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Since its first release in 1982, AutoCAD has seen significant updates and revisions, and in 2019 it is still the flagship product in Autodesk’s CAD portfolio, which also includes AutoCAD LT (a low-cost, lightweight alternative to AutoCAD), AutoCAD Web-based, Inventor, Creo, and DataCore.

AutoCAD is known for its intelligent features, simplicity of use, integration with other AutoCAD software and other software applications, and cost-effectiveness. At the same time, its steep learning curve and complexity have been a source of criticism. AutoCAD 2017 introduced a range of capabilities that were unprecedented in CAD software in the 1980s and 1990s, including multi-block design, spline curves, parametric design, rendering, and scripting.

1. What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a desktop application that can be purchased as a stand-alone software product or bundled with other Autodesk software.

The Autodesk website lists seven major AutoCAD versions and various service packs. All AutoCAD versions can be used on all OS platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux), as well as the Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. In addition to stand-alone AutoCAD versions, AutoCAD is available in a package with other Autodesk products such as AutoCAD LT, the 3D CAD application VectorWorks, and the 3D modeling application AutoCAD Architecture.

AutoCAD is intended for professional use in large organizations and industry and is suitable for home or small-to-medium-sized businesses. AutoCAD is produced by Autodesk, a provider of software development tools, management consulting services, and design, engineering, and construction services.

Top AutoCAD features

AutoCAD has long been the premier 2D drafting and design application for computer-based drafting, but in recent years its feature set has expanded into various other areas including 3D modeling, web design, and architectural design.


When it was first introduced, AutoCAD was a desktop application used in manufacturing, architecture, and construction, with two main advantages over other CAD programs: It was relatively cheap and it was easy to learn.

In 1981, Autodesk sold a single-processor version of the AutoCAD desktop app to small and medium-sized businesses for about $2,000. The app was

AutoCAD 20.1 Activator

See also

CAD standards
Comparison of CAD editors for PCB design
Comparison of CAD editors for rapid prototyping
Comparison of CAD editors for technical drawing
Comparison of computer-aided design editors


Further reading

External links

AutoCAD’s official site
A-Z of AutoCAD software features
AutoCAD 360 and SketchUp support
AutoCAD 360 online collaboration
AutoCAD Architecture online collaboration

Category:2001 software
Category:CAD software for Windows
Category:Drawing software
Category:MacOS graphics software
Category:Computer-aided design software for WindowsQ:

Chrome extension runAction in popup

I want to run an action from my background script in a popup. I already tried it with run_at(), but if I set that to the startTime in run_at() that time, everything disappears.
I don’t know how to run a function in the popup from my background script.
This is my code:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() {
chrome.tabs.create({url: ‘about:blank’});
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: “js/popup.js”});


And it’s not working. If I run it in my background script everything is ok.


You need to add permissions to chrome.tabs.executeScript like so:

To use Chrome extensions, the permission “tabs” is required. This is
because, when you use the tabs API, chrome.tabs.create() opens a new
tab (or “pops up” a new tab). The permissions must be set in
“web_accessible_resources” in the manifest.json file for your

Then you can also add permissions in the background.js:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() {
chrome.tabs.create({url: ‘about:blank’}, function() {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: “js/popup.js”});

This is what it looks like on a

AutoCAD 20.1 Crack+

Open Autocad and press the ‘Start Drawing’ button.

Step 1 of 8
You should open the following menu.

Step 2 of 8
Choose ‘Import Options’ and check the box beside ‘Clipboard’.

Step 3 of 8
Click ‘OK’.

Step 4 of 8
Click ‘Import’ and choose ‘Paste As…’ from the list.

Step 5 of 8
Select ‘Line Of Clipping’ from the list and press the ‘OK’ button.

Step 6 of 8
Wait while the keygen creates the dxf key.

Step 7 of 8
Press the ‘Close’ button.

Step 8 of 8
Press ‘OK’ to save the file.

The International Core Project (ICP) Team is pleased to announce the release of the ICP v5.8.3 for Neo4j server and Neo4j Desktop. The last ICP release had been released in late April and contained a number of enhancements. With the previous release we made modifications to the Solr connector. For v5.8.3 we rewrote the Neo4j Solr integration completely. It makes use of the new Oracle Solr java client and as such is now able to work with Java 1.8. The ICP Team has also focused on improving the basic code of Neo4j to better support automation, code generation and to ease the integration of new features. A major goal of v5.8.3 was to enhance the documentation.

v5.8.3 includes the following:

New Highlight API

Upgraded XSLT Processor

New bundled version of Apache Solr for Neo4j 3.x

Enhanced Documentation

Enhanced Documentation for HTML5

Enforced Full-Text Search

Upgraded XSLT Processor

The Highlight API allows developers to easily wrap the output of any queries in a set of tags. This is very useful if you want to interact with the data via XPath or CSS for presentation purposes. For example:

Search Box

Core Components

The Neo4j Server can be started with the new Enhanced Core components. This allows you to start the server with the Core jars preinstalled. The same components can also be started from the Neo4j Desktop. This makes use of the new drop-in connectors for the server component.


We have made a number of

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

The ability to send and receive comments, as well as modify existing comments, from colleagues using Markup Assist is an important feature. Import and send comments from a Print Design Review (PDR) folder.

The ability to mark up text using multiple font styles is useful for creating a consistent, legible design. You can change text style on the fly and with multiple options available. (video: 1:07 min.)

Markup Tooltips:

Favorites, searching for existing text or lines, copying and pasting lines, creating new lines, and creating and modifying annotations in multiple views are simplified.

The ability to add, copy, and delete annotations, and to move or reorder the existing annotations, is a much-needed feature. It’s also a lot more efficient than using the toolbox and menus.

Word Art in Annotations:

Word Art is now included in annotations, making them even more versatile. Word Art can be edited using standard tools like the Markup Tool. (video: 1:22 min.)

The existing markup functions are enhanced by the ability to share, collaborate, search for, and link to existing annotations. Also, make comments on shared documents through PDF, in both read and edit modes.

PDF Layout Tools:

Work with layouts in AutoCAD for the first time. Select the layout from the toolbox or draw one to use in your current drawing.

The AutoCAD Editor enables you to view and edit a PDF document. (video: 1:09 min.)

The ability to navigate a PDF document and its contents using just keyboard commands is a powerful tool. You can highlight text and navigate to the next or previous page. The highlight text can be copied to the clipboard or used to create a new annotation. (video: 1:17 min.)

PDF Editing Tools:

Edit PDF documents as you would any other AutoCAD drawing. Using the PDF Edit toolset, change the text and layout of a PDF.

With PDF editing tools, you can modify the text and layout of a PDF drawing. (video: 1:17 min.)

Enhanced PDF annotation tools:

Add, copy, and delete annotations. Export to Word and include an annotation with the text.

The ability to add, edit, copy,

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows XP (SP3), Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: 1.8 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 1024×768
DirectX: Version 9.0c
OS: Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 8
Processor: 2.0 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 1280×1024
Windows 7 users: For best performance, enable DirectX 11 and turn off hardware acceleration if available
Compatible hardware:

spaceman slot