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© Britannica Brands 2019. so, that is one of the most expensive places in the world to study. For one, you have to pay for both tuition and books, and they cost a lot of money, especially in the UK, where I live. In China, the Tuition Fees for Chinese universities are around 3, 000 yuan per semester.
The $50, 000 scholarship is one of the exceptions. MIT admits some Chinese students on what they call their “special visa,” which allows them to attend the school for up to 10 years.
In that same way, Chu has watched the rise of Chinese universities, from being deemed a novelty in her early 20s, to becoming a major rival for American universities. When she arrived at China’s elite Tsinghua University in 2013, she thought she would be among the first wave of Chinese students attending a Western school.
“When I was in the UK, I asked [my mom] why I should go to America,” she recalls. “ .
“I understood that it is not easy to get a scholarship, but I thought it is still possible. But I don’t know how many universities can afford [scholarships] — when the money is so limited.”
She doesn’t come from a wealthy family, and she needs her parents to co-sign for the $50, 000 scholarship. She also needs to secure a decent financial aid package. But for the first time, she’s not worried about money. Her scholarship makes it easy for her to pay for school, and she’s happy just to be here.
“In the UK, you have to survive first, and then you can study,” she says. “Over here, you can study first, and then you can worry about surviving.”
For the vast majority of Chinese students, it’s a more struggle- ing journey. Most families can’t afford to send their children abroad — despite the fact that getting a scholarship can be the difference between their kids being able to come to a school like MIT or not.
“Some families can afford the [college entrance exams], but some families can’t afford it. But even those families, when they submit the application to a university, they don’t even apply to the rest of the universities,” says Patrick Hsu, who heads the China program at the financial aid service company Top Tier. “If they know that one university of them gets enough grant to cover their tuition, the tuition can be waived.”

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