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Hoyle 2013 Card Puzzle And Board Games TorrentMedia playback is unsupported on your device Media caption The BBC’s Shahien Nasirpour in Kabul: “We’re afraid that the government is slowly moving away from political reform”

Afghanistan’s parliament has declared a state of emergency in the wake of protests against President Hamid Karzai’s re-election.

Opposition politicians and civil rights groups say there was widespread fraud in the vote.

The election was held in March but opposition leaders demanded a re-run.

A parliamentary committee is now looking into the possibility of a new vote. Meanwhile, the US is warning against a violent response.

The protesters have threatened further demonstrations if the government re-runs the election.

The Afghan election commission has also rejected the claims of fraud.

The declaration of a state of emergency was a step taken by President Karzai’s government to try to stop further protests against him.

On Monday, at least 20 people died in clashes between pro- and anti-Karzai demonstrators in the capital, Kabul, according to local media.

Image caption Afghan President Hamid Karzai was re-elected in March

BBC security correspondent Shahien Nasirpour says a group of Afghans have applied to the High Electoral Commission for a re-run of the vote.

He says it could take about two weeks to get this final decision, but it could still push the date of the next presidential election beyond this year.

The Constitutional Loya Jirga – a permanent parliament – is also due to meet later to discuss the election.


The National Election Commission, which holds a monopoly on the conduct of elections in Afghanistan, says a majority of voters rejected the opposition boycott.

“The election commission considers that these results are highly credible and free and fair,” a statement from the commission reads.

The BBC’s Quentin Sommerville, in Kabul, says local electoral officials were upset after the three opposition candidates were disqualified from running.

On Saturday, the interim government announced that an investigation found widespread fraud in Karzai’s re-election last month and pledged to “bring the perpetrators of fraud to justice”.

But opposition figures want to see the full results of this investigation, before any talks of a

The Computer Outbounds also have plans to start a service called TuneIn Radio that will allow Spotify users to stream radio shows from around the world.

Spotify added podcast support to the Linux version of its app in April, which included support for the free-to-listen “audio books” feature that was introduced in 2014.

Although Spotify’s Linux version has only limited podcast support at present, other free-to-listen radio platforms are fairly common.

Free alternatives: FreepdB, Radio Earth, and RPi Radio

FreepdB is a simple, powerful, and easy-to-use freeware application that can be used to create internet radio programs.

To use it, you first need to sign up with one of the many providers like TuneIn Radio that offer podcasts (for a modest monthly fee).

Next, the app requires a public access frequency (PAS) number, which can be obtained from your internet service provider (ISP) or a local university.

After that, you can use the app to create and stream an internet radio show, either one of your own choosing, or one of the many free-to-listen radio shows available on the internet (which you can search for on the FreepdB website).

FreepdB supports a simple playlist manager, so you can easily organize and search for multiple shows at once.

The web interface doesn’t allow users to personalize the user interface, and does not support the slideshow feature.

However, FreepdB does have a few bugs that prevent it from being a fully-featured application.

One major bug is that although you can transfer podcasts between devices using the application, the app fails to remember the last volume level from device to device.

If you switch from a smartphone to a tablet, for example, you must reconnect the app to get the volume levels to match.

Lastly, the app is missing an option to create a custom radio station with music provided by the user.

RPi Radio is also a simple, easy-to-use freeware application that allows users to create and play internet radio stations.

The application requires a RPi microcontroller (used for embedded computing) to be connected to the internet.

Users can optionally purchase an optional wireless speaker that can receive the signals from the RPi.

RPi Radio’s default website provides lists of free-to-listen podcasts

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