if you do get sick. However, being sexually active doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be careless about STDs. Strain on the opposite and having sex despite an infection puts you at risk for complications. Here’s a great guide on how to spot STDs: How to Have Safer Sex The Right Way.
Is casual sex just an excuse to do it when you’re not in love?
More often than not, people who casually have sex do it because they’re attracted

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