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Zippyshare is a website that allows you to download files, but not as individual files. You can download files that are in a file, files, or even those that are split into different directories and sub-directories. You can even download file that are divided into.rar files, though you will be notified of that and will have to download the content separately.

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MirrorLauncher is a simple to use file sharing application that provides you with the ability to share your files with others via a web interface. With this application, you can transfer your files to and from your clients via a secure web interface, all without ever having to download anything. The web interface allows you to view and edit your clients files, as well as accept or reject them. Every day, you will receive a fresh list, updated every minute. Each site on our list is selected based on their quality and reputation, and after having been repeatedly checked for violations of your copyright. So far, we have never found any copyright violation. You’ll also find other archives such as games that were released on Consol format and can be recognized. Also, you can search for torrents, share lists and download them in our archive. Please note that we are a legal portal with legal content.

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